Customer Analysis

This process is used to ensure that outstanding customer invoices are paid.

Before you can perform customer analysis, a payment forecast interval must be defined on 'Payment Forecast. Open' (CRS470). In addition, Accounts Receivable must contain outstanding customer invoices.

Analyze Customer

Customers and payers are analyzed online in 'AR Pmt Forecast/Age Distribut. Display' (ARS260/E). The following information about the customer can be reviewed in detail:

  • Turnover
  • Turnover previous year
  • Turnover excluding VAT
  • Turnover excluding VAT previous year
  • Number of invoices
  • Latest payment date
  • Latest invoice date
  • Total invoiced amount past due
  • Total invoiced amount outstanding
  • Credit limits 1 and 2*
  • Credit group*
  • Number of invoices pending collection
  • Number of invoices in collection assignment
  • Average credit time
  • Number of invoices with 1 to 9 payment reminders
  • Payment forecast for selected time range
  • Age distribution for selected time range

If the selected customer, or payer, is connected to a credit group in 'Customer Credit Group. Connect' (CRS316), the field 'Credit Group' is displayed on (ARS260/E) and the credit limits 1 and 2 are then retrieved from the credit group, not from the customer or payer.

The same applies to 'Acc Receivable. Display' (ARS200) where the field 'Credit Group' is displayed if the customer or payer is connected to a credit group in (CRS316), and the credit limit 1 is then retrieved from the credit group, not from the customer or payer.

You can also create a customized detail report in 'AR Pmt Forecast/Age Distribution. Print' (ARS515).

To analyze a customer's performance, use 'Payer. Print Turnover' (ARS550) and 'Payer. Display Payment Pattern' (ARS270). These programs could also be used as part of the company's regular credit monitoring routines.

Search Customer Invoice

Any display program can be used to search for customer invoices in accounts receivable. 'Customer Invoice. Display in Number Seq' (ARS205) is used to search through all customers. Otherwise, specific customers can be searched in the other display programs.

Change Terms for Customer Invoice

Previously entered customer invoices can be changed using a Display function, such as 'Customer Invoice. Display in Number Seq' (ARS205).