Manage Fields in MI Strings


If the parameters for 'Payment information', 'End-to-end ID', or 'Instruction ID' are enabled in 'AP Payment Method. Open' (CRS071), the configuration for these parameters are set up in 'Manage Fields in MI Strings. Open' (CRS485).

'Payment information', End-to-end ID, and Instruction ID can be used when payment messages are created using 'Global electronic messages' as described in the configuration guide. For payment messages created using Financial Business Messages (FBM), the usage of the fields depends on the messages and is described in the documentation for the message.

The payment information is saved per payment proposal for AP (the FPSUGI table) and per direct debiting number for AR remittance proposals (the FARREI table). In (CRS485), the string contents for the payment information field are defined based on which fields and format to use.

The payment information that is saved is available in the MI programs APS130MI and ARS300MI.

In (CRS485) different settings can be used based on program name 'APS130MI – Supplier payment'.

Program APS130MI – Supplier payment

For the APS130MI program, different types of information can be used:

  • Payment information
  • End-to-end ID – External ID for payment transactions
  • Instruction ID – Internal ID for payment transactions

There are also parameters in 'Payment method AP' (CRS071) related to the different types of information.

Payment information

The set up can be done based on 'Payment method', 'Account' (bank account), 'Language', and 'Number of payments'. Only 'Payment method' is mandatory.

'Number of payments' indicates the maximum number of invoices per payee and payment document for which the setup for payment information is applicable. The setup with 'Number of payments'= 0 is used in case no setup applicable to the number of invoices in a payment document is found. It is therefore important to include this setup for each combination of other fields. Otherwise, the payment information is created using the default value 'Supplier invoice number' only.

In (CRS485), panel E, the decimal format, the string separator, and the field separator are defined. It is also possible to use 'Add blank' for 'String separator' and 'Field separator', which means that a blank space is added after the separator.

The 'Message exceeded' field indicates a message that is added in the payment information string when the payment information is exceeded. If no message is entered, the payment information string is blank when the number of characters is exceeded.

Several fields can be added as content of the information string. The description is automatically retrieved from the field when the field is added. A 'Header text' can be added for each field and the header text is then added also to the string. The 'One-time use' field indicates whether to use this field in the first string only, and not in the following strings within the same payment. The field 'Edit code' indicates how the values should be presented.

The 'Payment information' is created when the related option 8='Preliminary/copy' or 9='Confirm' is used in the 'Payment Proposal' in (APS130). The information is updated in the P2TEXT field (which contains 140 characters) in the table for 'Supplier Payments' payment information' (FPSUGI).

If the setup in (CRS485) is changed and the payment proposal is still in status 1, the payment information can be recreated using related option 8 in (APS130). If a payment proposal is deleted, the payment information is also deleted.

If the parameter for 'Payment information' is disabled in (CRS071), this will not affect an existing payment proposal which means that the information in the table 'Supplier Payments payment information' (FPSUGI) will not be deleted or updated due to the change.

The payment information is not displayed in M3, but can be retrieved using the MI program APS130MI, transaction 'LstPayByDoc' with the input field 'TAGG'=blank.

End-to-end ID – External ID for payment transactions

'End-to-end ID' indicates a unique identification for a payment transaction. Whenever possible (depending on the bank format), the ID is sent to the supplier in order to identify the payment. If supported by the bank format, the ID is sent back to the company through the bank statement.

'End-to-end ID' must be defined in (CRS485) per payment method (mandatory) with 'bank account ID' and language' as optional fields and only be allowed for payment methods with payment class 3='Bank transfer'.

Depending on the setting in (CRS071) for 'End-to-end ID', the information is created differently:

  • If alternative 1 is used, a standard value containing payment proposal number, order number, and document number is used.
  • If alternative 2 is used, the user-defined value is configured in (CRS485).
  • If a configuration is missing in (CRS485), the default values will be used.

The information will be updated as additional information number 466 in Accounts Payable (the FPLEDX table) and, if applicable, in Accounts Receivable (the FSLEDX table) as additional info number 266. The information can later be used for allocation in the functionality for Automatic Bank Statement (ABS).

Instruction ID for payment transactions

'Instruction ID' indicates an identifier for a payment transaction and can be used for reconciliation on the company side. It is normally not sent to the supplier. If supported by the bank format, the ID is sent back to the company via the bank statement.

'Instruction ID' must be defined in (CRS485) per payment method (mandatory) with a 'bank account ID' and language' as optional fields and only be allowed for payment methods with payment class 3='Bank transfer'.

