Create and Verify Payment Reminder Proposal for Past Due Customer Invoices in (ARS150)

This instruction explains how to create a payment reminder proposal for one or several payers in 'Payment Reminder. Open' (ARS150).


A proposal for a payment reminder is created in accounts receivable, listing all past due invoices per currency for the selected payers or customers according to their respective payment reminder rule.

The information included are invoice number, invoice date, due date, currency, currency amount, reminder level (that is the number of reminders created for each invoice), number of days passed since due date, whether the invoice is handed over for collection after this reminder, invoiced currency amount, outstanding currency amount, cumulative interest, and invoice block code. You can include additional information depending on the reminder rules selected.

Review and adjust the proposal before printing the final payment reminder. You can also print a preview of the reminder without updating the invoice status.

No transactions are generated. A payment reminder proposal is created and saved for further processing. The affected invoices receive a block code in the accounts receivable file (FSLEDG) and are consequently blocked from being included in other payment reminder proposals until the proposal is deleted or the final payment reminder is printed.

Before you start

Follow these steps

  1. Select ‘Payment Reminder. Open’ (ARS150/B).

    Panel B lists previous payment reminders and proposals, date when generated, created by, and status. These statuses are used:

    • 0 = The payment reminder proposal is created and can be processed.
    • 1 = The payment reminder proposal is being created.
    • 2 = The payment reminder or the proposal is being used by another user.
    • 4 = The payment reminder or the proposal is being deleted.
    • 6 = The payment reminder is being printed/created.
    • 7 = The payment reminder is being reprinted.
    • 9 = The payment reminder has been printed. It may not be changed but can be printed again.

    Create payment reminder proposal

  2. Create a new payment reminder proposal by specifying its name. Click New.

    Note that the you may leave the Name field blank on this panel. However, you must specify it then in the next step.

  3. On panel (ARS151/E), specify any of these ranges: To date (required field specifying the latest due date up to when invoices are selected), accounting dimension 2, salesperson, customer group, district, country, postal code, credit department reference, payer, customer number, currency, and optionally, invoice number.

  4. Optionally, specify a range of payment reminder levels.

    You can adjust the payment reminder level manually for each invoice in ‘Customer Invoice. Change’ (ARS201/E). If the reminder level is 2, the invoice is included when creating a payment reminder for level 3.

  5. Optionally, specify a report text to be printed on the proposal only.

  6. Optionally, use the columns Sorting order, Page break and Print totals to control how the information should be sorted in the proposal and the final reminder. Press Enter.

    Specify additional values

  7. On the F panel, specify a grouping method indicating whether the proposal information should be presented per customer or per payer.

  8. To limit the selection of records further, specify up to five payment reminder rules.

    The rules must have the same grouping method as specified in the field above. Only records matching the rule definitions are included in the proposal.

  9. To include only records with a certain payment method, enter an AR payment method.

  10. Optionally, select in the 'Sort on invoice date' field whether the invoice records should be sorted by invoice number or invoice date.

  11. Define whether internal or external text (from ARS201/T) is included in the proposal.

    Valid alternatives: 0 = No text; 1 = External text; 2 = Internal text; 3 = External and internal text. Note that the external text is always printed if this is selected for the payment reminder rule.

  12. Optionally, specify the last payment date, that is, until which date the payments have been entered in the company that sends the reminder.

    A variable for this date and the prescribed dates can be specified in the opening and closing comments defined in (ARS010).

  13. Optionally, specify the prescribed date, that is, the latest date when the invoices past due must have been paid.

    In certain countries you are required to set such a prescribed date. After this date you can contact the legal authorities to collect the amounts.

  14. Press Enter to create a proposal for the new payment reminder and to return to panel (ARS150/B).

    The proposal is listed if any invoices matching the selection criteria are found. Block codes used are changed from 0 to 3 when a payer or an invoice is blocked after adjusting and reprinting the proposal. Code 5 is set if the total of all invoices for the payer or customer is lower than the minimum amount defined for the reminder rule.

    Verify payment reminder proposal

  15. Review the proposal and make notes on which invoices should not be included in the final payment reminder.

  16. To check dubious records, start ‘Accounts Receivable. Display’ (ARS200) to see the original invoices and the transactions included.

    You can also use (ARS200) to block an invoice from the payment reminder routine or to change the payment deadline, in the Follow-up date field, and the payment method for a new invoice selection. You can also change the number of reminders sent and the latest reminder date. You should not change the date in the Due date field, however, since the original due date is used for interest calculation.

    To include any invoices adjusted in (ARS200), you must delete the old proposal and create a new proposal in (ARS150).