Define Allowed Variances for Invoice Matching

This document explains how you define rules for which variances should be automatically accepted when there is a difference in price or quantity between the goods receipt lines and the supplier invoice.


Variances are defined as amounts, units, or percentages per invoice line in the invoice matching, either as general rules or applicable to certain user-defined keys (such as item number and supplier group) only. Total allowed variances to be posted, and how they are to be posted, are also defined for the most automated matching workflow (Next Manual Step) 8.

The rules are automatically applied when a supplier invoice is matched to a goods receipt in 'Supplier Invoice. Match GR Line' (APS360).

The parameter table for invoice matching, FGINPA, is updated.

Sorting order alternatives

These are the available alternatives for the sorting order:

  • 1 = Permitted price variances, expressed as an amount and a percentage.
  • 2 = Permitted quantity variances, expressed in number of units and a percentage.
  • 3 = Permitted invoice amount variances, expressed as an amount and a percentage.
  • 4 = Permitted rounding variances, expressed as an amount and a percentage.
  • 5 = Permitted rounding variances, header and lines, expressed as an amount and a percentage.
  • 6 = Permitted rounding variances, credit request and note, expressed as an amount and a percentage.
  • 7 = Permitted rounding variances, multiple receipts and various scenarios, expressed as an amount and a percentage.

The price variance is always defined in the invoice currency. The quantity variance is always defined in the purchase order U/M.

To tailor the variances for sorting orders 1 and 2 then limit them to specific items or suppliers, you can define up to three additional fields in 'Available Object Ctrl Parameters. Open' (CMS016). These fields are optional.

The variances for sorting order 3 are always defined by supplier group and supplier number.

The tolerances in sorting order 1, 2, and 3 are defined as allowed positive and negative variances. A positive variance is when the invoice price is less than the price on the purchase order or if the credited amount is more than expected. A negative variance is when the invoice price is more expensive than the price on the purchase order or if the credited amount is less than expected.

Alternative 4 is used to indicate if rounding from invoice matching in 'Supplier Invoice Batch. Open' (APS450) should be automatically accounted in (AP50-280).

Alternative 5 is used to indicate the total price variance, expressed as an amount, that is acceptable between the invoice header total and the total of invoice lines in (APS450). If the total variance amount is within the acceptable amount, a line type 4 (rounding off) will be created for the variance amount during the validation process.

Alternative 6 is used to indicate the variance, expressed as an amount, that is acceptable between the selected credit request lines and the credit note when matching in 'Credit Request Transactions. Match' (APS395).

Before you start

For variances to be accepted (defined using sorting order 1 or 2), user-defined keys must be specified per division in 'Available Object Ctrl Parameters. Open' (CMS016) for 'Settings – Supplier Invoice Match' (APS900). These keys can be used: supplier number, order type, supplier group, product group, item group, item number, item type, and procurement group.

Follow these steps

  1. Start 'Settings – Supplier Invoice Match' (APS900/B).

  2. Select one of these sorting orders, depending on the type of variance:

    • 1-'Perm price variances'
    • 2-'Perm quantity variances'
    • 3-'Permitted invoice amount variances'
  3. Select one of these alternatives and click 'Create':

    • To define rules for sorting orders 1 or 2, specify the currency or the purchase order U/M, depending on the sorting order selected, and then any or all the key values controlled by (CMS016) (optional).
    • To define rules for sorting order 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7, specify the currency, supplier group, and supplier.
  4. On (APS900/E), specify the allowed variances as amounts or quantities and percentages.

  5. If workflow (Next Manual Step) 8 and Invoice Match PO header is used when matching, specify a limit in sorting order 3, parameter 70-'Distributing variances to invoice lines'. Press Enter.

Parameters to set for program ID/Panel (APS900/E)

Note: The amounts and percentages mentioned in this table are positive values. Any negative variances at the invoice matching are automatically converted to positive amounts or percentages for the comparison to the values specified here.
Sorting order Field The field indicates …
1 = Permitted price variances, expressed as an amount and a percentage. Allowed price variance – amount

… the price variance expressed as an amount that is accepted when a supplier invoice is matched to a goods receipt in 'Supplier Invoice. Match GR Line' (APS360).

The price is defined based on the purchase price U/M and the invoice currency. Note that the variance is only applied per invoice line in (APS360), not the entire invoice.

If you defined a specific percentage for the price variance, none of the values must be exceeded for the line variance to be accepted in (APS360).

A positive price variance is when the invoice price is less than the price on the purchase order, or if the credited amount is more than expected.

A negative price variance is when the invoice price is more expensive than the price on the purchase order, or if the credited amount is less than expected.

Allowed price variance – percent … a price variance expressed as a percentage. This field is also used as the field above.
2 = Permitted quantity variances, expressed in number of units and a percentage. Allowed quantity variance – units

… the quantity variance expressed as a number of units.

The quantity is defined based on the purchase order U/M. Apart from this, the field is used as the price variance field.

A positive quantity variance is when the invoice quantity is less than the quantity on the purchase order. If it is a credit, then the invoice quantity is more than expected.

A negative price variance is when the invoice price is more expensive than the price on the purchase order, or if the credited amount is less than expected.