Depending on the setting in (CRS071) for 'Instruction ID', the information is created differently.

  • If alternative 1 is used, a standard value containing payment proposal number, order number, document number, and payee ID is used.
  • If alternative 2 is used, the user-defined value is configured in (CRS485).
  • If configuration is missing in (CRS485), the default values will be used.

The information will be updated as additional information number 467 in Accounts Payable (the FPLEDX table) and, if applicable, in Accounts Receivable (the FSLEDX table) as additional info number 267. The information can later be used for allocation in the functionality for Automatic Bank Statement (ABS).

Common settings for End-to-end ID and Instruction ID

On panel E of (CRS485), the 'Field length' is set. The field indicates the maximum number of positions that may be used for the selected field. The number of positions depends on the payment message, but the overall maximum number of positions is limited to 45 since the information is stored as additional information in Accounts Payable. On the same panel, the 'string separator', and the 'field separator' are defined. It is also possible to use 'Add blank' for the 'string separator' and the 'field separator', which means that a blank space is added after the separator.

The field 'Only first' indicates that only information from the first invoice is to be included.

The field 'Truncate info' indicates, if selected, that the information selected for the payment ID should be truncated in case the maximum field length is exceeded.

Several fields can be added as content of the information string. The description is automatically retrieved from the field when the field is added. A header text can be added for each field and the header text is then also added to the string.

The field 'And/or' is used to create a condition to retrieve one and/or another value to be included in the information.

'Exclude non-numeric characters' indicates whether non-numeric characters should be excluded. An example of this is an invoice number that contains letters.

The field 'Trim zeroes' can be enabled to remove leading zeroes for numeric values.

'Left' or 'right' indicates if the characters should be counted from the left or from the right.

The field 'No. of characters' indicates how many characters that can be used (maximum 99).

'Default if zero/blank' indicates a default value that will be used if the found value is zero or blank or if the object &DFLT is selected. The field is not used when the condition 'And/or' is set to 'Or'.

The permitted fields for 'End-to-end ID' and 'Instruction ID' are retrieved from the field group 'CRAP2' in 'Field Group. Display Permitted Fields' (CRS109).

The information is created when the related option 8='Preliminary/copy' or 9='Confirm' is used in the 'Payment Proposal' in (APS130). The information is updated in the P2TEXT field (which contains 140 characters) in the table for 'Supplier Payments payment information' (FPSUGI).

If the setup in (CRS485) is changed and the payment proposal still is in status 1, the payment information can be recreated using related option 8 in (APS130).

If a payment proposal is deleted, the payment information is also deleted.

The information is not displayed in M3, but can be retrieved using the MI program APS130MI transaction 'LstPayByDoc' with the input field 'TAGG' = EndToEndID (the value ENDTOENDID is also accepted) or 'TAGG' = InstructID (the values INSTRUCTID, InstructionID, and INSTRUCTIONID are also accepted).

If a user-defined configuration is set up in (CRS485), but no information was found for the selected field (for example invoice reference field 1), no 'End-to-end ID' / 'Instruction ID' is created.

If the parameters for 'End-to-end ID' and 'Instruction ID' are disabled in (CRS071) this will not affect an existing payment proposal, which means that the information in the 'Supplier Payments payment information' table (FPSUGI) will not be deleted or updated due to the change.


There is a limitation for the Swiss country version (MCH), which cannot use the payment information functionality, due to the fact that the payment files are created through MvxFileTransfer.

Before you start

Set up the parameters for 'Payment information', 'End-to-end ID' and 'Instruction ID' in 'AP Payment Method. Open' (CRS071) depending on the payment message used.

Follow these steps

  1. Select the 'Type of information' for 'Payment information', 'End-to-end ID', or 'Instruction ID' to be able to create new records in 'Manage Fields in MI Strings. Open' (CRS485).

  2. In panel E of (CRS485), select the fields to be included in the information string and select what different formats such as string separator, field separator, etc. that should be used.

  3. Create a payment proposal in 'Supplier Payment Proposal. Open' (APS130) for the AP payment method setup in (CRS071) for this purpose.

  4. Select related option 8='preliminary/copy' or related option 9='confirm' to create the information string.

  5. Use MI program APS130MI transaction 'LstPayByDoc' to check the information. Use input field 'TAGG' blank for 'Payment information', 'TAGG' =EndToEndID (value ENDTOENDID is also accepted) or 'TAGG' = InstructID (value INSTRUCTID, InstructionID and INSTRUCTIONID are also accepted).