Manage Invoice BOD Data

The necessary data for the invoice BOD is created when an invoice is created in M3 BE. If the invoice log functionality is used, the BOD data is created when the invoice number is confirmed in 'Invoice Number Log. Open' (CRS500).

This document only describes the M3 BE functionality. Whether an actual invoice BOD is created depends on settings outside of M3 BE.


  • Order line and item texts printed on the invoices are not published in the BOD for maintenance customer order invoices (accounting event CO20).

Invoice header

The invoice headers are available in 'Invoice Header. Open' (CMS500). The necessary data for the invoice BOD is stored in several tables and (CMS500) lists the invoice headers. The BOD status becomes 80-'Ready' when all the BOD data has been created. The status indicates the status of the invoice BOD from the M3 BE perspective, not whether an actual invoice BOD is created. It is also possible to use feedback from outside of M3 BE to update the invoice header in (CMS500). Similarly, information coming in from outside of M3 BE can be used to write an error log in 'Electronic Invoice. Display Error Log' (CMS515). The update of the invoice header and the creation of the error log records are done using the API INVBODMI.

Select related option 11='Display error log' to call (CMS515). Related option 12='Delete all error logs' deletes all error log records in (CMS515) for a specific invoice.

Select related option 21='Re-create' in (CMS500) to re-create the invoice BOD data. This option can be useful when an e-invoice has been rejected because of missing or incorrect information. The BOD status is set to 90-'Recreated' when the action is completed. See Reversal status below.

The government invoice status is set to 45-'Resent' if the previous status was either 30-'Delivery failed', 40-'Rejected', or 50-'Annulled'.

Select related option 22='Accept gov invoice' to set the government invoice status to 90-'Accepted'. This indicates that the invoice has been accepted by the receiving party.

Select related option 23='Accept cust invoice' to set customer invoice status to 90-'Accepted/Sent'. This indicates that the invoice has been accepted by the receiving customer or forwarded with automatic acceptance.

Select related option 24='Annul electr invoice' to set the government invoice status to 50-'Annulled'. This indicates that the invoice for any reason has been annulled at the receiving party.

Status 80 is the BOD trigger for the synchronization BOD with actionCode 'Add', whereas status 90 is the BOD trigger for the synchronization BOD with actionCode 'Replace'.

Reversal status

The Reversal status (field RVST) displayed on (CMS500/E) indicates if the invoice has been included in a voucher created from 'Voucher. Reverse' (GLS900) and is set during the update of the vouchers created.

When an invoice is selected with related option 21=''Re-create' in (CMS500) and the reversal status is blank, no reversal done, a control is carried out during the recreation of the invoice BOD data to set the current reversal status of the invoice:

  • Blank-No reversal done. The invoice has not been included in any reversal and the invoice BOD data is recreated as described above. The SyncInvoice BOD is created with status code 'Open'.
  • 20-Reopened. The invoice has been reversed and reopened. The invoice BOD data is recreated as described above except for the accounting date that remains. The SyncInvoice BOD is created with status code 'Open'.
  • 90-Reversed. The invoice has been reversed and therefore the invoice BOD data is not recreated. The SyncInvoice BOD is created with status code 'Void'.

When an invoice is selected with related option 21='Re-create' in (CMS500) and the reversal status is already set to 20-Reopened or 90-Reversed, the invoice BOD data is recreated with the SyncInvoice BOD created as described above.


The BOD uses the API INVBODMI to retrieve the data.

Archive and deletion of invoice BOD data

You can use 'Invoice BOD Data. Archive/Delete' (CMS590) to archive or delete records connected to invoice BOD data in (CMS500).

Soft selections can be done on Division, Invoice year, Entry date, Invoice number, BOD status, Government invoice status and FAM function.

When running (CMS590), there is a specific selection whether to keep, archive, or delete an invoice header, table CINHED. The other affected tables can always be recreated based the invoice header, so they are always deleted.

This table shows the affected tables:

Table Description Remark
CINHED Invoice header
CINDIS Invoice header discounts Always deleted
CINPRE Invoice, pre-payments 1/(OH) Always deleted
CINPTE Invoice - Payment terms Always deleted
CINHVT Invoice Header VAT and Tax 1/(UH) Always deleted
CINDVT Invoice - Header discounts VAT and Tax Always deleted
CINPTY Invoice - Parties Always deleted
CINCRG Invoice - Charges Always deleted
CINDRE Invoice Document references Always deleted
CINBUA Invoice - BOD User Area Always deleted
CINLIN Invoice, line 1/(ON) Always deleted
CINLND Invoice - Line Discounts Always deleted
CINVTD Invoice - VAT and Tax details Always deleted
CINTXT Invoice Texts Always deleted