Print Ledger Information

This document describes the process of printing ledger information in 'Ledger. Print' (GLS640). This function is primarily used to print reconciliation information. Three report layouts can be selected in this function:

  • General Ledger
  • Accounts Receivable
  • Accounts Payable


This function can be used to comply with legal requirements in France, where 'Grand livre general' needs to be printed for general ledger transactions and 'Grand livre auxiliaire' needs to be printed for transactions in accounts receivable (AR) and account payable (AP).

These reports should contain transactions for one or more selected periods and accounts. For the AR and AP reports it should be possible to only include one or more selected payers or payees in the report.

The information in these reports should be sorted by account, payer/payee (for AR and AP), and accounting date, as well as in chronological order within each accounting date.

An opening balance, a total debit and credit, and a closing balance should be printed for each account (and payer/payee for AR/AP).

After each detailed transaction, a running balance should be printed and if the transactions for an account (and payer/payee) do not fit into one page, the running balance of the last transaction should be carried over to the next page, printed as the running balance for the account (and payer/payee).

It should be possible to decide in which currency the amounts in the report are to be printed. The amounts are either printed in the local currency or the third currency of the division, or in any currency selected when the report is ordered.

All three reports should be printable with or without fully reconciled transactions – either as a draft or as a stamped print with a report number.

For the AR and AP reports, it should be possible to exclude payers/payees with a closing balance of zero at the end of the selected period. For the GL report, it should be possible to exclude accounts with a closing balance of zero at the end of the period.

For the GL report it should also be possible to exclude internal or external transactions and year-end transactions for profit and loss.

For each detailed transaction, accounting date, journal number, voucher text, voucher series, voucher number, debit or credit amount, and reconciliation information should be printed. For the AR and AP reports, invoice number, invoice date, due date, payment method, and reference number (if any) should also be printed.

In the AR and AP reports, all transactions posted in accounts receivable and accounts payable respectively are included. In the GL report, only the total debit and total credit for the AR and AP accounts are included, as the details for these accounts are already printed in the AR and AP reports.


Some limitations concerning the exclusion of reconciled transactions are described under the heading 'Reconciled transactions' in the chapters 'Selection parameters used for report layout 1 (GL)' and 'Selection parameters used for report layouts 2 (AR) and 3 (AP)'.

Amounts in the columns for debit, credit, and running balance cannot exceed 999.999.999.999,99, due to limitations for column width.

Virtual translation of accounts through 'Account Translation Scenario. Open' (GLS030) and the selection of an accounting dimension is only used for report layout 1 (GL).

If extra information is selected for report layout 2 (AR) or 3 (AP), additional information for the detailed transaction will be retrieved and printed in the report. As more than one additional information number can exist for the same transaction, the information will be retrieved in the following priority order:

For customer invoice transactions:

  • 211 Draft reference number ('Drawee Reference number')
  • 235 Original Invoice number
  • 255 Original invoice number
  • 236 Corrective invoice
  • 227 Split AR invoice
  • 228 Split customer invoice
  • 209 Grouped invoice (from number series 56-1 in 'Number Series. Open' (CRS165)
  • 203 CO number.

For customer payment transactions:

  • 213 Draft Number (internal draft number from number series 85-1 in CRS165)
  • 214 Check number.

For supplier invoice transactions:

  • 442 Original invoice number connected
  • 435 Original invoice number
  • 419 Original invoice number
  • 436 Corrective invoice number
  • 444 Customs inv no/year conn. to orig inv
  • 416 Split AP invoice
  • 402 Purchase Order Number (only included in the printout if there is actually a PO number included in additional info 402).

For supplier payment transactions:

  • 418 Drawee reference number (internal draft number from number series 88-1 in CRS165)
  • 404 Check number.

