Initial Upload of Fixed Assets

API transactions are available for the initial upload of fixed assets to the M3 Business Engine. This upload of fixed asset records follows the same set of steps that are used to manually create a fixed asset in 'Fixed Asset. Open' (FAS001). The status of the uploaded fixed assets is initially set to 5='Preliminary' and the field FAMI (Fixed asset from MI) is set to 1. As a result of these settings, the fixed assets are excluded from updating by interactive programs FAS001, FAS002, FAS003, and FAS004. However, the depreciation plan can be simulated using the program 'Depreciation Plan Simulation. Select Op' (FAS845) even before it is activated using option, 3='Activate asset and calculate depreciation plan' found in 'FA Depreciation Plan. Create Automatic' (FAS800).

Before you start

Basic setup in M3 BE, as well as complete setup for the Fixed Assets module, must be made before the initial upload of fixed assets can be started. Apart from the setup detailed below, additional setup may be required for specific depreciation methods.

  • System calendar is correctly defined in 'System Calendar. Open' (CRS900) and in 'System Calendar. Open Period' (CRS910) for the period type used for finance, according to the setup in 'Company. Connect Division' (MNS100).
  • The chart of accounts, dimensions 1 to 7, is correctly defined in 'Accounting Identity. Open' (CRS630).
  • Accounting rules for purchase of fixed assets (FA70-550) and for depreciation (FA10-500, FA10-510, FA30-520, FA30-530, FA70-500) are correctly defined in 'Accounting Rule. Set' (CRS395). It is recommended to build a structure that matches the general ledger accounts used for fixed assets, with a one-to-one correspondence to make the reconciliation easier.
  • Currencies, exchange rate types, and exchange rates per date, are correctly defined in 'Currency. Open' (CRS055), 'Exchange Rate Type. Open' (CRS056), 'Exchange Rate. Open Rate Type' (CRS057), and 'Exchange Rate. Open per Date' (CRS058), respectively.
  • All value types to be used to store different values for the fixed assets are defined in 'FA Value Type. Open' (FAS060).
  • Value types, for example, for purchase value, additional cost and cash discount, that together comprise the total acquisition cost are defined in 'Setting - Fixed Asset Acquisition' (FAS900).
  • Depreciation types are defined in 'FA Depreciation Type. Open' (FAS050) with parameters such as:
    • 'MACRS' determines if the depreciation type can be used with depreciation methods 4 or 5.
    • 'Period range' determines how the depreciation is to be calculated.
    • 'Depreciation at sales/scrap' determines if the depreciation is to be adjusted when the fixed asset is later sold or disposed of.
    • 'Daily depreciation' determines how linear depreciation is calculated.
    • 'Transfer to FIM' determines if vouchers are created when year to date depreciation is later run in 'FA Depreciation. Create Account Entries' (FAS100).
  • User-defined depreciation plans used for depreciation method 3, which you can define in 'FA Depreciation Plan. Open' (FAS055).
  • Coefficient templates used for double-declining depreciation, which you can define in 'Depreciation Template. Open for Decl. Depr' (FAS025).
  • You must define the depreciation method to be used after an extraordinary depreciation in 'Settings - Extraordinary Depreciation' (FAS920) for each depreciation type used.
  • Fixed asset types are defined in 'FA Type. Open' (FAS075).
  • Fixed asset groups are defined in 'FA Group. Open' (FAS080) if there is a need for dividing fixed asset types into sub groups.
  • Location types 1, 2, and 3 are defined in 'FA Location. Open' (FAS070) if there is a need to keep track of the location of different fixed assets.
  • Depreciation types are connected to fixed asset types through 'FA Type. Connect Depreciation Types' (FAS077).
  • Value types are connected to the fixed asset types through the program 'Standard Value Type. Open per FA Type' (FAS078).
  • Index tables, used for insurance types, are defined in 'Index Table. Open' (CRS481).

Follow these steps

For an initial upload of fixed assets to M3 BE to be successful, you must run the API transactions in the order shown below. After having run the API transactions, it is possible to use 'Depreciation Plan Simulation. Select Op' (FAS845) to calculate simulated depreciation plans for the uploaded fixed assets, before 'FA Depreciation Plan. Create Automatic' (FAS800) is used to activate the uploaded fixed assets and calculate the actual depreciation plans.

