Setup of M3 Trade Statistics

This document explains how to configure the standard version of M3 Business Engine for Intrastat, Extrastat, and EU sales reporting within the European Union (EU). It does not describe any local modifications that likely will apply in specific countries.

Trade statistics management in M3 is mainly a configuration issue. After the system is configured, M3 will do most of the work in the background.


  • M3 can create Intrastat and Extrastat transactions automatically based on customer orders (COs), service orders (SOs), distribution orders (DOs), and purchase orders (POs). The transactions are stored in the table for trade statistics transactions, CSYECT, and displayed in 'Trade Statistics. Open' (TXS300).
  • You can directly create trade statistics manually in (TXS300). If a purchase order or customer order is missing, you can also create transactions through 'Supplier Invoice. Record' (APS100/F) (Intrastat arrival transactions), 'Customer Invoice. Enter' (ARS100/F) (Intrastat dispatch transactions) and 'Customer Invoice. Enter Manual' (ARS120) (Intrastat dispatch transactions).
  • The company has a centralized control of all reporting activities.

Use these settings to configure the options:

  • Review, adjust, and manually create transactions in 'Trade Statistics. Display Transactions' (TXS300).
  • Create Intrastat and Extrastat reports in 'Trade Statistics. Print' (CRS600).
  • Create electronic EU sales reports based on VAT transactions and VAT-generating transactions in 'EU Sales/Purchase. Open Proposal' (TXS130).

Before you start

You must read the concept documents listed in the See also section.

Analyze local reporting requirements

Contact your national statistical office to identify the requirements for trade statistics reporting in your country. Determine whether there are any local modifications of the trade statistics solution in your country. Since most EU member countries have different requirements, local modifications are usually used to manage each one individually. Some tasks in the configuration work flow described in this document are only applicable to certain local modifications.

Read the information about each task below to identify which ones are relevant in your situation and make notes of which codes and components to use.

Configuration of division

  1. Activate trade statistics

    Item Details

    Activate the generation of trade statistics transactions in these three programs:

    1. 'Company. Connect Division' (MNS100/G)

      Select the 'Trade statistics (TST)' check box for the applicable divisions to enable the generation of Intrastat, Extrastat, and EU sales transactions. Fields specific to trade statistics are then displayed during order entry. Remember to also select this check box for the central (blank) division, since the delivering warehouse determines whether Intrastat, Extrastat, and EU sales transactions are created. However, during customer order entry, the warehouse or warehouses that will deliver the goods are not known.

    2. 'Country. Open' (CRS045).

      Select alternative 1 (Intrastat) in the 'Create Intrastat or Extrastat' field for each EU member state. If the company must also do Extrastat reporting, select alternative 2 (Extrastat) in this field for the applicable countries outside the EU.

    3. 'Settings – Trade Statistics' (CRS726/E)

      Select the 'Intrastat generating' check box for the division to enable the generation of Intrastat and EU sales transactions.

    Use The CSYECT table is automatically updated with Intrastat and Extrastat transactions at order entry.
    Applies To Intrastat, Extrastat
  2. Activate update at CO invoicing

    Item Details
    Task It is recommended that you select both the Batch and the Auto check boxes for direct update of Intrastat during invoicing on 'Settings – Customer Order Invoicing' (CRS722/E).
    Reason If these check boxes are not selected, Intrastat and Extrastat transactions are not created automatically at customer order invoicing. Instead, you must create them by running 'Intrastat. Process Customer Orders' (TXS330).
    Applies To Intrastat and Extrastat
  3. Register EU country codes

    Item Details
    Task For each EU member state, register the three-digit country code to use in trade statistics reports. The registration is done in two steps: First, register the code itself in 'TST Country Code. Open' (CRS047). Second, select the corresponding code for each EU member state in 'Country. Open' (CRS045) together with the internationally recognized ISO country code.
    Reason Specific country codes, defined by the European Union, are required for trade statistics reporting.

