Adjust Receipt Orders from Batch File before Allocation to Invoice

This instruction explains how you correct electronically transferred receipt orders before updating accounts receivable.

The corrections are done based on error status codes created when checking the receipt orders against accounts receivable.


All receipt orders contain correct information only. A final checklist is printed.

Allocate the adjusted receipt orders to invoice records in accounts receivable. You do this in 'Batch Payment. Update' (ARS040).

See Recording Customer Payments via Electronically Transferred Receipt Orders for further information. See also below for a list of statuses assigned incorrect receipt orders in the batch file.

Before you start

The starting conditions listed in Recording Customer Payments via Electronically Transferred Receipt Orders must be met.

Follow These Steps

Review Check List

  1. Review the checklist printed as a result of having checked the receipt orders against accounts receivable.

  2. If any discrepancies were detected when comparing the receipt orders against accounts receivable, the following statuses are used:

    (0 = Receipt order can be processed)

    1 = Invoice is missing/Invoice number is incorrect

    2 = Payer is not registered in 'Customer. Open' (CRS610)

    10 = Payer exists but is not registered for this invoice

    20 = Different currency codes are used in the receipt order and the customer invoice

    30 = The payment date is incorrect

    40 = The invoice is already fully paid.

Correct Transaction Details in Receipt Order

  1. Start 'Batch Payment. Update' (ARS040/B).

  2. Select option 2 = 'Correct transaction' for the batch file to activate 'Batch Payment. Correct Transaction' (ARS042/B).

    The panel displays the receipt orders included with the following information:

    Transaction number, that is the internal series number used for a transaction; customer invoice number; payer; currency; amount paid; error status from the check against accounts receivable.

  3. To facilitate the identification, select sorting order 2 = 'Incorrect batches' (optional).

  4. To correct the receipt order, select option Open for it to call (ARS042/E) with transaction details (such as such as payment type, amount, cash discount, accepted deviation, and exchange rate).

  5. In (ARS042/E), change any of these values: Customer invoice number, payer, payment date, and currency (optional).

  6. Select one of the following alternatives:

    • To return to panel (ARS042/B) to correct more receipt orders, press Enter. If no charges are included in the receipt order, you will return to (ARS040/B). Continue with Make Final Check by Creating New Correction Proposal
    • If charges are included, 'Charge. Correct Transaction' (ARS043/B) is activated. Continue with Correct Charges.
    • If all receipt orders are correct, press F12 to leave. Continue with Make Final Check by Creating New Correction Proposal.

Correct Charges

  1. In (ARS043/B), review and adjust the following proposed values, when necessary: charge ID, amount, currency, VAT code, and VAT.

  2. Select option Open for the transaction you wish to correct.

  3. In (ARS043/E), change currency or VAT code, when necessary.

  4. Select one of the following alternatives:

    • To correct more charges in (ARS043/B), press Enter
    • If no transactions remain to be corrected, press F3 to return to (ARS040).

Make Final Check by Creating New Correction Proposal

  1. In (ARS040/B), create a new checklist once again to make sure that all receipt orders are correct by selecting option 1 = 'Create correction proposal'.

  2. If any incorrect receipt orders are found, return to 'Batch Payment. Update' (ARS040/B) and repeat the instruction until all orders are corrected.