Detailed instructions for each of these eight steps are found in the preceding sections.

If working in a company in M3 BE to which divisions are linked, that is, company defined with company type 2='Several units' in 'Company. Open' (MNS095), you must select a division for the upload when the API transactions are run, by specifying a value in input field DIVI. Note, however, that the company number is not retrieved from an input field, but from the user's default company as defined in 'User. Open' (MNS150).

  1. Use FAS001MI/Add to upload the fixed assets to table FFASMA (Fixed asset master table).
  2. Use FAS002MI/CrtStdDeprType to connect the standard depreciation types to each fixed asset based on their fixed asset type. The information is uploaded to table FFASDM (Fixed asset depreciation rules).
  3. Use FAS002MI/Upd to change the default depreciation setup for certain fixed assets, if needed.
  4. Use FAS003MI/CrtStdValueType to connect the standard value types to each fixed asset based on their fixed asset type. The information is uploaded to table FFASVL (Fixed asset value types).
  5. You can do uploading of values or amounts for each value type linked to each fixed asset using FAS003MI/Upd or FAS003MI/UpdYTDTrans. If more than one detailed transaction is uploaded for the same value type use FAS003MI/UpdYTDTrans. Otherwise, if only the accumulated balances are uploaded use FAS003MI/Upd. The value types in table FFASVL are updated and new records are also created in table FFAHIS (Fixed asset value per period) at the same time. Accounting dimensions 2-7 are also updated in table FFASMA, if the value type is used for total acquisition cost, as defined in (FAS900).
  6. Use FAS004MI/Add to upload insurance type information for fixed assets to table FFAINS (Fixed asset insurance).
  7. Use 'Depreciation Plan Simulation. Select Op' (FAS845) to simulate the depreciation plan prior to the activation of a fixed asset and creation of the actual depreciation plan.
  8. Run 'Depreciation Plan. Create Automatic' (FAS800) for the uploaded fixed assets with 'Recalculate depreciation plan' set to 3='Activate asset and calculate depreciation plan'.

Fixed Asset Master (FAS001MI)

These are the fields for all of the API transactions for (FAS001MI):
  • FAS001MI/Add
    The input fields for this API transaction reflect the fields available for entry on panels E, F and G in 'Fixed Asset. Open' (FAS001). These are the mandatory input fields for this API transaction:
    • ASID: Fixed asset ID
    • SBNO: Fixed asset sub number
    • FADS: Name
    • FATP: Fixed asset type
    • CUCD: Currency
    • ARAT: Exchange rate
    • PPER: Acquisition date
    • FAQT: Fixed asset quantity

    The period type to use as start date for depreciation (DPBC) is defined per depreciation type in (FAS002). If depreciation is to start on a different date to the acquisition date, which are the activation date (APER), manufacturing date (MPER), building permit date (BPER) or revaluation date (LRVD), you must also include that date in the upload via FAS001MI/Add.

    The status of a fixed asset created in FFASMA through this API transaction is set to 5='Preliminary' and field FAMI (Fixed Asset from MI) is set to 1, indicating that the fixed asset has been created through an API transaction. These two fields ensure that the records are not manually updated in (FAS001) before their activation

  • FAS001MI/Delete

    Use FAS001MI/Delete to delete a fixed asset and all its information from all fixed asset tables FFASMA, FFASDM, FFASVL, FFAHIS, and FFAINS. To use this API transaction, the fixed asset must not be connected to any voucher.

Fixed Asset Depreciation types (FAS002MI)

These are the fields for all of the API transactions for (FAS002MI):
  • FAS002MI/CrtStdDeprType
    This default setup is retrieved from 'FA Type. Connect Depreciation Types' (FAS077). These are the mandatory input fields for this API transaction:
    • ASID: Fixed asset ID
    • SBNO: Fixed asset sub number

    The status of a depreciation type created in table FFASDM through this API transaction is set to 5='Preliminary'.

