Create and Verify Interest Invoice Proposal for a Payer

This instruction explains how you create an interest invoice proposal for late payments of customer invoices.


A proposal for an interest invoice is created in accounts receivable, listing all invoices for which interest is charged according to the interest rule defined for the payer, regardless of whether they are blocked or not. The following information is printed per payer, customer and currency:

Invoice number, invoice date, due date, calculation date, number of days used for the calculation, currency, currency amount on which the interest is based and the same amount in local currency, interest in currency amount and interest in local currency, and invoice block code.

Review and adjust the proposal before printing the final interest invoice in 'Interest Invoice. Open' (ARS160).

The proposal is saved for further processing. The affected invoices are blocked from being included in other interest invoice proposals until the proposal is deleted.

Before you start

Follow These Steps

  1. Start 'Interest Invoice. Open' (ARS160/B).

    The panel displays previous interest invoices and proposals, date when generated, created by, and status. The following statuses are used:

    0 = The interest invoice proposal is created and can be processed.

    1 = The proposal is being created.

    2 = The interest invoice or the proposal is being used by another user.

    4 = The interest invoice or the proposal is being deleted.

    6 = The interest invoice is being printed.

    9 = The interest invoice has been printed. It may not be changed but can be printed again.

  2. Create a new interest proposal and give it a name. Press Enter.

    The Name field may be left blank on this panel. However, it must then be specified during the next step.

  3. On panel (ARS161/E), enter any of the following ranges:

    • To date (required field specifying the date up to when invoices are selected), accounting dimension 2, salesperson, customer group, district, country, postal code, payer, customer number, currency, and invoice number. Specify also payment method for the category of payments to be selected and whether interest is to be charged only for invoices paid after the due date.
  4. Specify the report text to be printed on the proposal only.

    You may adjust the name of the new proposal shown on the B panel in (ARS160).

  5. Press Enter to create a proposal for the new interest invoice and to return to panel (ARS160/B).

    Verify Interest Invoice Proposal

  6. Review the proposal and make notes on which invoices should not be included in the final interest invoice.

  7. To check dubious records, select 'Accounts Receivable. Display' (ARS200) to see the original invoices and the transactions included.

    (ARS200) can also be used to change the payment deadline (in the Due date field only) and the payment method for a new invoice selection.

    To include any invoices adjusted in (ARS200), the old proposal must be deleted and a new proposal created in (ARS160).