Print VAT Report

This document explains how you print a VAT report using one of the six predefined types of reports in VAT Run. Open (TXS100).


One or several of the following reports are created:

  • VAT control report

    A report listing VAT transactions in the General Ledger. A VAT control report can be summarized or detailed. The summarized report presents totals per VAT code and VAT account type as well as the total difference between calculated VAT and recorded VAT. The detailed report presents account and VAT account type, VAT code and VAT date, transaction code, base country and from/to country, a flag indicating whether a VAT registration number is registered for the customer, calculation base amount, VAT amounts, recorded VAT, voucher number, customer/supplier number, invoice number, invoice year and invoice date, FAM function used, and a comment on any difference between calculated and recorded amount entered on the coding panel (GLS120), and any difference for the voucher.

    The detailed report can be sorted on VAT code and voucher number (layout 1), voucher number and VAT code (layout 2), or on each combination of invoice number, VAT code, and VAT rate per customer or supplier, ending with a report summary based on the VAT code and VAT rate (layouts 3 and 4).

  • VAT template report

    A report with VAT transactions in the General Ledger based on a user-defined template. A summarized VAT template report lists totals presented per line and column according to the selections in the template. A detailed VAT template report lists all General Ledger transactions tagged with the current VAT template report number per line and column according to the template selections. The detailed report presents voucher number, accounting date, VAT date, VAT code, account and VAT account type, base country and from/to country, and VAT rates in percent.

  • TX/GL reconciliation report

    A report for internal reconciliation of the VAT run based on a VAT template report and the General Ledger. The report contains the following layouts:

    • General Ledger transactions in the General Ledger which are not allocated to any line in the VAT report template. Such lines are marked with line number 999.
    • General Ledger transactions that are allocated to more than one line in the VAT report template.
    • Totals per VAT report line.
    • Details per VAT report line.
    • Details per VAT report line including detailed voucher lines per VAT report template.
  • TX/QR reconciliation report

    A report for internal reconciliation of the VAT run based on a VAT template report and the sales report created in EU Quarterly Sales Report. Open (CRS345). Note that the reporting of EU sales is done in 'EU Sales/Purchase. Open Proposal' (TXS130). Since the report created there is based on a VAT report template and consequently will always agree with the VAT report, the TX/QR report serves no purpose as of that fix pack onwards.

  • Use the control report for internal and auditing purposes.
  • Use the VAT template report as a basis for the VAT declaration voucher. See Update General Ledger with Declared VAT.
  • Use the TX/GL report to ascertain that the VAT report templates used includes all relevant VAT transactions without any transactions missing or that the same transactions have not been included several times.
  • Use the TX/QR to ascertain that the VAT report template used includes all relevant transactions in the Intrastat table CSYECT.
  • If any incorrect transactions are found, correct them as described in Initiate VAT Run and correct VAT transactions online or separately in the General Ledger module.

The numbers of the VAT reports are saved in the table for detailed General Ledger information (FGLEDX).

Before you start

Follow These Steps

  1. Select the Print option for a VAT run in 'VAT Run. Open' (TXS100/B).

  2. On the E panel, select type of report, whether the report should be summarized or detailed and whether voucher texts should be printed.

  3. For VAT template reports and TX/QR reconciliation reports, select a VAT report template as well (mandatory).

  4. On the next panel (the H panel for control reports, the I panel for the other reports), enter the VAT date up to which transactions are selected (mandatory).

  5. To narrow the selection, specify a range of VAT codes and voucher numbers (optional).

  6. For control reports, enter ranges of any of the following values on the H panel if you use report layout 3 or 4: customer or supplier, invoice number and invoice year.

  7. For all types of reports, carry out a deviation test (if applicable) by entering a difference (deviation) between calculated VAT and recorded VAT either as a percentage or an amount (optional).

  8. Select which type of VAT transactions to include in the Include reported transactions field:

    • Alternative 0=No. Only transactions that were not used for a VAT declaration are included. The transactions have VAT reported status 0 in 'General Ledger. Display Transactions' (GLS211/G).
    • Alternative 1=Yes. Only transactions that have been used for a VAT declaration are included. The transactions have VAT reported status=9.
    • Alternative 2=Include all transactions, whether declared or not.

      Neither of the alternatives includes transactions with VAT reported status 1=VAT on payment day. Normally only non-declared VAT transactions would be included in a VAT run. However, for analysis purposes it may be relevant to include also declared VAT transactions, for example, when printing a report of the VAT for the entire year.

  9. Select one of these alternatives:

    • For control reports, select whether to include only VAT payable or VAT receivable or both (required).
    • For TX/GL reconciliation reports, select whether to print the detailed voucher line for each transaction.
    • For TX/QR reconciliation reports, select the VAT template line for which to print transactions.
  10. For all types of reports, enter a report text (optional). Press Enter to print the report.