Verify and adjust statement of account proposal and create final statement of account for a customer or payer in (ARS640)

This document explains how to verify and adjust a previously created statement of account proposal in 'AR Statement of Account. Open' (ARS640) for one or more customers or payers, and then create the final statements of accounts based on the proposal.


If you are logged on to a division configured for country version Australia or New Zealand and to create statements of accounts with report layout 2='ANZ modified', printout ARAN01PF, you must create and adjust the statement of account proposal in 'AR Statement of Account. Open' (ARS140) instead of using (ARS640).

Before you start

Before you start, you must meet these prerequisites:

  • You must meet the starting conditions listed in Creating 'open item' statement of account for a customer or payer in (ARS640).
  • You must create a statement of account proposal in 'AR Statement of Account. Open' (ARS640). After creation, the new statement of account proposal can be adjusted and further processed when it has reached Proposal status 20='New' and Proposal progress 0='The proposal can be processed'.


Review the proposal
  1. Start 'AR Statement of Account. Open' (ARS640).

    The B panel is displayed, listing previous statements of accounts and proposals, their generation dates, created by, and status.

  2. Review the proposal and make notes on which invoices to exclude from the final statement of account. For example, if a payment is already received as a check but is not allocated to the invoice yet.

    You can do your review based on the printed proposal (ARS643PF) or you can use option 5='Display' on (ARS640/B) to display the proposal in 'AR Statement of Account – Details. Open' (ARS641). On (ARS641/B), the content of the proposal is sorted by customer or payer, depending on the grouping method selected for the proposal.

    Using related option 11='Invoices' on (ARS641/B), all invoices for a customer or payer are listed in 'Statement of Account – Invoices. Open' (ARS642). On (ARS642/B), the invoices for the customer or payer are sorted by invoice number.
    Note: (ARS642/B) listing the invoices of a customer or payer is also displayed when using option 5='Display', or option 2='Change', on (ARS641/B) if panel '1' is included in the panel sequence, defined on (ARS641/P) reached from (ARS641/B) with F13='Settings'.

    You can configure your own user-defined sorting orders in 'Sorting Order. Open' (CRS022), reached from (ARS641/B) or (ARS642/B) by prompting the 'Sorting Order' field twice.

    For the sorting orders, you can configure your own user-defined views in 'View. Open' (CRS020), reached from (ARS641/B) or (ARS642/B) by prompting the 'View' field twice.

    Adjust customers (or payers) in the statement of account proposal in (ARS641):

  3. To make adjustments to a proposal in (ARS640), use option 2='Change' on (ARS640/B) to reach (ARS641) in edit mode. The customers or payers are listed on (ARS641/B) with either of these Proposal line statuses:
    • 0='Included'

      The customer or payer is included in the final statement of account.

    • 1='Excluded'

      The customer or payer is manually excluded by the user and is not included in the final statement of account.

  4. On panel (ARS641/B), use F13='Settings' to set the panel sequence on (ARS641/P). This instruction is based on panel sequence EF1. Press Enter.
  5. Select any of these options on (ARS641/B) for the customer or payer to adjust in the proposal:
    • 2='Change'

      Add or adjust the introductory comment and closing comment for a statement of account. Panels (ARS641/E) and (ARS641/F) are displayed. Continue with step 6.

    • 4='Delete '

      Delete a customer or payer completely from the statement of account proposal. Panel (ARS641/D) is displayed.

    • 7='Exclude'

      Exclude a customer or payer from the statement of account proposal. The 'Proposal line status' is changed to 1='Excluded'.

    • 8='Include'

      Include a customer or payer that has earlier been excluded from the statement of account proposal. The 'Proposal line status' is changed to 0='Included'.

    • 11='Invoices'

      List all invoices included in the statement of account proposal for a customer or payer without displaying the introductory comment and closing comment. Panel (ARS642/B) is displayed. Continue with step 7.

    Note: Options 2, 4, 7, and 8 are only allowed if (ARS641/B) is reached in edit mode through option 2 on (ARS640/B). If a proposal is displayed with option 5 on (ARS640/B), these options are not allowed on (ARS641/B).
  6. On (ARS641/E), specify an introductory comment in the nine text fields, and, optionally, two additional lines of text. If a standard introductory comment is defined for the language used on 'AR Statement of Account. Enter Text' (ARS005/E), the text is automatically retrieved but can be changed. Press Enter.

    On (ARS641/F), specify a closing comment in the nine text fields, and, optionally, two additional lines of text. If a standard closing comment is defined for the language used on 'AR Statement of Account. Enter Text' (ARS005/F), the text is automatically retrieved but can be changed.

    On (ARS641/F), specify whether a signature line for place, date, and signature is printed on the final statement of account. Whether this parameter is already activated depends on how it is defined on (ARS005/F). Optionally, to include a heading before the signature line on the statement of account, define a signature heading. If a standard signature heading is defined for the language used on (ARS005/F), the text is automatically retrieved but can be changed.

    Press Enter to proceed to (ARS642/B), where the invoices for the customer or payer are listed.

    Adjust separate invoices in the statement of account proposal in (ARS642):

  7. On (ARS642/B), the invoices for a customer or payer are sorted by invoice number. The Proposal line status indicates the status of a specific invoice in the proposal, and filtering is available for this field:
    • 0='The invoice will be included in the final statement of account'
    • 1='The invoice will be excluded from the final document'.
  8. To adjust an invoice in the proposal, select any of these options on (ARS642/B):
    • 2='Change'

      Specify or change a line text in the three text fields for a specific invoice. Panel (ARS642/E) is displayed.

    • 4='Delete'

      Delete an invoice completely from the statement of account proposal. Panel (ARS642/D) is displayed.

    • 5='Display'

      Display a line text in the three text fields for a specific invoice. Panel (ARS642/E) is displayed.

    • 7='Exclude'

      Exclude an invoice from the statement of account. The 'Proposal line status' is changed to 1='Excluded'

    • 8='Include'

      Include an invoice that has earlier been excluded from the statement of account. The 'Proposal line status' is changed to 0='Included'.

    Note: To change due date for an invoice in 'Customer Invoice. Change' (ARS201), an already existing proposal in (ARS640) is not automatically updated. To make the statement of account reflect the new due date, you must create a new proposal in (ARS640).
  9. When you are done with the adjustments for the statement of account proposal, return to panel (ARS640/B), and, optionally, use related option 7='Prt proposal' to reprint the statement of account proposal (ARS643PF).

    Create the final statements of accounts:

  10. Select related option 9='Confirm' on (ARS640/B) for the statement of account proposal in proposal status 20 to print the final statements of accounts (ARS649PF) for the customers or payers included in the proposal. Acknowledge the confirmation on (ARS645/G).
  11. Optionally, use related option 6='Prt Stm of Acc' on (ARS640/B) to reprint the statements of accounts (ARS649PF) for an already confirmed proposal in proposal status 90.