Adjust Group Invoice Proposal and Create Final Group Invoice

This document explains how you:

  • Adjust a previously created proposal for one or several group invoices
  • Create a final set of group invoices based on the proposal.


For information on the results of this activity, see Creating Group Invoices in Accounts Receivable.

Before you start

Follow these steps

  1. Start 'Customer Invoice. Group' (ARS190/B).

    On the B panel previous proposals and group invoices are listed together with information on date when generated, created by, and status.

  2. Select option Open for the proposal to call (ARS195/B).

    The panel lists all group invoices included in the proposal with the following information: Group invoice number, payer, customer number, payment method, currency, total original invoice amount, outstanding amount, and group invoice status. The following statuses are used:

    0 = The group invoice will be included in the final set of group invoices.

    3 = The total amount of the group invoice is either 0 or negative. The invoice will not be included in the final set of group invoices.

    Select Options for Processing Group Invoices in the Proposal

  3. On (ARS195/B), select any of the following options for each group invoice:

    • Option 'Open record': Adjust cash discount values on (ARS195/E). Note that this is only possible if you have selected group invoice type 2 on (ARS191/E) when creating the proposal. Continue with step 4.
    • Option 3='Hold': Block the group invoice from the proposal and the final set of group invoices.
    • Option 6='Release': Release a previously blocked group invoice.
    • Option 'Delete': Delete the group invoice completely from the proposal and the final set of group invoices.
    • Option 11 = 'Display invoices': List all invoices included in each group invoice on (ARS196/B) with information on invoice number, customer, invoice date, due date, currency, currency amount, and block code status. Continue with step 5.

    Adjust Cash Discount Values for a Specific Group Invoice

  4. On (ARS195/E), adjust the cash discount base, cash discount dates, and cash discount percentages per date. Press Enter to return to (ARS190/B).

    Review or Delete Invoices in a Group Invoice

  5. On (ARS196/B), select any of the following options for a specific invoice:

    • Option 4='Delete': Delete the invoice permanently from the group invoice
    • Option 11='Display invoices': Call 'Customer Invoice. Display Separate' (ARS215/B) to review the transactions included and drill down to the respective vouchers.

      Note that it is not possible to change any values for invoices as long as they are included in the proposal.

    Create the Final Set of Group Invoices

  6. On (ARS190/B), select option 9='Confirm' for the adjusted proposal to create the final group invoices.