    The country code is displayed for each Intrastat and Extrastat transaction on (TXS300/E). Country codes are printed on the reports created in 'Trade Statistics. Print' (CRS600) and can be used to define the countries on the submission reports in local modifications. The country code is also included as mandatory information in the payment file when you report foreign supplier payments to the German Central Bank.

    The ISO country code is automatically added as a prefix to the VAT registration number. Note that the ISO code for Greece is "GR", whereas the VAT registration prefix is "EL".

    Applies To Intrastat, Extrastat, and EU sales
  4. Configure delivery date

    Item Details
    Task Define 'VAT date type' parameter in 'Settings – General Ledger' (CRS750).

    For some countries, it is required to report Intrastat based on delivery date.

    To allow for those cases where a delivery date may not be available at customer order, service order, distribution order or purchase order level, it must be possible to systematically derive a delivery date based on the settings applied to parameter 'VAT date type' in (CRS750).


    1. Where delivery date is not available at CO, SO, DO, or PO level, it is derived based on the following rule:

    • If parameter 'VAT date type' is set to 1 or 3 on the (CRS750/F) panel, accounting date is used
    • If parameter 'VAT date type' is set to 2 or 4 on the (CRS750/F) panel, invoice date is used

    2. When manually specifying a new record or editing an existing record in 'Trade Statistics. Open' (TXS300) and 'VAT date type' parameter is set to 3 or 4 on the (CRS750/F) panel, an error message is displayed stating that delivery date must be entered. This ensures that all transactions are included when selections are performed in 'Trade Statistics. Print' (CRS600). The delivery date does not actually appear on the report and is only required to ensure that the report is included in the selection for print.

    Applies To Intrastat
  5. Define number series for tax declaration number

    Item Details
    Task Define the these number series in 'Number Series. Open' (CRS165): TX/0 (tax declaration number) and 64/C (EU sales report number).
    Reason The tax declaration number is a company-internal number used to differentiate trade statistics reports.

    The TX/0 number series assigns a number to the Intrastat and Extrastat reports created in 'Trade Statistics. Print' (CRS600), provided that the 'Update transactions' check box is selected. You can also reprint a previously created report by specifying the tax declaration of that report manually in the same program.

    The 64/C number series numbers EU sales reports created in 'EU Sales/Purchase. Open Proposal' (TXS130).

    Note A tax declaration number is always assigned to an Intrastat or Extrastat report if the 'Update transactions' check box is selected, even if the report does not contain any transactions. The result of such a case is a gap in the number series. However, since the number is used for internal identification, this will not cause problems.
    Applies To Intrastat, Extrastat, and EU sales
  6. Specify Extrastat registration number

    Item Details
    Task Specify the company's Extrastat registration number for the division on 'Company. Connect Division' (MNS100/G).
    Reason The registration number is defined by local authorities to be printed on Extrastat reports.
    Use The registration number is automatically defaulted to Extrastat transactions – transaction types 3 and 4 – in (TXS300). It is used by Infor Enterprise Collaborator when electronic Extrastat reports are created in 'Trade Statistics. Print' (CRS600).
    Applies To Extrastat
  7. Register labor codes

    Item Details
    Task Register the different types of transactions that are reported in the trade statistics using labor codes in 'TST Labor Code. Open' (CRS320). If labor codes are not required, register a labor code with a blank ID.
    Reason Labor codes are used in France in combination with business transaction types to identify the transactions. The labor codes are defined by the national tax authorities and define the nature of the transaction. For example, 3 is used for distribution of goods without financial gain and 11 for definitive sales or purchases.

    You select a labor code for each customer in EU member states on 'Customer. Open' (CRS610/G). If labor codes are not required, the labor code field can be hidden by pressing F13 on this panel.

    The labor code from the customer can be proposed automatically when you create a customer order based on a specific customer order type, as defined on 'CO Type. Update Field Selection' (OIS014/J).