Allowed quantity variance – percent ... a quantity variance expressed as a percentage. This field is also used as the field above.
3 = Permitted invoice amount variances, expressed as an amount and a percentage. Total allowed variance to be posted – amount ... the total variance that will be accepted and posted automatically when using workflow (Next Manual Step) 8 for the invoice matching or 'Invoice matching on PO header level' in (APS450). The variance is expressed as an amount.
Total allowed variance to be posted – percent ... the same value as the field above, but expressed as a percentage. You can define both a percentage and an amount.
Limit for distributing variances to invoice lines

… an amount controlling how a total amount within allowed limits should be managed automatically when using workflow (Next Manual Step) 8 for the invoice matching or 'Invoice matching on PO header level' in (APS450) . 'Allowed limits' are the limits defined for the two fields above.

These rules apply:

  • If the total variance amount is lower than the amount in this field, the variance is automatically posted using accounting rules PP20-240.
  • If the total variance amount is equal to or greater than the amount in this field but still within allowed limits, the variance is distributed automatically to each invoice line. The distribution is done proportionally based on the invoice line net amount.


You have defined USD 6 as the highest allowed variance and USD 3 as the limit amount.

  1. You receive an invoice with an invoice amount differing from the invoice lines (based on the purchase order), in (APS360) with USD 2. This variance is posted automatically to the account selected for accounting rule PP20-240, without you having to leave 'Supplier Invoice. Record' (APS100). You can later follow up the variance per supplier.

  2. You receive an invoice with a variance somewhere between USD 4-6. This variance is distributed automatically and proportionally to the invoice lines, based on the net amount of the respective line, without leaving (APS100). You can later follow up the variance on invoice line level, that is, per item.

For Brazil country version and sorting order 1, a record must be set up with blank 'currency code'. There is also a sorting order 9-'Allowed ICSM amount variance', where a record must be set up with 'currency code'=*.

4 = Permitted rounding variances, expressed as an amount and a percentage. Allowed Rounding Variance - Amount …the allowed rounding variance expressed as an amount when the invoice is created from (APS450). If the rounding is within the limit, then it is automatically accounted on AP50-280. For example, when rounding to currency decimals.
Allowed Rounding Variance - Percentage …a rounding variance that is expressed as a percentage. This field is also used as the field above.
5 = Permitted rounding variances, header and lines, expressed as an amount and a percentage. Allowed Rounding Variance – Amount

… the allowed variance expressed as an amount that is acceptable between the invoice head total and the total of invoice lines in (APS451). If the total variance amount is within the acceptable amount, then a line of type 4 (rounding off) is created in (APS451) for the variance amount during the validation process.


The foreign currency amount of the invoice is 100 USD in (APS450) and the sum of the invoice lines in (APS451) is 998 USD. The variance between the invoice header and the invoice lines is 2 USD.

If the variance is within permitted tolerance in sorting order 5, then a new line type 4 is added for the variance to the invoice lines in (APS451).

The accounting of line type 4 depends on the allowed tolerances in sorting order 4. If the accounting line type 4 is within the allowed tolerances, then it is accounted for using accounting rule AP50-280. Otherwise, it is accounted for using accounting rule AP50-215.

Allowed Rounding Variance – Percentage … a rounding variance expressed as a percentage. This field is also used as the field above.
6 = Permitted rounding variances, credit request and note, expressed as an amount and a percentage. Allowed Rounding Variance – Amount … the allowed variance expressed as an amount that is acceptable between the selected credit request lines and the credit note when matching in (APS395).
Allowed Rounding Variance – Percentage … a rounding variance expressed as a percentage. This field is also used as the field above.
7 = Permitted rounding variances, multiple receipts and various scenarios, expressed as an amount and a percentage. Allowed Rounding Variance – Amount … the allowed variance expressed as an amount for rounding that can occur after partial receipts.

…when the invoice line price, quantity, or line amount is changed in (APS360) and when the account entries are created and rounded to currency decimals. The rounding occurs in invoice currency and is automatically recorded according to the accounting string in the AP accounting option defined in parameter '095 AP accounting option for rounding variance'.

…or when partial goods receipts are matched to the same invoice line type 2. The rounding occurs if the variance is within tolerance and is created in local currency. An invoice line type 5 is either created automatically upon goods receipt at the same time as invoice line type 4 is created, or in (APS360) when manually connecting goods receipts. Invoice line type 5 is accounted for on PP20-235/236.

...or from claim deliveries that consist of several packages or lot numbers. The rounding occurs if the variance is within tolerance and is created in local currency. The rounding is automatically accounted for with accounting event PP25-225/226 when the credit invoice is matched either in (APS100) or in (APS450).

Allowed Rounding Variance – Percentage … a rounding variance expressed as a percentage. This field is also used as the field above.
AP Accounting option for rounding variance … a user-defined accounting option that you can define if rounding variances are accounted automatically in (APS360) when accounting entries are created. If there is no value defined in the 'AP accounting option for accounting variance' field in (APS900), sorting order 7, then the rounding variances are not automatically accounted. You must manually select an accounting option to record rounding variances.

For Brazil country version and sorting order 1, you must set up a record with blank 'currency code'. For sorting order 9-'Allowed ICSM amount variance', you must set up a record with 'currency code'=*.