Blocking customer invoices
This document explains how and when to use user-defined block codes to control which customer invoices is included in the various payment processing routines.
All customer invoices registered in M3 have a block code between 0 and 9. Each code represents the category or reason for the blocking.
The accounts receivable file (FSLEDG) is updated.
Before you start
The company must define valid reasons for blocking invoices in different situations.
Creating block codes
You can create block codes 1–9 in 'Payment Reminder Stop. Open' (ARS055) and give them each a name and a description. This serves to categorize the invoices that are blocked. A description could be 'Under discussion,' 'To be examined,' 'Incorrect invoice', or similar.
Code 0 is a fixed, predefined option signifying that the invoice is not blocked.
When and how to use block codes
Block a specific invoice from processing on 'Accounts Receivable. Display' (ARS201/E), which is a subprogram of (ARS200). The code is set manually in the 'Payment reminder stop' field, with the user ID of the person blocking the invoice and block date.
Prevent an invoice from being included in the payment advice routine in 'Payment Advice. Open' (ARS180).
Prevent an invoice from being included in the payment reminder routine in 'Payment Reminder. Open' (ARS650).
Prevent an invoice from being included in an group invoice in 'Customer Invoice. Group' (ARS190).
Define whether customers with invoices past the block date with a specific number of days should be selected. This is done in 'Settings – Credit Monitoring' (RMS905). The block code is then used when creating transactions for credit monitoring in 'Credit Monitoring. Create Transactions'(RMS410).
Review blocked invoices per payer in 'Customer Invoice. Display Stopped' (ARS240).
Print a list of blocked invoices in 'Customer Invoice. Print Stopped' (ARS540).
When not used
The invoice block does not affect these payment routines:
Creating a statement of account for a payer in 'AR Statement of Account. Open' (ARS140) or 'AR Statement of Account. Open' (ARS640).
Creating a debt collection assignment in 'Collection Assignment. Open' (ARS170), provided the debt collection code is set to 1=Collection threat on (ARS201/E)
Creating an interest invoice in 'Interest Invoice. Open' (ARS660)
Creating allowance for doubtful debts in 'Doubtful Account. Create Allowance' (ARS130).