    Applies To Intrastat
  8. Register business transaction types

    Item Details
    Task Register the different types of Intrastat and Extrastat transactions that are applicable in your country using business transaction types in 'TST Business Type. Open' (CRS240). Business transaction types, which are called business types in M3, are registered in 'TST Business Type. Open' (CRS240). Do not create a record with a blank ID.

    Business transactions types are required and defined by the national tax or customs authorities. These types can differ per year. Examples of business transaction types that might be used in your country are Financial leasing, Arrival of non-credited goods, Goods sent for return, and Free of charge.

    In France, business transaction types are used in combination with labor codes. The business transaction type denotes the "mode" (regime) of the transaction.


    Apart from being used as an additional code to denote the type of transaction, the M3 business types indicate when trade statistics transactions are created for the business type: Not created at all, when goods are received in stock (for purchase orders, distribution orders, maintenance orders and customer returns), when goods are sent out from stock (for customer deliveries and service orders), or in both of the two latter cases.

    Each business type also determines which values are optional, mandatory, or not to be entered for that particular business transaction type when you manually create or adjust trade statistics transactions in (TXS300), either directly or through 'Supplier Invoice. Record' (APS100/F) or 'Customer Invoice. Enter' (ARS100/F): Consumption code, country code according to the ISO standard, fiscal value, statistical value, net weight, quantity supplement, labor code, delivery terms, delivery method, area/state, country of origin, the customer's VAT registration number, or the vehicle country. (The vehicle country, that is, the home country of the carrier, is only used in local modifications. The code of the vehicle country must be one of the EU country codes registered in CRS047.)

    Note: When you create a new customer order type, the business type is always by default. This might not be a valid setting for the field as defined by the local authorities.
    Applies To Intrastat and Extrastat
  9. Define conversion of business transactions types

    Item Details
    Task Define which business type and labor code will be used as replacements for each combination of country, transaction type, reporting country, business transaction type, and labor code in 'TST Business Type. Convert' (TXS015).
    Reason Since business transaction types are not the same in all countries, they must be converted from one country to another when a company is required to report trade statistics to a statistical authority other than the local one. That is, when the company has a VAT registration number in another EU member state.
    Use The conversion table is used in combination with fiscal representatives. In M3, fiscal representatives represent VAT registration numbers in another EU member state. Fiscal representatives are defined in 'Fiscal Representation. Open' (TXS030). The business transaction type defined as the default value on each order type (for customer orders, purchase orders, and project orders) is automatically converted when a transaction is created for another country, provided there is an exact match in (TXS015).
    Applies To Intrastat and Extrastat
  10. Define freight adjustment factors

    Item Details
    Task Define coefficients for the adjustment of statistical values due to freight costs for a combination of dispatch country, arrival country, and delivery terms in 'Freight Adjustment Factor. Open' (TXS305).
    Reason In countries such as Italy, France, Belgium, and Germany, it is permitted to include the freight cost from the delivering warehouse to the border in the statistical value. Since it would be difficult to calculate and report freight for each order, especially if a third party is used, a freight adjustment factor is allowed.
    Use The coefficient is automatically applied to calculate the statistical value based on the fiscal value. The statistical value and the fiscal value – which without the coefficient are identical – are printed in separate columns on Intrastat reports based on report layouts 21, 22, 31, and 32 in 'Trade Statistics. Print' (CRS600).
    Applies To Intrastat and Extrastat
  11. Register sender locations and receiver locations

    Item Details
    Task Register the name of the location of the sender in 'Sender Location. Open' (CRS068) and the name of the location of the receiver in 'Receiver Location. Open' (CRS069). Even if location codes are not required, you must still set up a record with a blank code, a dummy entry, in these two programs.
    Reason Depending on the country, it might be required to state where electronic trade statistics reports are sent from and to.
    Use A sender location and a receiver location must be selected on the (CRS726/E) panel. The sender location is then automatically defaulted to all dispatch transactions (transaction type 2) and the receiver location to all arrival transactions (transaction type 1) in (TXS300).
    Applies To Intrastat and Extrastat
  12. Register harbors and airports

