Match Credit Request Transactions to Supplier Credit Note

This document explains how you match a supplier credit note to one or more credit request transactions. Credit request transactions are visible in 'Credit Request Transactions. Open' (APS390). The value displayed for credit request transactions is the amount expected to be offset when the supplier credit note is matched to the credit request transaction.

Before you start

  • Accounting event AP45 and associated accounting types should be defined in (CRS395).
  • Credit request transactions to match must exist in status 10-'New' in 'Credit Request Transactions. Open' (APS390).
  • Tolerances for credit request matching must be defined in 'Settings – Supplier Invoice Matching' (APS900).
  • Depending on the settings in 'FAM Function. Open' (CRS405), the supplier credit note can be automatically approved for payment when all connected credit request transactions are matched and nothing is posted on the clearing account.
  • 'FAM function' AP45 must be defined in (CRS405).


  • Credit request transactions can only be matched to a supplier credit note if they have the same currency and supplier as the credit request transaction.
  • Self-assessed tax is not created in 'Credit Request Transactions. Match' (APS395) as it is expected to be already created.
  • 'Sales Tax' and 'Use tax' are not managed when matching credit request transactions.
  • 'Letter of Credit' cannot be created when matching credit request transactions.
  • In (APS450), you can only add a credit request reference when the batch invoice type is 20-'Supplier Invoice' and 'Invoice matching' is set to 0-'No matching to a purchase order'.
  • In (APS100), credit request transactions cannot be matched when invoice matching is selected on the 'FAM function' in (CRS405), when 'Pre-payment' is activated or when the credit note is a 'Customs invoice'.
  • In Poland, credit request transactions cannot be matched to a credit note when 'Create internal tax invoice' is selected in (APS100).
  • When records are manually closed or when the manual completion is reversed, all the account entries created will use local currency.
  • Vouchers created from (APS390) cannot be reversed in 'Voucher. Reverse' (GLS900).
  • Reset credit request transaction and correct account entry is only valid for 'Credit request type' 2-'Claim request' and 3-'Credit request for PO claim'.

Match credit request transactions to a supplier credit note

To match a credit request transaction to a supplier credit note, follow these steps:

  1. A supplier credit note is recorded in 'Supplier Invoice. Record' (APS100).

  2. The credit request reference is specified when the credit note is recorded. If multiple credit request references exist for the same supplier, the credit request type and credit request year must also be specified.

  3. When (APS395) is started, all records in status 10-'New' for this credit request reference number is allocated to the supplier credit note.

  4. In (APS395), you can control the total credit request transaction amount against the remaining amount to distribute. If the amounts are within the tolerances defined in (APS900), account entries are created and if applicable, the variance is automatically accounted.

  5. If one the of tolerances defined in (APS900) is exceeded, the user can either post the remaining amount to a clearing account or account for the lines separately. The remaining amount can either be written off or posted to a clearing account.

Match credit request transactions to a batch supplier credit note

To match a credit request transaction to a batch supplier credit note, follow these steps:

  1. A batch supplier credit note is created in 'Supplier Invoice Batch. Open' (APS450).

  2. For batch supplier credit notes with 'Invoice Batch Type' set to 20-'Supplier Invoice', specify a credit request reference. If multiple credit request references exist for the same supplier, the credit request type and credit request year must also be specified.

  3. When the supplier credit note is updating 'Accounts Payable', the tolerances defined in (APS900) are controlled and if one the of tolerances defined in (APS900) is exceeded, the invoice is posted to a clearing account.

  4. If the invoice amount which excludes tax is within the tolerances, the credit request transactions together with the variance are accounted.

Manage credit request transactions at supplier credit note recoding

To recode a supplier credit note or match credit request transaction at recoding, follow these steps:

  1. A supplier credit note is created through (APS100) or (APS450) and is fully or partly posted to a clearing account.

  2. In 'Supplier Invoice. Recode' (APS110), you can connect a credit request reference to the supplier credit note or work with the connected credit request transactions using 'Credit Note Control'.

  3. When using 'Credit Note Control', the clearing account is automatically reversed and further processing of the credit note is performed in (APS395).

Close credit request transactions not matched to a supplier credit note

To manually close credit request transactions which cannot be matched to a supplier credit note, follow these steps:

  1. In (APS390), select option 'Complete credit request' to close the line or 'Reverse completion' to reverse an already manually closed line.

  2. Select additional credit request transactions if needed.

  3. The option performed can be reversed. For example, by selecting 'Complete credit request' on a transaction in status 85-'Manual Reverse', the status will be set back to 95-'Completion updated in GL' and by selecting 'Reverse completion' on a transaction in status 75-'Manual Completion', the status will be set back to 10-'New'.

  4. When closing (APS390), you will be prompted to specify the accounting date and the voucher text. All transactions in status 75-'Manual Completion' and 85-'Manual Reverse' will be accounted.

Correct account entry for a credit request transactions

To correct the account entry for a credit request transaction, follow these steps:

  1. Identify records in status 05-'Accounting string error'.

  2. In (APS390), select option 'Correct account entry'.

  3. Add values in the accounting dimensions and confirm the account entry.

Reset credit request transaction

To manually reset credit request transactions, follow these steps:

  1. In (APS390), select option 'Reset credit request'.

  2. Select additional credit request transactions if needed.

  3. The credit request transaction will get status 99-'Credit request reset' and the supplier claim in (PPS127) will be set to 10-'New'.