  • FAS002MI/Upd
    The information is uploaded to table FFASDM. The input fields for this API Transaction reflect the fields available for entry on panel E in 'Fixed Asset. Connect Depreciation Types' (FAS002). If a value is specified in an input field in FAS002MI/Upd that does not relate to the depreciation method used for the depreciation type, an error message is displayed. These are the mandatory input fields for this API Transaction depends on the depreciation method used, but common mandatory fields:
    • ASID: Fixed asset ID
    • SBNO: Fixed asset sub number
    • DPTP: Depreciation type

    Note that updates in table FFASDM are only made if specified in the FAS002MI/Upd transaction. Otherwise, the default setup from (FAS077) remains.

    It is not recommended that the value type used as the basis for the depreciation is changed, nor the depreciation method used for the depreciation type. These are basic settings for the depreciation type and if they need to be changed, you should change the default depreciation type for the fixed asset type in (FAS077).

Fixed Asset Value types (FAS003MI)

These are the fields for all of the API transactions for (FAS003MI):
  • FAS003MI/CrtStdValueType
    This default setup is retrieved from 'Standard Value Type. Open per FA Type' (FAS078). These are the mandatory input fields for this API transaction:
    • ASID: Fixed asset ID
    • SBNO: Fixed asset sub number

    Note that currency code (CUCD) is retrieved from the fixed asset record in table FFASMA when FAS003MI/CrtStdValueType is used to update the table FFASVL.

  • FAS003MI/Upd

    Use this API transaction to upload accumulated balances for each value type. To use this API transaction, you must upload the fixed asset and still in preliminary status. If the fixed asset is uploaded incorrectly, use FAS001MI/Delete to delete all its information from all fixed asset tables and re-do the initial upload process. FAS001MI/Delete is described in further sections.

    The input fields for this API Transaction reflect the fields available for entry on panel E in 'Fixed Asset. Connect Value Types' (FAS003). These are the mandatory input fields for this API transaction:

    • ASID: Fixed asset ID
    • SBNO: Fixed asset sub number
    • VATP: Value type
    • FAVC: Fixed asset value (currency amount)
    • VPER: Value period
    • AIT1: Account (mandatory when a new record is created in table FFAHIS)

    Note that the accounting string updated in table FFAHIS, and in table FFASMA if applicable, is retrieved from the input fields for this API transaction, not from the accounting setup in (CRS395). The specified accounting string is validated against the account cross reference setup for the account on panel G in (CRS630).

    Note that the fixed asset value in local currency (FAVA) updated in tables FFASVL and FFAHIS is calculated based on the uploaded currency amount (FAVC) as well as the currency rate from the fixed asset record in table FFASMA.

    Special instructions for certain value types updated through FAS003MI/Upd:
    • Acquisition cost

      Value types that together comprise the total acquisition cost are defined in (FAS900). You can upload the values for these value types through FAS003MI/Upd: Purchase price, Residual value, and Acquisition cost.

      In the situation where additional cost or cash discount have been added or withdrawn from the purchase price to total the acquisition cost, it is recommended that these values are included when updating the value types used for both purchase price and acquisition cost. This is to avoid later confusion when reprinting reports and others. This table shows an example:
      Transaction Amount
      Purchase Price 10,000
      Additional Cost 2,000
      Cash Discount -1,000
      Acquisition Cost 11,000
      This table shows uploaded values by FAS003MI/Upd for value types used:
      Transaction Amount
      Purchase Price 11,000
      Acquisition 11,000

      The value type to use as the basis for depreciation (BVAT) is defined per depreciation type in (FAS002). To facilitate the calculation of a depreciation plan in (FAS800), you must upload a value for that value type for the fixed asset through FAS003MI/Upd.

      The value period to use for acquisition cost is Acquisition period (PPER in FFASMA).

    • Accumulated depreciation

      Value type used for accumulated depreciation (VTAD) is defined per depreciation type in (FAS002) and is used for updating accumulated depreciation for the fixed asset.

      The value period to use is last period of previous year, hence, no population of table FFAHIS per period in the past.

    • This year's depreciation YTD

      Value type used for this year's depreciation YTD (ADTY) is defined per depreciation type in (FAS002) and is used for updating depreciation YTD for the fixed asset.

      The value period to be used is the previous period of current year, hence, no population of table FFAHIS per period in the past.

    • Extraordinary depreciation

      Value type for extraordinary depreciation is defined per depreciation type in (FAS920) and is used for updating extraordinary depreciation, if any, for the fixed asset.

