Create and verify interest invoice proposal for a payer in (ARS660)
You can create an interest invoice proposal for late payments of customer invoices.
Before you start
You must meet the starting conditions in Invoicing interest for late customer payments in (ARS660).
Follow these steps
- Start 'Interest Invoice. Open' (ARS660/B).
On (ARS660/B), you can sort the proposals based on three standard sorting orders and one standard view descending order. You can also configure your user-defined sorting orders and view them in 'Sorting Order. Open' (CRS022) and 'Views. Open' (CRS020).
- Create a new interest proposal. The proposal number is retrieved from 'Number
Series. Open (CRS165).These are the fields and statuses used in (ARS660):
- 'Proposal status': This field
indicates the current status of the proposal.
- 10='In progress': This is a temporary status set during creation of a proposal.
- 20='New': This status is set when a proposal is created.
- 90='Confirmed': This status is set when a proposal is confirmed.
- 99='No records selected': This status is set when a proposal is created without any records.
- 'Proposal progress': This field
indicates if work is in progress for the proposal.
- 0='The proposal can be processed'
- 1='Creation in progress'
- 2='Change in progress'
- 4='Delete in progress'
- 6='Printing in progress'
- 9='Update in progress'
Processing of the proposal is only allowed if the 'Proposal progress' is 0. If the 'Multiple users' is allowed in (ARS905), processing is also allowed when 'Proposal status' is set to 20 and 'Proposal progress' is set to 2.
- 'Proposal status': This field
indicates the current status of the proposal.
- On panel (ARS665/E), specify any of these ranges:
- To date: Required field specifying the date up to when invoices are selected
- Division: Specify if proposal is created from blank division
- Split by division: Specify if proposal is created from blank division
- Accounting dimension
- Salesperson
- Customer group
- District
- Country
- Credit department reference
- Postal code
- Payer
- Customer number
- Currency
- Invoice number
- Payment method AR
- Interest rule
- Paid or open invoices
- Auto update proposal
- Reporting division: If proposal is created from blank division with no split by division
If the proposal is created on blank division, you must specify the selection values in the division field. The parameter split by division works in this way:- No split by division: All invoices from different divisions but with the same payer, customer, and currency are included in one interest invoice. You must specify a reporting division, which is also the division where the invoice and general ledger booking are created.
- Split by division: Invoices with the same payer, customer, and currency, but from different divisions, are split into two divisions, creating one interest invoice for each division.
The parameter paid or open invoices (ARS660) work together with parameter interest invoice method in 'Interest Invoicing Rule. Open' (CRS460/E). This table shows the impact on the selection:Paid or open invoices (ARS660) Interest invoice method (CRS460) Selection 1-Only invoices paid after due date 1-Invoices paid too late Paid invoices 1-Only invoices paid after due date 2-Open inv & and inv paid too late Paid invoices 2-Both open & paid invoices after due date 1-invoices paid too late Paid invoices 2-Both open & paid invoices after due date 2-Open inv & and inv paid too late Open and paid invoices - Press Enter to create a proposal for the new interest invoice and to return to panel
(ARS660/B). The proposal is then printed.
You can reprint the proposal using print proposal from (ARS660).
- Verify the interest invoice proposal. Review the proposal by excluding, including, or deleting payer or invoices in (ARS661) and (ARS662).
- To check questionable records, check 'Accounts Receivable. Display'
(ARS200) to see the original invoices and the transactions included.
You can also use (ARS200) to change the payment deadline in the due date field and select a payment method for a new invoice.
To include any invoices adjusted in (ARS200), you must delete the old proposal and create a new proposal in (ARS660).