Adjust Payment Reminder Proposal and Create Final Reminder for Past Due Customer Invoices in (ARS150)

This instruction explains how to adjust a previously created payment reminder proposal for one or several payers and create a final payment reminder based on the proposal.

Before you start

Follow these steps

Adjust payment reminder proposal

  1. Select ‘Payment Reminder. Open’ (ARS150).

    Panel B is displayed, listing previous payment reminders and proposals, date when generated, created by, and status.

  2. When needed, select sorting order 2=’List by creator’ to identify the proposal.

  3. Select option 2=Open for the proposal.

    Panel (ARS155/B) is activated, listing the payers included in the proposal, the number of reminder proposals created, and the payer status. These statuses are used:

    • 0 = The payer is included in the payment reminder routine.
    • 3 = The total reminder amount is less than zero due to included credit invoices.
    • 4 = All invoices for the payer are blocked from the payment reminder routine and will not be included in the final reminder.
  4. On panel (ARS155/B), set the panel sequence.

    This instruction is based on panel sequence EF1.

    Delete, block, or release payers in the reminder proposal

  5. Select one of these options for a payer:

    • Option 2=Open: Add or adjust opening and closing comments for the payment reminder. Continue with step 6.
    • Option 3=Hold: Block the payer from the proposal and the final payment reminder.
    • Option 6=Release: Release a payer previously blocked from the payment reminder.
    • Option 4=Delete: Delete the payer completely from the proposal and the payment reminder.
    • Option 11=Invoices: List all invoices included in the proposal for the payer without displaying the opening and closing comments. Continue with step 8.

    Review or create texts for the payment reminder

  6. On panel (ARS155/E), specify the desired text in any of the nine fields reserved for an opening comment and, when needed, the two additional lines. Press Enter.

    If a standard opening comment is defined for the language used in ‘Payment Reminder. Enter Text’ (ARS010/E), the text is automatically retrieved but can be changed

    The Payment reminder stop field at the end of the panel can be used to release a previously blocked payer by changing the status to 0.

  7. On panel (ARS155/F), specify a closing comment in any of the nine fields and, when needed, the two additional lines.

    If a standard closing comment is defined for the language and the reminder level used in (ARS010/F), the text is automatically retrieved but can be changed.

  8. Specify the text line to be added to the reminder date and a heading for the entire reminder. Press Enter to continue with step 9.

    If these texts have been defined for the language used in (ARS010/F), the text is automatically retrieved but can be changed.

    When you press Enter, panel (ARS156/B) is opened, listing all invoices included in the proposal per customer and currency. These information are displayed: Customer number, division, invoice number, currency, invoice date, amount due, reminder level, number of days from due date or invoice date, to the To date defined in panel (ARS150/B), a note as to whether the invoice goes to collection after this reminder, and status.

    These statuses are used:
    • 0 = The invoice will be included in the final payment reminder
    • 3 = The invoice is blocked from the payment reminder

    Adjust separate invoices in the reminder proposal

  9. On panel (ARS156/B), select any of these options to process the invoices:

    • Option 3=Hold: Block an invoice from being included in the final payment reminder.
    • Option 6=Release: Release a previously blocked invoice.
    • Option 4=Delete: Delete an invoice from the proposal. This opens the panel (ARS156/D), where you are required to confirm the deletion.
  10. To include additional text for an invoice in the payment reminder, select option Open.

  11. On panel (ARS156/E), specify up to three additional lines of text.

  12. On the same panel, adjust any of these values when necessary:

    • The number of days after due date for the invoice
    • Payment reminder status. You can release a previously blocked invoice by changing the payment reminder status to 0.
    • Text line for a personal comment on the invoice. This line is only displayed on the screen and is not included in the proposal or the final reminder.

    Create the final payment reminder

  13. When the proposal is adjusted, return to panel (ARS150/B).

  14. To print the final payment reminder, select option 6=Print in (ARS150/B).

  15. On the F panel, select alternative Update.

    This means that the reminder level and the last reminder date is updated. If the Proposal alternative is selected, a copy of the proposal is printed but no update is done.

  16. Specify the payment reminder date. Press Enter.