Managing Customer Payment Receipts

This document explains how the confirmation of payments received, called payment receipts, can be created for manual payments entered in 'Payment Document. Enter' (ARS105) and in 'Payment Received. Record' (ARS110).

Payment receipts can be handled for these payment classes:

Payment class 'Payment Document. Enter' (ARS105) 'Payment Received. Record' (ARS110)
0 - Cash x
1 - Check - later allocation x
2 - Check - Direct allocation x x
3 - Bank transfer x
4 - Draft x x

For payers that request a printout, a payment receipt document (ARS409PF) is created automatically. The document can be printed or sent through email to the payer contact.

Payment receipts created are displayed in the function 'Payment Receipts. Display' (ARS400) with the related details displayed in 'Payment Receipts. Display Documents' (ARS401).

To group payment receipts for display in the function 'Payment Receipts. Display' (ARS400), see Cash register for customer payment receipts.


  • Central payments and postdated checks cannot be used for payment receipts.
  • Japanese customers working with drafts use market unique functionality in 'Received Tegata Settl. Reconcile Prop' (ARJP10) and can therefore not use payment receipts.


  • One or several payment receipts are created and displayed in 'Payment Receipts. Display' (ARS400).
  • If applicable, a payment receipt document (ARS409PF) is created automatically.

Before you start

  • Number series type 'PR' with number series 'A' for payment receipts must be defined on division level in 'Number Series. Open' (CRS165).
  • Payment receipt type 1-'Payment receipt per document' must be selected on 'Settings – General Ledger' (CRS750/F).
  • Payment types that should be included in the payment receipt process must be defined on 'Payment Type. Open' (CRS078/E), with the check box 'Payment receipt' selected.
  • Checks and drafts that should be remitted to the bank, require that a bank account is defined for the payer in 'Bank Account. Open' (CRS692). The bank accounts must be defined using the setup for 'Global electronic messages' using panel KLM in (CRS692).
    These information will be used for the payment receipt document, in the priority order described:
    • Bank identifier is retrieved from the 'Clearing sys ID' (if used) + 'Clearing sys no' on (CRS692/K), the 'SWIFT/BIC code' on (CRS692/K), the 'SWIFT code' on (CRS690/F) or the 'Bank number' + 'Bank branch ID' (if used) on (CRS692/K).
    • Bank account number is retrieved from the 'IBAN number' on (CRS692/K) or the 'Bank account no' on (CRS692/K).
  • Payers that should receive a payment receipt document must be defined on 'Customer. Open' (CRS610/K) or 'Customer. Open Local Exceptions' (MFS610/H), with the check box 'Paymt recpt doc' selected.
    Note: In case the field is not displayed, select F13 on (CRS610/K) to activate the field. For local exceptions, the field is activated in 'Settings - Customer Local Exceptions' (CMS720).
  • For payers that should receive the payment receipt document through email, document number 523 must be defined in 'Std Document. Connect Media Ctrl Object' (CRS945) with the email address defined in 'Doc Media Control Object. Connect Media' (CRS949). The email address in (CRS949) can be superseded by an email address in 'Email Address. Open' (CRS111) using the type 11-'Payer'.

Follow these steps

  1. Specify the payments received in 'Payment Document. Enter' (ARS105) or in 'Payment Received. Record' (ARS110) and end the function to update the Accounts Receivable Ledger and General Ledger.

    Payments applicable for payment receipts, based on the setting of the payment types, are automatically created in the payment receipt tables with a chronological number assigned to each payment receipt.

    One payment receipt per journal number, accounting date, payer, and currency is created and can be displayed in 'Payment Receipts. Display' (ARS400). Within each payment receipt, the documents are created depending on the payment class:

    • 1-'Check - later allocation' and 2-'Check – direct allocation'; each check is created as a document using the check number as payment receipt reference.
    • 4-'Draft'; each draft is created as a document using the drawee reference number if applicable or the draft number as payment receipt reference.
    • 0-'Cash' and 3-'Bank transfer – man/electr'; a total per payment method and voucher number is created, there is no payment receipt reference for these payment classes.
  2. The payment receipts can be displayed in displayed in 'Payment Receipts. Display' (ARS400) where you can drill down to the details in 'Payment Receipts. Display Documents' (ARS401).
  3. The payment receipt document (ARS409PF), if applicable for the payer, is automatically created when the update is ready. The document can be printed or sent through email to the payer. If needed, you can create a copy of the payment receipt document in (ARS400) by selecting the payment receipt with related option 6-'Print copy'.
Note: Matching of credit notes or on account payments to one or several invoices must be done using a payment method that is not connected to a payment type for payment receipt. A control is done on (ARS112/E) and on (ARS118/E) that the 'Received' amount is not 0 when a payment method is connected to a payment type for payment receipts.

The FAM function must also be defined with 'Split pmt trans' set to 3-'Split GL – sev pmt trans in AP/AR' when a payment method is connected to a payment type for payment receipts. This is controlled on (ARS112/E) and on (ARS118/E) since the payment method can be changed.

Restart an uninterrupted job

In case a job is interrupted, it remains in the worktable for payment receipts (table FAR400). The record can be restarted in 'Payment Receipts. Display' (ARS400) using F19='Restart interrupted job'. This Function key opens panel K in (ARS400), where you can browse the Year and Journal number and select a record to be restarted. You cannot restart a job that does not exist or that is still running.

An interrupted job can also be restarted through 'Application message. Open' (CRS420). Application message 067-'Payment receipt interrupted' opens (ARS400/B), where F19='Restart interrupted job', opens (ARS400/K).