      You should upload a cumulative value for extraordinary depreciation, regardless of whether more than one extraordinary depreciation has been made in the past, or just one. You should update the cumulative value on the last period of the previous year, just like ordinary accumulated depreciation.

      The depreciation method to be used after extraordinary depreciation is retrieved from (FAS920) and stored in field MVCD in table FFAHIS.

      The value period to be used is the last period of previous year, hence, no population of table FFAHIS per period in the past.

    • Depreciation plan

      Value type for depreciation plan (VTDP) is defined per depreciation type in (FAS002). You should not update this value type through FAS003MI/Upd. Generating depreciation plans, including updating records for the value type in tables FFASVL and FFAHIS, is instead handled by program (FAS800).

  • FAS003MI/UpdYTDTrans

    Use this API transaction to upload more than one detailed transaction for the same value type. To use this API transaction, you must upload the fixed asset and still in preliminary status. It is encouraged that all transactions for a fixed asset are done in one upload, as re-uploading transactions of the same fixed asset might cause duplicate transactions. If the fixed asset is uploaded incorrectly, use FAS001MI/Delete to delete all its information from all fixed asset tables and re-do the initial upload process. FAS001MI/Delete is described in further sections.

    This API transaction has the same mandatory input fields as FAS003MI/Upd.

    Although Movement code (MVCD) is not a mandatory input field for this API transaction, you should still fill it in for some transactions, to mimic how it is populated in M3 BE. If left blank this is set to 0. These are the different movement codes and their corresponding transactions:

    • 1: Extraordinary depreciation type 1. Same amount as the previous year
    • 2: Extraordinary depreciation type 2. With lower amount each year
    • 3: Recode
    • 4: Split/Divide
    • 9: Reverse
    • 0: Standard/Normal
    For an accurate FAS530 report, these are the recommendations on how these transactions are uploaded:
    • Additional cost and cash discount

      When uploading transactions for value types used for additional cost and cash discount, you should also upload a corresponding transaction for the value type used for the acquisition cost.

      This table shows an example of this transaction:
      Purchase Cost JFR 1003 1 1 12,000.00 P21541 P1000 FA70550 202301 0
      Acquisition Cost JFR 1003 1 13 12,000.00 P21541 FA70550 202301 0
      Cash Discount JFR 1003 1 4 -600.00 P21541 FA70550 202301 0
      Acquisition Cost JFR 1003 1 13 -600.00 P21541 FA70550 202301 0
      Additional Cost JFR 1003 1 11 3,600.00 P21541 FA70550 202301 0
      Acquisition Cost JFR 1003 1 13 3,600.00 P21541 FA70550 202301 0

      In this example, there is a cash discount of 600.00 and an additional cost of 3,600.00. There is also an adjustment to the acquisition cost value type of the same amounts. This results in an acquisition cost of 15,000 computed as 12,000.00 - 600.00+3,600.00. It is important to have this parallel adjustment so that the acquisition cost shown in FFASVL is computed correctly.

    • Split or divided fixed assets

      For fixed asset split and divide, the adjustment from the parent to the child asset is reflected in the table FFAHIS for the parent asset.

      This table shows an example of this transaction for the Parent Asset:
      Purchase Cost JFR 1001 1 1 12,000.00 P21541 P1000 FA70550 202301 0
      Purchase Cost JFR 1001 1 10 12,000.00 P21541 P1000 FA70550 202301 0
      Cash Discount JFR 1001 1 2 -1,200.00 P21541 P1000 FA70550 202301 0
      Cash Discount JFR 1001 1 10 -1,200.00 P21541 P1000 FA70550 202301 0
      Year to date Depreciation JFR 1001 1 12 90.00 P78110 P1000 FA10500 202301 0
      Year to date Depreciation JFR 1001 1 12 90.00 P78110 P1000 FA10500 202302 0
      Year to date Depreciation JFR 1001 1 12 90.00 P78110 P1000 FA10500 202303 0
      Year to date Depreciation JFR 1001 1 12 90.00 P78110 P1000 FA10500 202304 0
      Year to date Depreciation JFR 1001 1 12 90.00 P78110 P1000 FA10500 202305 0
      Year to date Depreciation JFR 1001 1 12 90.00 P78110 P1000 FA10500 202306 0
      Extraordinary Depreciation JFR 1001 1 16 260.00 P78110 P1000 FA10500 202306 2
      Split JFR 1001 1 1 -5,555.56 P21541 P1000 FA70550 202306 4
      Split JFR 1001 1 10 -5,000.00 P21541 P1000 FA70550 202306 4
      Split JFR 1001 1 2 555.56 P21541 P1000 FA70550 202306 4
      Split JFR 1001 1 12 -250.00 P78110 P1000 FA10500 202306 4
      Split JFR 1001 1 16 -120.37 P78110 P1000 FA10500 202306 4
      This table shows an example of split and divide transaction for the Child Asset:
      Split JFR 1001 1 1 -5,555.56 P21541 P1000 FA70550 202306 4
      Split JFR 1001 1 10 -5,000.00 P21541 P1000 FA70550 202306 4
      Split JFR 1001 1 2 555.56 P21541 P1000 FA70550 202306 4
      Split JFR 1001 1 12 -250.00 P78110 P1000 FA10500 202306 4
      Split JFR 1001 1 16 -120.37 P78110 P1000 FA10500 202306 4

