Create Lines

This procedure is used to define the lines to be included in a report. You can define text lines, detail lines, calculation lines and external lines. For more information, see the Report Definition process.

Before You Start

  • A report header must be created in ‘Report. Open’ (RGS600).
  • If defining a calculation line, the lines that are used as the basis for the calculation must be created in ‘Line. Open’ (RGS620).
  • If defining an external line, the report and line from which the values are to be retrieved must be created.

Follow These Steps

  1. Start ‘Report. Open’ (RGS600/B).

  2. Select option 12 = Lines for the report to be processed, to start ‘Lines. Open’ (RGS620/B). Set the panel sequence to E1.

  3. Create a new line by selecting New. The line number is set automatically, but can also be entered manually.

  4. Select one of the following alternatives:

    • To create a text line, go to step 5.
    • To create a detail line, go to step 8.
    • To create a calculation line, go to step 16.
    • To create an external line, go to step 20.

    Define a Text Line

  5. On the E panel, specify line type 3 = ‘Text line’ and press Enter.

  6. Specify the layout of the line by using the fields on panel E. Press Enter.

  7. In ‘Line. Specify Text’ (RGS623/E), type the text that you want to be printed on the line and press Enter. Return to step 4. (For examples, see the example section below.)

    Define a Detail Line

  8. On the E panel, specify line type 1 = ‘Detail line’ and type the text you want to be printed as the line’s header in the ‘Text line’ field.

  9. Specify the layout of the line by using the fields on the panel. Press Enter.

  10. In ‘Line. Specify’ (RGS621/E), review the balance key retrieved from the report and, if necessary, change the key. (Note that the key specified here will override the key specified in the report header.)

  11. Specify values in the fields for value type, debit/credit code and external/internal transactions, to determine what amounts and what types of transactions are to be displayed in the line. If necessary, specify the budget number and version. Press Enter.

  12. On the F panel, specify the level of detail and subtotals for each of the fields included in the balance key. Press Enter.

  13. On the G panel, select one of the following alternatives:

    • If you want to limit the selection of information included, go to step 14.
    • Press F3 and return to step 4.
  14. Specify an identity for a range and select New.

  15. On the H panel, specify a range of values using the From and To fields for the different fields included in the balance key. Only information from the values within the range will be included in the line. Press Enter. Specify additional ranges if necessary, otherwise press F3 and return to step 4.

    Define a Calculation Line

  16. On the panel E, specify line type 2 = ‘Calculation line’ and type the text you want to be printed as the line’s header in the ‘Text line’ field.

  17. Specify the layout of the line by using the fields on the panel. Press Enter.

  18. In ‘Line. Specify Calculations’ (RGS622/B), define the calculation. You do this by specifying the operator, line number and factor for each line included in the calculation. (For examples, see the example section below.)

  19. Press Enter and F3 when done. Return to step 4.

    Define an External Line

  20. On the E panel, specify line type 4 = ‘External line’ and type the text you want to be printed as the line’s header in the ‘Text line’ field.

  21. Specify the layout of the line by using the fields on the panel. Press Enter.

  22. In ‘Line. Specify External’ (RGS624/E), specify the report from which the line is to be retrieved and the number of the line. Press Enter. Return to step 4. (Note that if you define an external line you must use the note reference function. This function is described in the Report Definition process.)

Example - Text Line

Lines 10 and 70 are examples of text lines:

Col. 00 Col. 01 Result
10 Revenues
20 - Europe 1,589
30 - Asia 1,765
40 - USA 2,780
50 - Other markets 876
60 Total revenues 7,010
70 ----------------- ---------------

Example - Calculation Line

The examples below illustrate how to define different types of calculations.

Example 1 – Summing two lines

To add line 010 to 020 and display the sum on line 030 the following must be specified in (RGS622/B) for line 030:

Operator Line Factor
+ 010
+ 020

Example 2 – Summing several lines

To add lines 010-040 and display the sum on line 060 the following must be specified in (RGS622/B) for line 060:

Operator Column Factor
+ 010
: 040

Example 3 – Parts of lines

To add line 010 to 67% of line 020 and display the sum on line 030 the following must be specified in (RGS622/B) for line 030:

Operator Line Factor
+ 010
+ 020 0.67

Example 4 – Subtotals in a formula

To add line 010 to 020 into a subtotal, to be later divided by the value on line 030, the following must be specified in (RGS622/B) for line 040:

Operator Line Factor
+ 010
+ 020
/ 030

Example 5 – Calculating a contribution margin ratio

This example shows the use of different calculations in a formula.

Col. 00 Col. 01 Result
10 Total revenues 7,010
20 Total cost of goods - 5,750
40 Contribution margin 1,260
60 Contribution margin ratio in % 18

Line 60 is the quotient of the values on calculation line 40 and detail line 10, which is then multiplied by 100 to show percent.

The formula for line 060 looks like this:

Operator Line Factor
+ 040
/ 010
* 100

The formula can also be written as:

Operator Line Factor
+ 040
% 010

Operator ‘%’ indicates division followed by multiplication by 100.