Create Inventory Valuation Proposal

This procedure is used to create a proposed financial inventory value calculation.

Before you start

  • Parameters for inventory valuation variances are set in 'Settings - Inventory Valuation' (CAS025).
  • Accounting strings for posting of inventory valuation variances are specified in 'Settings - Inventory Value Variances' (CAS020).
  • FAM function CA60 for inventory valuation is defined in 'FAM Function. Open' (CRS405).
  • If corporate accounting is activated, replacing voucher number series and voucher name is defined for non-local accounting ledgers in 'Corporate Accounting. Specify Vo Nbr Ser' (GLS085).

Follow these steps

  1. Start 'Inventory Value. Open' (CAS180/B).

  2. Specify a designation for the valuation run. Click New.

  3. On the E panel, specify a description, exchange rate type and valuation date, that is, the start date for the calculation. If corporate accounting is activated, you also need to select accounting ledger, which in turn determines which settings from (CAS025) will be used for the proposal, and the voucher number series used when updating the proposal to the general ledger.

  4. Select whether to include lines with a zero quantity and specify whether zero actual values are used for comparison to find the lowest net sales value and replacement cost.

  5. Select report layout:

    • 1 = Acquisition values and actual value per item
    • 2 = As layout 1, but the item name is printed on a separate line.
  6. Specify a report text (optional). Press Enter to create the proposal.

  7. Review the proposal to make necessary changes.

    • To display the warehouses and items included in the proposal, select option 11 for the proposal in (CAS180/B) to display 'Inventory Valuation. Open' (CAS190)190).
    • To display the values of each item, select one of options 11 to 16 for the appropriate item. This displays one of programs: 'Inventory Valuation. Display FIFO Value' (CAS191), 'Inventory Valuation. Display LIFO Value' (CAS192), 'Inventory Valuation. Display Net Sales Value' (CAS194), or 'Inventory Valuation. Display Replacement Cost' (CAS195).
    • To change replacement method or enter inventory value and unit price manually, select option 16 in 'Inventory Valuation. Open' (CAS190/B). This displays 'Inventory Valuation. Enter Manually' (CAS196).
    • To print the manually entered inventory values, select option 14 in (CAS180/B).
    • To update the general ledger, select option 9 = Update for the proposal in (CAS180/B).