View Report Online and Drill Down to Individual Transactions in General Ledger

This document explains how you review a financial report created with M3 Report Generator online, and also how you retrieve information about the vouchers and transactions that the report was based upon.

The drill down function enables you to easily retrieve detailed information about a specific value in a report without having to consult the financial department or searching manually in M3.


You have through knowledge about the report reviewed and the values displayed in the report.

The knowledge gained is used as a basis for decisions concerning the company’s revenues and costs.

Before you start

  • A report must be run for a period in ‘Report. Open’ (RGS600) using option 9=‘Run’, and the created report must include values.
  • You must have access to the report. Access is given in ‘User. Open for Report Distribution’ (RGS010).

Follow These Steps

  1. Start ‘User. Display for Report Distribution’ (RGS220/B).

  2. Select option 11=‘User’ for your user identity to display ‘Report. Display per User’ (RGS221/B).

  3. In (RGS221/B), specify the period for the report that you want to review (for example, YYPP where YY is the year and PP is the period).

  4. Select one of the following alternatives:

    • To review general information about the report, go to step 5.
    • To review a summarized report for the selected period, go to step 8.

    Review General Information about the Report

  5. On the B panel, select option Select for the report.

  6. Review the general information displayed on the E panel.

    Besides report and sequence number, you can see the report’s PC file suffix (which is used when transferring the report file to a PC), the balance key used and whether the report is split. If the report is split, you can also see which break identities (usually accounting identities) you have access to; that is, what information in the report you are able to review.

  7. Press Enter and return to step 4.

    Review Summarized Report

  8. Select option 11=‘Lines’ for the report you want to review.

    ‘Report. Display per Line’ (RGS222/B) is displayed.

  9. Review the summarized information in (RGS222/B).

    For each line and column in the report, a summarized amount is displayed. The amount can, for example, be the total revenue for different geographical areas.

  10. If the report consists of more columns than the ones displayed in the ‘Column From’ and ‘Column To’ fields, you review them by pressing function key F19=‘Left’ (columns with lower number) or function key F20=‘Right’ (columns with higher number).

    The screen displays up to five columns at the same time. To review these five columns, you might have to use the scroll bar.

  11. Select one of the following alternatives:

    • To finish the report review, press F3.
    • To review detailed information about the selected period, go to the next step.

    Review Detailed Report

  12. On the B panel, select option 11=‘Detailed’ for the line in the report that you want to review more closely.

    ‘Report. Display Detailed’ (RGS223/B) is displayed. Note that it is possible to review detailed information for all lines in a report, except summary lines and text lines.

  13. Review the detailed information about the line.

    The summarized amount you reviewed in (RGS222/B) is here split up on the different accounts (that is, balance dimension 1 in the balance key used for the report).

  14. If the report consists of more columns than the ones displayed in the ‘Column From’ and ‘Column To’ fields, you review them by using function key F19=‘Left’ (columns with lower number) or function key F20=‘Right’ (columns with higher number).

    The screen displays up to five columns at the same time. To review these five columns, you might have to use the scroll bar.

  15. Select one of the following alternatives:

    • To finish the report review, press F3.
    • To zoom information, select option 5 = Zoom for the account you want to review closer. The selected account amount is then split up on the different cost centers (that is, balance dimension 2 in the balance key used for the report)
    • To drill down into the general ledger and retrieve information about the individual vouchers and transactions that a value displayed on the panel is based upon, go to the next step.

    Drill Down into General Ledger

  16. Decide what value displayed on the panel you want to review more closely.

  17. Select the line where the value is displayed, and thereafter the option that is valid for the column where the value is displayed.

    The valid options are 11=‘Details column 1’ and so forth on up to 15=‘Details column 5’. Option 11 corresponds to the column furthest to the left and option 15 to the column furthest to the right.

  18. In ‘General Ledger. Display Transactions’ (GLS210/B), you can review the individual vouchers that the value in the report is based upon. From (GLS210) it is also possible to review all individual account entries that a voucher consists of. For information about how to use (GLS210) to retrieve detailed information, refer to Display Detail Information.

    Note: The information displayed in the general ledger will be limited to the selected value in the report and to any possible user limited access.