Migration of Bank Accounts


The auxiliary program 'Bank Account. Mass Update' (CMS692) allows you to copy, delete, and/or replace fields with a specific value from bank account fields 1-5 (BAF1-BAF5 on (CRS692/E)) to fields on 'Bank Account. Open' (CRS692) on panels (CRS692/K), (CRS692/L), and (CRS692/M), used for global electronic messages. 'Bank Account Mass Update. Lines' (CMS693) is used to define the fields and indicate the action or update method to be performed.

The purpose of the migration program is to change the bank account setup from the configuration used for payment formats handled via Financial Business Messages (FBM), to the bank account setup required for the payment formats handled via Global Electronic Messaging Service (GEMS) using BODs. Refer to Infor M3 Core Integration Guide for Infor Localization Services GEMS for the detailed guidelines for the formats.

Before you start

  1. Before running (CMS692), make sure to close any open proposals in 'Supplier Payment Proposal. Open' (APS130) and 'Bank Remittance. Open' (ARS300).
  2. On 'Company. Connect Division' (MNS100/K) select alternative 2-'Activated per user' on (CRS692/P) to activate functionality for global electronic messages in (CRS692), in order to check values for the fields before and after migration.
  3. On 'Bank Account. Open' (CRS692/P) select alternative 1-'Activated for global electronic messages' (panels K, L, and M).
  4. In 'Bank Account Indicator. Open' (CRS072) activate the fields to be used depending on the country and format. Refer to the bank account settings under Chapter 1: Banking in Infor M3 CE Core Configuration Guide for Infor Localization Services GEMS for the applicable fields per format.

These fields are on panels (CRS692/K), (CRS692/L), and (CRS692/M). Alternative 1 is used when the field is optional and alternative 2 is used when field is mandatory.

  • Field selection must be activated for indicators both that do require and do not require migration, for example, IBAN is used.
  • Field selection in (CRS072) cannot be set to 0-'Not displayed/used' when the indicator has been connected to a bank account in (CRS692).
  • Bank account field 1-5 (BAF1-BAF5) and check digit methods are only used in special cases for this setup depending on country or message-specific information required.

    See Country specific information.


The migration program (CMS692) allows you to update company, supplier, and customer bank accounts. In the parameters, select bank account type, bank account indicator, division (only required for company bank accounts, optional for supplier bank accounts), bank account ID, and customer and/or supplier.

The lines in 'Bank Account Mass Update. Lines' (CMS693) define the information to be migrated in the new fields.

There are three update methods:
  • 1 – 'Specific value' to set a specific value for the field define.
  • 2 – 'Fields 1-5' to set fields to copy the value from. If more than one field is defined, concatenated values are retrieved for the field.
  • 3 – Set to 'blank/zero' to set value to blank which clears the value of the field. Copy and deletion of fields should be performed in separate runs. Update method 3-'Set to blank/zero' must not be combined with update methods 1-'Specific value' and 2-'Fields 1-5'.
Note: Bank account and bank account type on (CMS692/E) cannot be modified when lines have been defined in (CMS693).

Follow these steps

Follow the steps below to create and run a migration:

  1. Go to (CMS692) to create a run to copy values and/or set specific values with the selection of identified bank account indicator and bank account to be migrated.

    To define lines use related option 11 (CMS693). Refer to Migration example below on how parameters can be defined.

  2. Run the program using related option 9-'Run' to copy and/or set fixed value to the new fields.
  3. Validate that details have been updated correctly in (CRS692).
  4. Go to (CMS692) to create a run to clear information from fields that are not needed. It is recommended to use the same selection as in step 1.
  5. Run the program using related option 9-'Run' to clear information in the fields.
  6. Validate that details have been updated correctly in (CRS692).
  7. Change the settings of indicators in (CRS072) and deactivate fields not used after migration.
  8. Change the setting in (MNS100/K) and select parameter ‘Global electronic messages’ to 1-'Activated'.

Additional guidelines for migrating bank accounts

  • In (CMS693) an error message is displayed when the new field selected is set to 0-'Not used' in (CRS072).
  • The following fields are only applicable and can be modified for a specific bank account:
    • Customer number at financial institution (FICU) is only applicable to company bank accounts.
    • Recipient number (RENO) is only applicable to supplier bank accounts (currently only used by Swedish suppliers for BankGiro and PlusGiro formats).
  • Once a migration run in (CMS692) has been executed, the same run cannot be executed again. The run date is an indication that a run has been executed.
  • It is recommended to make a limited selection for the bank accounts to be migrated in each run, in order to simplify the validation of the migration result.