    Item Details
    Task Depending on your type of EU trade, register the names of harbors or airports that can be used in 'Harbor/Airport. Open' (CRS073).
    Reason This information, which is used by Infor Enterprise Collaborator to create electronic reports for Belgium, is required for exports or imports when the goods do not pass any customs office at the border.
    Use A harbor or airport can be selected for customers and suppliers. It is then defaulted to and proposed on customer orders, distribution orders, purchase orders, and service orders. The name of the harbor or airport is then automatically added to the Intrastat transaction in (TXS300), provided that the delivery method is either by ship or by air as identified in 'Delivery Method. Open' (CRS070).
    Applies To Intrastat and Extrastat
  13. Define company-defined fields

    Item Details
    Task If required, define up to five company-defined fields, one in each of the following programs: (CRS350), (CRS355), (CRS360), (CRS365), and (CRS370).
    Reason The fields support local modifications of the electronic reports created by Infor Enterprise Collaborator.
    Use There is no built-in function in standard M3. These fields can be populated automatically with the values entered for any free fields selected for purchase orders (table MPLINE, fields IBECF1–IBECF5), but this requires a local modification to work.
    Applies To Intrastat and Extrastat
  14. Register customs exchange rate

    Item Details
    Task Register the exchange rate type and exchange rates to be used for converting values into local currency for the reporting for Intrastat and Extrastat in 'Exchange Rate Type. Open' (CRS056) and its subprograms.
    Reason In many countries, Intrastat and Extrastat transactions must be reported using an exchange rate that is defined by the customs authorities and that can differ from the exchange rate used in the company's general ledger.

    You must select the exchange rate type in 'Settings – Trade Statistics' (CRS726). The exchange rate for this exchange rate type is then automatically applied. The exchange rate type is used to retrieve the fiscal value in the CSYECT table.

    The exchange rate type is not used for EU sales transactions, since those are reconciled against the VAT.

    Applies To Intrastat and Extrastat
  15. Select whether to create EU sales transactions for cash discounts

    Item Details
    Task Select the 'Cash discount on EU sales' check box on 'Settings – General Ledger' (CRS750/F) if you want cash discounts to be included as separate lines in the EU sales report.
    Reason According to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), it is required in most countries to report the impact of cash discounts on EU sales.
    Use Separate transactions for cash discounts on EU sales are automatically created in (TXS300) when processing customer payments. These transactions are not distinguishable from other EU sales transactions.
    Note This task is not relevant if the company uses 'EU Sales/Purchase. Open Proposal' (TXS130) to create electronic EU sales reports instead of 'Trade Statistics. Print' (CRS600).
    Applies To EU sales
  16. Define basic settings per division

    Item Details
    Task Configure basic settings in 'Settings – Trade Statistics' (CRS726), as described in Define Basic Trade Statistics Settings per Division.

    These are the (CRS726) primary controls:

    • Whether trade statistics transactions are created (compare task 2 above)
    • Any exchange rate defined by customs for Intrastat and Extrastat reporting
    • Which default business transactions type to use for distribution orders
    • Whether trade statistics transactions are based on goods movements, the external invoice, or the internal invoice.

    Any exchange rate type selected in (CRS726) is automatically applied to calculate the fiscal value and statistical value for each Intrastat and Extrastat transaction, as displayed on the (TXS300/F) panel, and printed on Intrastat and Extrastat reports created in (CRS600).

    The business transaction types selected are automatically defaulted to the Intrastat and Extrastat transactions based on distribution orders.

    The settings on the G panel determine which Intrastat and EU sales transactions are created in different scenarios, depending on whether transactions are based on the invoice or goods movements.

    Applies To Intrastat, Extrastat, and EU sales
  17. Manage Returns
    Item Details
    Task Manage returns for trade statistics in these programs:
    1. 'Country. Open' (CRS045/E)

      Select the 'Original reported' field. This field indicates how goods returns are managed for Intrastat or Extrastat transactions that were reported, with status 90 in (TXS300), or are not connected to an original transaction.