      As seen in the example, asset 1001-1, which is the parent, is split to 1001-2, which is the child, amounting to 5,000.00. Accordingly, all value types from the parent asset is proportionally allocated to the child asset based on the split amount. In this case, you must set the MVCD to 4 to represent the split from parent to child asset. This asset also has an extraordinary depreciation where MVCD is set to 2.

      This table shows the computed value types allocated to the child asset for this example:
      Transactions Value type Computation Allocated amount
      Purchase Cost 1 12,000.00 x (5,000.00/10,800.00) 5,555.56
      Cash Discount 4 1,200.00 x (5,000.00/10,800.00) 555.56
      Year to date Depreciation 12 90.00 x 6 months x (5,000.00/10,800.00) 250.00
      Extraordinary Depreciation 16 260.00 x (5,000.00/10,800.00) 120.37
    • Recoded fixed assets

      For assets that have been recoded, you should upload two transactions for each value type that has been affected by the recoding. One transaction is uploaded for the new accounting string and one contra-posting is uploaded to offset the original accounting string. You must set MVCD to 3 for the transactions holding the original accounting string, as well as the transactions holding the contra-postings.

      This table shows an example where accounting dimension 2 is changed from P1000 to P1001 in period 202304, affecting the value types for acquisition cost and year-to-date depreciation:
      Purchase Cost JFR 1003 1 1 12,000.00 P21541 P1000 FA70550 202301 3
      Acquisition Cost JFR 1003 1 10 12,000.00 P21541 P1000 FA70550 202301 3
      Year to date Depreciation JFR 1003 1 12 100.00 P78110 P1000 FA10500 202301 3
      Year to date Depreciation JFR 1003 1 12 100.00 P78110 P1000 FA10500 202302 3
      Year to date Depreciation JFR 1003 1 12 100.00 P78110 P1000 FA10500 202303 3
      Acquisition Cost JFR 1003 1 10 -12,000.00 P21541 P1000 FA70550 202304 3
      Year to date Depreciation JFR 1003 1 12 -300.00 P78110 P1000 FA10500 202304 3
      Acquisition Cost (recoded) JFR 1003 1 10 12,000.00 P21541 P1001 FA70550 202304 0
      Year to date Depreciation (recoded) JFR 1003 1 12 300.00 P78110 P1001 FA10500 202304 0
    • Reversed transactions

      For the upload of reversed transactions, you should upload both the original transactions and the contra-posting, and you should set MVCD to 9 for both transactions.

      This table shows an example of a year-to-date depreciation in period 202303 that is reversed:
      Purchase Cost JFR 1004 1 1 12,000.00 P21541 P1000 FA70550 202301 0
      Acquisition Cost JFR 1004 1 10 12,000.00 P21541 P1000 FA70550 202301 0
      Year to date Depreciation JFR 1004 1 12 100.00 P78110 P1000 FA10500 202301 0
      Year to date Depreciation JFR 1004 1 12 100.00 P78110 P1000 FA10500 202302 0
      Year to date Depreciation JFR 1004 1 12 100.00 P78110 P1000 FA10500 202303 9
      Year to date Depreciation JFR 1004 1 12 -100.00 P78110 P1000 FA10500 202303 9
    • Multiple transactions in the same value period

      If you must upload multiple transactions for the same value type in the same period, the sequence of the transactions in the upload file determines the sequence of the transactions in table FFAHIS.

