Define Bank Fee Types for Customer Payments

This document explains how you define different categories of bank fees or other payment costs that arise in connection with customer payments. This enables you to record bank fees quickly when entering or reconciling customer payments.


Up to six bank fee types are defined. Each bank fee type controls the accounting string to use for recording the fee.

Each type is automatically displayed as a separate field when recording customer payments on 'Payment Received. Record' (ARS110/E). Any costs entered are automatically posted to the accounting string defined for the type.

The total bank fee amount is then displayed when allocating the payment to invoice on (ARS110/F), both in the Cost field and included in the amount left to distribute.

The types are also displayed for entering bank fees when reconciling reported payments on 'Bank Remittance. Reconcile Payment' (ARS350/F) and 'Bank Remitt. Reconcile Payt per Due Date' (ARS355/L).

The parameter file (CSYTAB) is updated.

Before you start

Accounting identities that are used to record bank costs associated with customer payments have been defined in 'Accounting Identity. Open' (CRS630).

Follow These Steps

  1. Start 'Payment Received. Specify Bank Fee Type' (ARS015/B).
  2. Specify an ID for the bank fee type. The valid alternatives are 1-6 that you can use to control the order in which the field is displayed in (ARS110), (ARS350), and (ARS355).
  3. Click New.
  4. On the E panel, provide a description and specify a name.
  5. Specify the voucher name to use when recording the fees and provide a transaction description for more detailed voucher description.
  6. Define the accounting string to use to post the fee.
  7. Press Enter to complete.