Migration example

  1. Using update method 1-'Specific value' and 2-'Fields 1-5':
    • Bank account number (BACN) updated with values from bank account field 2 and 3 (BAF2 + BAF3)
    • Priority code (PITY) updated with a specific value.
    Field Update Method From Field 1 From Field 2 Specific Value
    BCBACN 2-'Fields 1-5' BCBAF1 BCBAF2
    BCPITY 1-'Specific value' 2-'High'
  2. Using update method 2-'Fields 1-5':
    • Bank account number (BACN) updated with value from Account number at financial institution (FIAN).
    • Clearing system number (CLSN) updated with value from Branch number (BRNO).
    Field Update Method From Field 1 From Field 2 Specific Value
    BCBACN 2-'Fields 1-5' BCFIAN
    BCCLSN 2-'Fields 1-5' BCBRNO
  3. Using update method 1-'Specific value':
    • Category purpose code (CPCO), Priority code (PITY), and Charge bearer code (CBCB) updated with specific values.
    Field Update Method From Field 1 From Field 2 Specific Value
    BCCBCD 1-'Specific value' 4-'Service level'
    BCCPCO 1-'Specific value' SUPP
    BCPITY 1-'Specific value' 1-Normal

Country specific information


  • Migration is not required as payments are still handled via Financial Business Messages (FBM). Also see Infor M3 Country Version for Brazil Configuration Guide.

Czech Republic

  • Bank account indicators for supplier bank accounts:
    • Retain bank account field 4 (BAF4) in this setup as this is used to indicate the specific symbol for the payee.


  • Bank account indicators for supplier bank accounts with check digit method 22 and 23:
    • Retain check digit methods in this setup in case validation of the Giro number is required for supplier invoices.
      • If the Giro number is to be retrieved from Bank account field 1 (BAF1), retain the value in the setup.
      • If the Giro number is to be retrieved from Invoice reference 2 (IRE2), retain the value in the setup.
      • Otherwise use the field Bank account number (BACN).
  • Bank account indicators for company bank accounts with check digit method 23:
    • Retain check digit methods in this setup in case validation of the Giro number is required for supplier invoices.
      • If the Giro number is to be retrieved from Bank account field (1), retain value in the setup.
      • Otherwise use the field Bank account number (BACN).


Note: Bank account indicators including the selection for the Bank account field 1 (BAF1), that holds the type of bank account, must be done on (CMS692/E).
  • Bank account indicators for company bank accounts for BankGiro Local (check digit method 31):
    • Set Clearing system number (CLSN) to ‘9900’ for bank accounts storing Bankgiro number.
  • Bank account indicators for company bank accounts for BankGiro Foreign (check digit method 31):
    • Retain Bank account field 2 (BAF2) to handle currency account.
    • Set Clearing system number (CLSN) to ‘9900’ for bank accounts storing Bankgiro number.
  • Bank account indicators for supplier bank accounts for BankGiro Local (check digit method 34) and Foreign (check digit method 35):
    • Retain check digit methods in the setup to correctly migrate value for Recipient number (RENO). Once migration is performed, the field may be deactivated.
    • Retain Bank account field 1 (BAF1) in the setup, as this is used for some payment types to correctly identify purpose and payment method of an account during supplier payment process in 'Suppl Payment Proposal. Open' (APS130).
    • For supplier bank accounts for BankGiro Local (check digit method 34), set Clearing system number (CLSN) to ‘9900’ for bank accounts storing Bankgiro number.
  • Bank account indicators for company bank accounts for PlusGiro CFP Local and Foreign (check digit method 32):
    • Set Clearing system number (CLSN) to ‘9500’ for bank accounts storing Plusgiro number.
  • Bank account indicators for supplier bank accounts for PlusGiro CFP Local (check digit method 36) and Foreign (check digit method 37):
    • Retain check digit methods in the setup to correctly migrate value for Recipient number (RENO). Once migration is performed, the field may be deactivated.
    • Retain Bank account field 1 (BAF1) in the setup as this is used for some payment types to correctly identify purpose and payment method of an account during supplier payment process in (APS130).
    • For supplier bank accounts for PlusGiro CFP Local (check digit method 36), set Clearing system number (CLSN) to ‘9500’ for bank accounts storing Plusgiro number.