Create Filing Types for Archiving of Ledger Transactions

This document explains how you define various types of general ledger and sub-ledger transactions that can be archived.


Types of archiving transactions are defined, controlling how the resulting balances are posted (per period or only at the last period covered). For balance sheet and profit/loss archiving, they also control which accounting dimensions to disregard in the archiving routine.

Each type may be connected to a filing template for individual archiving of selected transactions instead of a general archiving.

The filing types are displayed automatically in 'General Ledger. File' (GLS800). Select the matching filing type to start the archiving.

The CSTYTAB parameter table (constant FILT) is updated.

Before you start

  • The company must have well-defined archiving routines.

Follow These Steps

  1. Start 'Filing Type. Open' (GLS830/B).

  2. Enter a three-character filing type ID, select and one of the following filing categories, and then click New:

    • 1 = Balance transactions
    • 2 = Result transactions
    • 3 = Accounts receivable transactions
    • 4 = Accounts payable transactions.
  3. On the E panel, enter a description or name and enter the following values, depending on the filing category selected:

    • Categories 1 and 2: Filing template (optional); whether to override the period break and total transactions up to the selected To period; the accounting dimensions for which archiving is to be made
    • Category 3: Filing template (optional); whether invoices must be interest invoiced in order to be included in the archiving
    • Category 4: Filing template (optional).
  4. Press Enter.