      • Select alternative 0 (inverse) to create a new transaction with an inverse information type, positive amounts, and a correction report type. The business type and labor code for returns are retrieved from (CRS726).
      • Select alternative 0 (inverse) to create a new transaction with the same information type as the original transaction, positive amounts, and a correction type. The business type and labor code for returns are retrieved from (CRS726).

      Select the 'Original not reported' field. This field indicates how goods returns are managed for Intrastat transactions that were not reported, with a status not equal to 90 in (TXS300).

      • Select alternative 0 (deducted) to create a new transaction with a regular information type, negative amounts, and a normal report type. If the transaction is connected to an original transaction, the business type and labor code are retrieved from that transaction. If the transaction is not connected to an original transaction, the business type and labor code for returns are retrieved from (CRS726).
      • Select alternative 1 (inverse) to create a new transaction with an inverse information type, positive amounts, and a normal report type. The business type and labor code are retrieved from (CRS726).
      • Select alternative 2 (identified) to create a new transaction with a regular information type, positive amounts, and a normal report type. The business type and labor code are retrieved from (CRS726).
    2. 'Settings. Trade Statistics' (CRS726/E)

      Define the business type and labor code for returns. These fields indicate different types of trade transactions to identify goods return in the trade statistics. See Define Basic Trade Statistics Settings per Division.

    Reason The purpose of this definition is to decide which goods return method to use for each country.
    Applies To Intrastat and Extrastat

Configuration of items

  1. Register consumption codes

    Item Details
    Task Register required consumption codes in 'Consumption Code. Open' (CRS330). If consumption codes are not required, register a record with a blank code.
    Reason Consumption codes indicating how the product is used are not required in all countries. Currently, Infor Enterprise Collaborator uses consumption codes only to create electronic reports in some local modifications. Consumption codes can also be used to define bonus and commission agreements when identifying items to include in the agreement.

    Consumption codes are primarily included to support local modifications. Each business type determines whether a consumption code is required for trade statistics transactions.

    A consumption code can be selected for an item on 'Item. Open' (MMS001/F). A consumption code must be entered for each combination of item and facility on 'Item. Connect Facility' (MMS003/F); that is why a record with a blank ID must be created in (CRS330). The consumption code is then defaulted automatically from (MMS003) to the trade statistics transaction for both exports and imports.

    Applies To Intrastat and Extrastat
  2. Register supplementary units of measure

    Item Details
    Task Register a supplementary unit of measure together with a conversion factor based on net weight for each applicable item in 'Item. Connect Alternate U/M' (MMS015). The supplementary unit of measure must be of type 3.
    Reason The quantity of the commodities is usually expressed as the net weight in kilograms. However, the Combined Nomenclature, an official EU document available from all customs offices, might stipulate that supplementary units of measure are required for specific commodity codes. For example, garments tend to require the number of units in addition to the net weight.

    When M3 calculates the quantity value for an Intrastat transaction, it first looks for a type 3 entry for the item in (MMS015). If no conversion factor is found there, M3 searches for a conversion factor for each commodity code in 'Customs Statistics Number. Open' (CRS128). M3 multiplies the conversion factor by the net weight, not by the basic unit of measure of the item. If no conversion factor is found, the net weight is automatically applied as the quantity value.

    Note: For catch-weight items, M3 uses the actual catch weight entered and invoiced without any further calculation.
    Applies To Intrastat and Extrastat
  3. Register commodity codes

    Item Details

    Register the official commodity codes using customs statistics numbers in 'Customers Statistics Number. Open' (CRS128). It is recommended that you create a 'Not applicable' record for non-Intrastat items and an 'ERROR' or '********' record for items for which the code is yet to be defined. Do not create any blank records.

