Set Parameters for Internal Invoicing

This procedure is used to set the parameters needed to create internal invoices between divisions in a company using multiple unit coordination.

Before you start

Before you start, you must meet these prerequisites:

  • You must complete the steps described in Configuration for Multiple Unit Coordination (MUC).
  • You must be in the correct division and commands to switch between divisions must be defined in 'Function. Open' (MNS110). You must have authorization for the divisions. Authorization is assigned in 'User. Open' (MNS150).
  • If the internal invoices are to be authorized by a certain person, he or she must be defined as an authorizer in 'Authorized User - Suppl Invoice. Open' (CRS650).

Follow these steps

  1. Start 'Settings - Internal Invoicing' (MFS010/B).

  2. Specify the division for which you want to define settings for internal invoicing. Select New.

  3. On the E panel, specify the group customer number to use during internal invoicing. If necessary, specify the document queue and the queue journal for customer invoices.

  4. Specify the group supplier number to use during internal invoicing. If necessary, specify the document queue and the queue journal for supplier invoices.

  5. Specify whether internal invoices are to be approved when entered.

  6. If necessary, specify a person authorizing the invoices.

  7. Specify the division to be used for consolidated sales statistics.

  8. Specify when bases for internal invoices for customer orders are to be created.

  9. Specify the language in which the internal invoices will be printed. Click Enter.

Parameters to set

Program ID/ Panel


Field description


Customer number

The field indicates the customer number to use for this division during internal invoicing.

The division's customer number from the customer file is used as the customer number.

This number is used to update accounts receivable and sales statistics in the delivering division.


Document queue ARL and APL respectively

The field indicates to which queue or printer the customer or supplier invoice from the internal invoicing is to be routed.


Queue journal ARL and APL respectively

The field indicates a printer queue for the accounting journal.


Supplier number

The field indicates the supplier's number to use for this division during internal invoicing, when this division delivers goods to another division or to an external customer on another division's account.

The division's supplier number from the supplier file is used as the supplier number.

This number is used to update accounts receivable in the selling division.


Entry method

The field indicates whether the supplier invoice is approved for payment when entering it during internal invoicing.

These are the valid alternatives:

  • 1 = No
  • 2 = Yes.

If you do not select automatic approval, the invoice must later be approved in 'Supplier Invoice. Recode' (APS110). New account entries are then only created if the invoice is also recoded.



The field indicates the person who can authorize a specific invoice.

This field is only used if you have specified in the 'Entry method' field that the invoice is not approved for payment when entered.


Consolidation division

The field indicates the division to be used for consolidated sales statistics.

The specified division receives statistics information that shows the sales value from the charging division and the cost value from the delivering division, that is, the total contribution within the company.


When create internal invoice for CO

The field indicates when the basis for creating an internal invoice for a customer order should be created.

The internal invoice itself is created in 'Internal Invoice. Create' (MFS100).

These are the valid alternatives:

  • 0 = When invoicing the customer order
  • 1 = At picking list reporting.

If alternative 0 is selected, the basis is created when you run 'CO Invoice. Print' (OIS180), that is, when creating the customer invoice.

If alternative 1 is selected, the basis is created when the picking list is reported, manually or automatically. In this case the net sales price from the customer order cannot be used as internal transfer price.


Document language

The field indicates the language in which the internal invoices is printed.

By using the function you ensure that the internal invoices is printed in the same language, regardless of division.

If you do not specify a language the internal invoices is printed in the language specified in (CRS610) for the customer and supplier respectively.