Enter Standard Comments for Internal Invoices

This procedure is used to create standard comments that will be printed on internal invoices sent between divisions in the same company.

After using this procedure, these comments are then copied into invoices when internal invoice proposals are created.

Before you start

Complete the steps described in Configuration for Multiple Unit Coordination (MUC).

Follow these steps

  1. Start 'Internal Invoice Text. Open' (MFS015/B).

  2. Specify a range of divisions that the standard comment will be valid for, using the 'From div' and 'To div' fields. Select New.

    If you fill in only the 'From div' field, the comments apply to all divisions after that one.

  3. Specify a name and description for the comment.

  4. Specify the comment, that is, the text that you want to be displayed on the internal invoices, using one or all of the ten text fields. Press Enter.