    Apart from representing a specific commodity code, each M3 record also defines these values:

    • Intrastat generation: If this check box is cleared, it is an override that prevents transactions for a particular commodity code from generating Intrastat transactions. We recommend that this check box is always selected.
    • Supplementary unit of measure (U/M): The field defines a supplementary unit of measure that might be required for a specific commodity code.
    • Conversion factor: The conversion factor is used to calculate the value in the customs quantity field for the Intrastat transaction in case there is no alternate unit of measure selected for the item. The quantity, as expressed in the selected unit of measure, is calculated by multiplying the conversion factor by the net weight (that is, not by the basic unit of measure of the item).
    • Service: The field indicates whether the commodity code is used for reporting Intrastat on services. When the field is enabled, and the field 'Report services' in (CRS726) is enabled, the Intrastat transaction is updated with report type 20 or 21 to report Intrastat for services separately in (CRS600).

    A commodity code is a standard code recognized throughout EU countries to describe the nature of an item. The codes, which are called customs statistics numbers in M3, are defined in the Combined Nomenclature. The first eight digits of the commodity code are used for Intrastat and Extrastat reporting. They are grouped logically, for example, the code for onions is 07031011, shallots is 07031090, and garlic is 07032000.

    Some commodities in certain EU member states do not have to be reported to customs but might still have a commodity code. In some countries, a commodity code is also used to describe the nature of a service.


    A commodity code is selected for each combination of item and facility on 'Item. Connect Facility' (MMS003/E). See below. For information about how conversion factors for supplementary units of measure are applied, see above.

    The commodity code is displayed for Intrastat and Extrastat transactions in (TXS300). If a commodity code is missing, the value '*Error' is displayed for the transaction on the (TXS300/B) panel and is also printed on the reports.

    Applies To Intrastat and Extrastat
  4. Assign commodity codes to items

    Item Details
    Task Select a commodity code using a customs statistical number for each combination of item and facility that might be relevant for Intrastat reporting on 'Item. Connect Facility' (MMS003/E). Also, consult with your suppliers to ensure that you use the same commodity codes.
    Reason In Intrastat reporting, goods are classified using the official commodity codes defined in the Combined Nomenclature and represented in M3 by the customs statistics number. Every type of product has its own code. Finding the correct commodity code for your goods is one of the most important parts of the Intrastat setup. Customs authorities cross-check to verify that suppliers and customers use the same codes for the same goods.
    Use The customs statistical number of the item is proposed when you create a purchase order, customer order, distribution order, or service order.
    Applies To Intrastat and Extrastat

Configuration of deliveries

  1. Register Extrastat delivery terms

    Item Details
    Task If the company is required to report Extrastat, register the codes to be used to represent Extrastat delivery terms in 'Extrastat Delivery Term. Open' (CRS067).
    Reason Standard codes – IDs – for delivery terms might be required for Extrastat transactions. To link delivery terms with another code to the Extrastat system, select the closest delivery terms code as the Extrastat delivery term on the (CRS065/E) panel.
    Use You can select a code for Extrastat delivery terms in 'Delivery Term. Open' (CRS065). The code is then displayed for the Extrastat transactions created based on those delivery terms on the (TXS300/F) panel.
    Applies To Extrastat
  2. Configure delivery methods

    Item Details
    Task Specify the code of the Intrastat transport method for each applicable delivery method in 'Delivery Method. Open' (CRS070). For Extrastat, also select whether goods are loaded in a container when passing the border by selecting or clearing the 'Container used' check box.

    Standard codes for delivery methods are required in Germany at least for the mapping of electronic reports in Infor Enterprise Collaborator.

    Examples of standard codes used in Intrastat to define how goods physically cross borders between EU member states are 1 (By ship) and 2 (By rail).

    To link delivery methods with another code in M3 to the Intrastat system, enter the Intrastat transport method for the delivery method on the (CRS065/E) panel, even if the code of the delivery method and the code of the Intrastat transport method are identical.


    You select a delivery method when you create orders. The transport method is then included in the trade statistics transaction. For customer orders, the delivery method can be automatically retrieved from 'Customer. Open' (CRS610/G) or from the delivery address in the customer order header, as defined on 'CO Type. Update Field Selection' (OIS014/F).

