Create and Verify Collection Assignment Proposal for Past Due Customer Invoices

This instruction explains how you create a collection assignment proposal for one or several payers.


A proposal for a collection assignment is created in accounts receivable, listing all due invoices matching your selection criteria, regardless of whether or not they are blocked from collection. The following information is printed per payer, customer and currency:Invoice number, invoice date, due date, payment date (for partial payment), number of days passed since due date, reminder level (that is the number of reminder proposals created for each invoice), invoiced currency amount, invoiced currency amount, and collection block code. (The block code is automatically changed from 0 to 3 when a payer or an invoice is blocked after adjusting and reprinting the proposal.)

Review and adjust the proposal in 'Collection Assignment. Open' (ARS170) before printing the final collection assignment.

No transactions are generated. A collection assignment proposal is created and saved for further processing. The affected invoices receive a block code in the accounts receivable file (FSLEDG). They are consequently blocked from being included in other collection assignment proposals until the proposal is deleted or the final collection assignment is printed.

Before you start

Follow These Steps

  1. Start 'Collection. Open Assignment' (ARS170/B).

    The B panel is displayed, listing previous collection assignments and proposals, date when generated, created by, and collection stop status. The following statuses are used:

    0 = The collection assignment proposal is created and can be processed

    1 = The assignment proposal is being created

    2 = The assignment or the proposal is being used by another user

    4 = The assignment or the proposal is being deleted

    6 = The assignment is being printed or created

    7 = The assignment is being reprinted

    9 = The assignment has been printed. It may not be changed but can be printed again.

    Create Collection Assignment

  2. In (ARS170/B), give the a new collection assignment proposal a name and press New.

    Note that the Name field may be left blank on this panel. However, it must be specified in the next step.

  3. On panel (ARS171/E), enter the proposal date (required field specifying the date printed on the proposal but not used for selection purposes) and any of the following ranges: Accounting dimension 2, salesperson, customer group, district, country, postal code, payer, customer number, currency, and invoice number.

  4. Specify the report text to be printed on the proposal only.

  5. Press Enter to create a proposal for the new collection assignment and to return to panel (ARS170/B).

    The proposal is listed if any invoices matching the selection criteria were found.

    Verify Collection Assignment Proposal

  6. Review the proposal and make notes on which invoices should not be included in the final collection assignment.

  7. To check dubious records, select 'Accounts Receivable. Display' (ARS200) to see the original invoices and the transactions included.

    The subprogram (ARS201) can be used to block an invoice from the collection routine or to change the payment deadline (in the Follow-up date field) and the payment method for a new invoice selection. The date in the Due date field should not be changed, however, since the original due date is used for interest calculation.