Create Target Table for Allocation

This procedure is used to define the new account entries created by allocation. These tables can be used to allocate budget or actual result transactions.

Target tables are created and ready for use in allocating budget or actual result transactions after using this procedure.

Follow these steps

  1. Start 'A/C Allocation Target Table. Open' (GLS062/B).

  2. Specify an ID. Click New.

  3. On the E-panel, specify a description, allocation method, allocation type, and percentage for adjusting the base amount (if needed).

    For an explanation of these fields, see Accounts Allocation Template for General Ledger and Budget.

  4. In 'A/C Allocation Target Table. Open Lines' (GLS063/B), create each new line by specifying a line number. Click New.

  5. In (GLS063/E), select line type (1 = Receiving; 2 = Balancing receiving), offsetting accounting string, and relative allocation percentage for receiving account entries.

  6. For target tables of allocation type 3 (based on amount) or 4 (based on quantity), select an allocation selection table.

  7. For line type 1 with allocation types 2 and 6 (share allocation), specify a relative share used to create the receiving account entries.

  8. Press Enter and repeat steps in (GLS063/E) for each line to include in the table.