Create Columns

This procedure is used to define the columns to be included in a report. You can define text columns, detail columns, calculation columns and percentage columns. For more information, see the Report Definition process.

Before You Start

  • A report header must be created in ‘Report. Open’ (RGS600).
  • If defining a calculation column, the columns used as the basis for the calculation must be created in ‘Column. Open’ (RGS610).
  • If defining a percentage column, a report with lines must be created, since a cell in the report functions as the denominator.

Follow These Steps

  1. Start ‘Report. Open’ (RGS600/B).

  2. Select option 11 = Columns for the report to be processed, to call ‘Column. Open’ (RGS610/B).

  3. In (RGS610/B), set the panel sequence to E1. Create a new column by entering a number between 01 and 25 and selecting New. (Note that column 00 is created automatically when a report header is defined. Column 00 will display the line text (header) specified for each line in ‘Line. Open’ (RGS620).

  4. Select one of the following alternatives:

    • To move the text column (usually column ‘00’), go to step 5.
    • To create a detail column, go to step 7.
    • To create a calculation column, go to step 15.
    • To create a percentage column, go to step 21.

    Move a Text Column

  5. In (RGS610/B), select option 7 = ‘Rename’ for the text column you want to move (column 00 is a text column by default).

  6. On the R panel, specify the new column number and press Enter. If the report, for example, consists of columns 00, 01 and 02 and you want the text column 00 to be displayed furthest to the right in the report, you can specify 03 as the new column number.

    Create a Detail Column

  7. In (RGS610/B), specify a column number and select New.

  8. Type a text or enter a code that will function as the columns heading, in the three heading fields.

  9. Specify column type 1 = ‘Detail column’.

  10. Specify the layout of the column using the fields on the E panel. Press Enter.

  11. In ‘Column. Specify’ (RGS611/E), specify values in the fields for value type, debit/credit code and external/internal transactions, from year/period and to year/period, to determine the amounts and types of transactions are to be displayed in the column. If necessary, specify the budget number and version. (Note that the values here will override the values specified for the lines.) Press Enter.

  12. On the F panel, select one of the following alternatives:

    • If you want to limit the selection of information included in the column, go to step 13.
    • Press F3 and return to step 4.
  13. Specify an identity for a range and select New.

  14. On the G panel, specify a range of values using the From and To fields for the different fields included in the balance key. Only information from the values within the range will be included in the column. (Note that the values here will override the values specified for the lines.) Press Enter. Specify more ranges if necessary, otherwise press F3 and return to step 4.

    Create a Calculation Column

  15. In (RGS610/B), specify a column number and select New.

  16. Type a text or enter a code that will function as the column’s heading, in the three heading fields.

  17. Specify column type 2 = ‘Calculation column’.

  18. Specify the layout of the column using the fields on the E panel. Press Enter.

  19. In ‘Column. Specify Calculations’ (RGS612/B), define the calculation. You do this by specifying the operator, line number and factor for each column included in the calculation. (See examples below for how to define different calculations. Note that the values here will override the values specified for the lines.)

  20. Press Enter and F3. Return to step 4.

    Define a Percentage Column

  21. In (RGS610/B), specify a column number and select New.

  22. Type a text or enter a code that will function as the column’s heading, in the three heading fields.

  23. Specify column type 1 = ‘Detail column’.

  24. Specify the layout of the column using the layout fields on the E panel.

  25. Specify the line number and the column number in the ‘Cell line’ and ‘Cell column’ fields, for the cell that will be the denominator in the percentage column. Press Enter.

Example – Detail Column

The procedure for defining a period range in a column is illustrated in the following example:

Example 1 - Definition of the period in years

From year/period = =
To year/period = =

The symbol ‘=’ is interpreted as to the year and the period stated in the report request.

If 0310 is entered when requesting a report, it is interpreted as:

From year/period 03 10
To year/period 03 10

Example 2 - Definition of ‘accumulated up to and including’ the period in years

From year/period = 01
To year/period = =

In ‘From year/period’‘01’ is substituted for ‘=’, which means that the column includes the value from period 01 up to and including the period stated in the report request.

If 0310 is entered when requesting a report, it is interpreted as:

From year/period 03 01
To year/period 03 10

Example 3 - Definition of the period for the preceding year

From year/period -01 =
To year/period = =

The ‘=‘ symbol in the field for the year has been exchanged for ‘-01’, which means the year stated in the report request is to be reduced by 1.

If 0310 is entered when requesting a report, it is interpreted as:

From year/period 02 10
To year/period 03 10

Note that additional possibilities are offered in the field help.

Example - Calculation Column

The examples below show how different types of calculations can be defined.

Example 1 – Summing two columns

To add column 010 to 020 and display the sum in column 030, the following must be specified in (RGS612/B) for column 030:

Operator Column Factor
+ 010
+ 020

Example 2 – Summing more than two columns

To add columns 010 to 040 and display the sum in column 060, the following must be specified in (RGS612/B) for column 060:

Operator Column Factor
+ 010
: 040

Example 3 – Parts of columns

To add column 010 to 67% of column 020 and display the sum in column 030, the following must be specified in (RGS612/B) for column 030:

Operator Column Factor
+ 010
+ 020 0.67

Example 4 – Subtotals in a formula

To add columns 010 and 020 into a subtotal to be divided later by the value in column 030, the following must be specified for column 040:

Operator Column Factor
+ 010
+ 020
/ 030

This means that columns 1 and 2 are added together first. The subtotal is then divided by column 030 as shown in the mathematical equation: (010 + 020) / 030.

Example - Percentage Column

The example below illustrates a simple report with a detail column, Col. 01, and a percent column, Col. 02.

Col.00 Col. 01 Results Col. 02 Percent
10 Revenues
20 - Europe 1,589 22.67
30 - Asia 1,765 25.18
40 - USA 2,780 39.66
50 - Other markets 876 12.50
60 Total revenues 7,010 100.00
80 Costs
90 - Material 1,765 25.18
100 - Salaries 3,917 55.88
110 - Other 949 13.54
120 Total costs 6,631 94.59

All percentages in column 02 are calculated line by line for the value of total revenues in the cell on line 60 and in column 01, the denominator.