    The value selected in the 'Container used' check box is defaulted to Extrastat dispatch transactions and displayed in (TXS300).

    Each business transaction type determines whether the delivery method is a mandatory parameter at order entry.

    Applies To Intrastat
  3. Configure delivery terms

    Item Details
    Task If applicable, register the standard Intrastat delivery terms code for the corresponding delivery terms ID on 'Delivery Term. Open' (CRS065/E). If no appropriate code is available, select XXX as the Intrastat delivery terms code. For Extrastat, select a corresponding code, previously registered in (CRS067).

    Standard codes for Intrastat and Extrastat delivery terms are required in Germany to identify the owner of goods and to apply the coefficients for adjusting statistical values correctly.

    Examples of such codes, which might not be identical to the codes for delivery terms recommended by Incoterm, are the following for Intrastat: CIF (Cost, insurance and freight), DDU (Delivered duty unpaid), DDP (Delivered duty paid), EXW (Ex Works), FOB (Free on board), and XXX (Other). To link the Incoterm delivery terms with another code to the trade statistics system, you must select the closest delivery terms code as the Intrastat delivery term on the (CRS065/E) panel.

    Use The code of the Intrastat/Extrastat delivery method is defaulted from the delivery method to the Intrastat/Extrastat transaction.
    Applies To Intrastat and Extrastat

Configuration of customers and suppliers

  1. Configure customers

    Item Details

    Configure each external and internal customer in an EU member state in 'Customer. Open' (CRS610).

    • Specify a VAT registration number on the (CRS610/J) panel and for each delivery address on 'Customer. Connect Addresses (OIS002/F). (OIS002/F) is accessed from the (CRS610/B) panel.
    • Specify a country code on the (CRS610/E) panel and for each delivery address (the latter only for external customers).
    • If the company has configured (CRS610) so that the labor code field is displayed on the (CRS610/G) panel, specify a labor code for the applicable customers. If labor codes are not required, select the one with a blank ID.

    Repeat the same procedure for internal customers.

    Reason The VAT registration number of the customer must be printed on the Intrastat or Extrastat reports for dispatches and on the EU sales report. Country codes are required to enable M3 to identify when to create trade statistics transactions in international trade.

    M3 uses the country code on the customer and the address in combination with the country code of the warehouse to identify which of the settings on the (CRS726/G) panel are applied to create trade statistics transactions.

    For a description of how the labor code is applied, see task 7 (Register Labor Codes).

    Applies To Intrastat, Extrastat, and EU sales
  2. Configure suppliers

    Item Details

    Configure each supplier in an EU member state.

    • Specify a VAT registration number on 'Supplier. Define Purchase & Financial' (CRS624/F).
    • Specify a country code on 'Supplier. Open' (CRS620/E).

    The VAT registration number of the supplier must be printed on the Intrastat or Extrastat report for arrivals.

    The country code indicates whether trade statistics transactions are created for purchases.


    M3 uses the country code on the supplier and the address in combination with the country code of the warehouse to identify which of the settings on the (CRS726/G) panel are applied to create trade statistics transactions.

    M3 retrieves the VAT registration number of the supplier from (CRS620) and (CRS622) when Intrastat or Extrastat transactions are created based on purchase order invoicing.

    Applies To Intrastat and Extrastat

Configuration of order types

These tasks relate to the update of customer order types, purchase order types, and service order types.

For distribution orders, the default business transaction type to apply for dispatches and arrivals, respectively, is selected on 'Settings – Trade Statistics' (CRS726/E). On the same panel, the default business transaction type for customer returns is selected.

  1. Configure display of fields for CO types

    Item Details

    Define which of these fields are displayed and how they are populated for each customer order type in 'CO Type. Update Field Selection' (OIS014).

