Accounting Rules for OS - Order Statistics and Budgeting

When applied

Account entries are created in 'Budget. Open' (BUS100), when sales budget data is transferred in 'Sales Budget. Transfer to FIM' (OSS270).


See .

Accounting rules for OS - Order statistics and budgeting

Rule D/C Name Description
OS10-120 C Sales revenue This accounting rule either has the same accounting string as the one defined for accounting rule OI20-120 or uses an account registered as a budget account in 'Accounting Identity. Open' (CRS630).
OS10-280 Rounding-off
OS10-971 D Cost of goods sold This accounting rule either has the same accounting string as the one defined for accounting rule OI20-971 or uses an account registered as a budget account in (CRS630). By selecting the 'Split COGS' check box in (OSS270/E), the cost of goods sold can be split into its costing components in the product costing model. For details, see the field help text.