Manually Reconcile Against External Document

This procedure is used to reconcile transactions in the system against an external document, such as an account statement from a bank.

Before you start

  • The Reconciliation check box must be selected in ‘Settings - General Ledger’ (CRS750/F).
  • The account to be reconciled must be defined as a reconciliation account in ‘Accounting Identity. Open’ (CRS630/E).

Follow these steps

  1. Start ‘Account. Reconcile Externally’ (GLS180/B).

  2. Enter the business account. All statements for that account are displayed.

  3. Enter a new statement number- Click New.

  4. On the E panel, enter a description, to date, statement date and the opening balance (OB) and closing balance (CB) according to the statement. Note that the from date is automatically retrieved from the previous statement number, adding one day. Press Enter.

  5. All transactions for the selected account and date range are displayed in (GLS181/B). OB, CB and remainder to reconcile are also displayed.

  6. Select the transactions with option Reconcile. The transactions are then marked with an X.

  7. To identify transactions to reconcile, press F17 to display the search panel.

  8. Chose among the available search criteria: Accounting date, voucher number, accounting dimensions 1-7, currency amount, check number, and draft number. Press Enter to display the results of the query in (GLS181/B).

  9. To deselect a marked transaction, select the Delete option for it and press Enter.

  10. End processing when the closing balance for the account equals the closing balance in the statement, and when the accumulated reconciliation equals the period balance from the statement. Vouchers can be entered by pressing F16.

  11. Before ending, you can specify whether the reconciliation is completed or not. The statement cannot be processed further if reconciliation is completed (status 9). If the statement is partially completed, you may continue processing later.