    • F panel: The 'Triangular trade' check box, which is displayed in 'Customer Order. Open' (OIS100). The check box is normally displayed and manually selected in (OIS100). Used for the EU sales report only, where triangular trade is reported separately.
    • G panel: The 'Business Type TST' field in the customer order header. The standard selection would be to specify the value manually.
    • J panel: The 'Labor code' field in the customer order lines. The standard selection would be to retrieve the value from the current customer on 'Customer. Open' (CRS610/G).
    • K panel: The 'Customs procedure export' field. The standard selection would be to retrieve the value from the combination of item and facility on (MMS003/F).
    • K panel: The 'Country of origin' field. The standard selection would be to retrieve the value from the combination of item and facility in (MMS003).
    Reason Selecting these values on the order type level facilitates order entry.
    Use For the triangular trade field, the settings in (OIS014) determine which value is proposed by default in the customer order header on 'Customer Order. Open' (OIS100/F). The other three fields are proposed by default for each customer order line on 'Customer Order. Open Line' (OIS101/F).
    Applies To Intrastat, Extrastat, and EU sales
  2. Configure purchase order types

    Item Details

    Define the following values for the applicable purchase order types on 'Purchase Order Type. Open' (PPS095/I):

    • The labor code to apply (parameter 390)
    • The business transaction type (parameter 400).
    Reason Selecting these values on the order type level facilitates order entry.
    Use The business transaction type and the labor code are proposed for the purchase order lines on 'Purchase Order. Open Lines' (PPS201/F) for purchase orders based on the configured purchase order type.
    Applies To Intrastat and Extrastat
  3. Configure service order types

    Item Details
    Task Connect a business transaction type and a labor code (if applicable) to the applicable service order types on 'Service Order Type. Open' (SOS010/G).
    Reason Selecting these values on the order type level facilitates order entry.
    Use The labor code and the business transaction type are proposed for the service order header on 'Service Order. Open' (SOS100/F) and for each service order line on 'Service Order. Open Line' (SOS120/E).
    Applies To Intrastat and Extrastat

Definition of customs values

Local regulations determine whether the following tasks are required.

  1. Register customs procedure codes

    Item Details
    Task Register the official customs procedure codes in 'Customs Procedure. Open for Export' (CRS048) and 'Customs Procedure. Open for Import' (CRS049).
    Reason Customers procedure codes (CPCs) are used in some markets for both exports (dispatches) and imports (arrivals) to indicate the nature of the movement of goods, for example, if the goods are being used as samples or are part of a consignment for sale.

    Infor Enterprise Collaborator uses the customs procedure codes for at least one market-specific electronic report.

    The export customs procedure code is entered when you manually create or adjust Intrastat dispatches transactions in (TXS300) and the import customs procedure codes for the Intrastat arrival transactions in the same program.

    For exports, the code is defaulted to the customer order line either from the customer order type or from 'Item. Connect Facility' (MMS003/F), as controlled by 'CO Type. Update Field Selection' (OIS014/K). For imports, the code is always retrieved from (MMS003/F) and proposed on the purchase order line.

    Applies To Intrastat and Extrastat
  2. Register customs offices

    Item Details
    Task Register the names of customs offices involved in your EU trade in 'Customs Office. Open' (CRS081). If customs offices are not used, register a record with a blank code.
    Reason The only purpose of registering customs offices is to support market-specific electronic reports when required.
    Use There is no functionality behind the customs offices in the standard version of M3.
    Applies To Intrastat and Extrastat
  3. Register customs preference codes

    Item Details
    Task Register the official preference codes provided by the authorities for each applicable combination of country and item in 'Customs Preference. Connect to Item' (CRS243).
    Reason Preference codes are not required in all EU member states and are only used to support market-specific electronic reports, when required. The actual preference codes to be used are assigned by local authorities.
    Uses The preference code of the item defaults from purchase order transactions only. It is retrieved automatically from the linking of a country of the supplier to an item number in (CRS243). The code can be changed for each transaction on the (TXS300/G) panel.
    Applies To Intrastat and Extrastat