      This table shows an example of two additional costs which are recorded for period 202302. Based on this template, the additional cost of 1,500 will be recorded first:
      Purchase Cost JFR 1003 1 1 12,000.00 P21541 P1000 FA70550 202301 0
      Acquisition Cost JFR 1003 1 13 12,000.00 P21541 P1000 FA70550 202301 0
      Additional Cost JFR 1003 1 11 1,500.00 P21541 P1000 FA70550 202302 0
      Acquisition Cost JFR 1003 1 13 1,500.00 P21541 P1000 FA70550 202302 0
      Additional Cost JFR 1003 1 11 3,600.00 P21541 P1000 FA70550 202302 0
      Acquisition Cost JFR 1003 1 13 3,600.00 P21541 P1000 FA70550 202302 0

Fixed Asset Insurance types (FAS004MI)

These are the fields for all of the API transactions for (FAS004MI):
  • FAS004MI/Add
    The input fields for this API transaction reflect the fields available for entry on panel E in 'Fixed Asset. Connect Insurance Types' (FAS004). These are the mandatory input fields for this API transaction:
    • ASID: Fixed asset ID
    • SBNO: Fixed asset sub number
    • ITYP: Insurance type

    If you need to specify an insurance company for the insurance type, you must predefine the insurance company in 'Supplier. Open' (CRS620) with supplier type set to 6='Insurance company'.

    If you need to use an index table for the insurance type, you must predefine it in 'Index Table. Open' (CRS481) and in 'Index Table. Open Values' (CRS482).

    If no value period is specified in the input field VPER for the insurance type, the value period is automatically set to the current period.

Depreciation simulation

Use 'Depreciation Plan Simulation. Select Op' (FAS845) to simulate the depreciation plan prior to the activation of a fixed asset and creation of the actual depreciation plan. The simulated depreciation plan is updated in table FFADSH and can be displayed in 'Depreciation Plan Simulation. Open' (FAS840). The details per period are updated in table FFADSP and can be displayed in 'Depreciation Plan Simulation Periods. Open' (FAS841). As no depreciation plan has yet been created for the uploaded fixed asset, all periods are marked as having a difference to the actual depreciation plan.

Create depreciation plan

Run 'Depreciation Plan. Create Automatic' (FAS800) for the uploaded fixed assets with 'Recalculate depreciation plan' set to 3='Activate asset and calculate depreciation plan'. This option changes the fixed asset status from 5='Preliminary' to 1='Normal fixed asset' for fixed assets that still have a value to be depreciated. For those fixed assets, a depreciation plan is also created. Fixed assets that have already been full depreciated are given status '8=Fully depreciated fixed asset'. The status update is done in both tables FFASMA and FFASDM.

If a depreciation value, for previous years or current year, has been uploaded for the fixed asset through FAS003MI/Upd, the value period used for that transaction is used to set the last depreciation period (LPER) in table FFASDM. This is set when (FAS800) is run.


  • If all six MI transactions have been used for the initial upload of fixed assets, data exists in these tables:
    • FFASMA (FAS001)
    • FFASDM (FAS002)
    • FFASVL (FAS003)
    • FFAHIS (FAS220)
    • FFAINS (FAS004)
  • When the fixed assets have been uploaded through the MI transactions, all fixed assets records have the field FAMI (Fixed Asset from MI) set to 1, and status in both tables FFASMA and FFASDM are set to 5='Preliminary'.
  • If a simulation of the depreciation plans has been created in (FAS845), the tables FFADSH and FFADSP contain the depreciation plan simulation records, which are all marked with a difference, as there are no actual depreciation plans created yet for fixed assets.
  • When (FAS800) has been run with option 3='Activate asset and calculate depreciation plan', the fixed asset status in tables FFASMA and FFASDM is set to 1='Normal fixed asset' or 8='Fully depreciated fixed asset'.
  • Depreciation plans exist for all fixed assets in status 1='Normal fixed asset', when (FAS800) has been run with option 3='Activate asset and calculate depreciate plan'.