Before you start

  • Define the local currency of the division in 'Company. Connect Division' (MNS100).
  • Define a third currency of the division in 'Settings - General Ledger' (CRS750) if you want to print reports expressed in third-currency amounts in (GLS640).
  • Activate the parameter 'Legal reports' in (CRS750) if you want to print stamped reports in (GLS640).
  • Use F14 to update the standard list of reports available for stamped prints in 'Report Number Series. Open' (CRS167) and define a number series for (GLS640) in (CRS167) if you want to print stamped reports in (GLS640).
  • Define two user-defined balance keys in 'GL Balance File Key. Open' (GLS690) - one for AR and one for AP. These balance keys will be used to store balances per account and payer/payee. The account must be the first balance dimension and payer/payee must be the second balance dimension.
  • Generate balances for your AR and AP accounts and payers/payees by running 'GL Balance File. Update with Outcome' (GLS915) for the user-defined balance keys defined in (GLS690) in the previous step. You must perform this for all previous years up to the current year and period in order to create correct opening balances for all payers/payees for each AR and AP account.
  • Run 'GL Balance File. Start Annual Run' (GLS905) to create opening balances for your AR and AP accounts and payers/payees. Do this for all previous years up to the year before the current year. (It is not necessary to run (GLS905) to be able to run AR and AP reports in (GLS640), but it will decrease the time for retrieving the opening balances during processing of these reports. Note that if (GLS905) is run, it will recreate the opening balances for all balance keys at the same time.)
  • Define number series type 60, series 0, in (CRS165) if reconciliation of customer invoices and supplier invoices is to be made in 'AR Reconciliation Number. Open' (ARS245) and 'AP Reconciliation Number. Open' (APS245) respectively.
  • If you want to use virtual translation of accounts through 'Account Translation Scenario. Open' (GLS030), a scenario must be defined in that program.

Available selection parameters in (GLS640)

On the selection panel (GLS640/E), select a report layout:

  • 1 – General Ledger
  • 2 – Accounts Receivable
  • 3 – Accounts Payable.

Depending on the selection on (GLS640/E), different fields will be displayed on the selection panel (GLS640/F).

There are some general selection parameters that are used for all three report layouts and some selection parameters that are only available for certain report layouts. All selection parameters found on (GLS640/E) and (GLS640/F) are described below.

General selection parameters

Accounting period (GLS640/E)

Select one or more periods within the same fiscal year (according to the setup in 'System Calendar. Open Period' (CRS910)). This defines the date range for selection of transactions, based on accounting date, from the general ledger, accounts receivable, or accounts payable, depending on the report layout selected.

Accounting dimension 1 (GLS640/E)

Select a range of accounts for selection of transactions from the general ledger, accounts receivable, or accounts payable. It is possible to leave the 'From' and 'To' fields blank. Then all accounts will be included in the report. Only accounts to which the user has access will be included in the report.

Report amount selection (GLS640/E)

Select in which currency all balances and detailed transactions should be printed in the report:

0 – Currency of the division

1 – Converted currency

2 – Third currency.

If alternative 0 is selected, all amounts will be printed in the local currency defined in (MNS100). For detailed transactions, the accounted amounts in the general ledger are used. For openings balances, balances expressed in a local currency are retrieved from the balance table.

If alternative 1 is selected, all amounts will be printed in the currency selected on (GLS640/F). If the foreign currency amount for a transaction in the general ledger, accounts receivable, or accounts payable is defined in the currency that was selected on (GLS640/F), the foreign currency amount for that transaction will be used.

However, if the foreign currency amount of the transaction is defined in a different currency than the one selected on (GLS640/F), the accounted amounts in the general ledger will be used as a basis. For opening balances, balances expressed in local currency are retrieved from the balance table and used as a basis. The accounted amounts are then recalculated to currency amounts with the use of the exchange rate found for the selected exchange rate date on (GLS640/F) and the selected exchange rate type on (GLS640/F).

If alternative 2 is selected, all amounts will be printed in the third currency defined in (CRS750). For detailed transactions, the third-currency amounts in the general ledger are used. For openings balances, balances expressed in the third currency are retrieved from the balance table.

Report currency (GLS640/F)

Select in which currency all balances and detailed transactions should be printed. This parameter is only displayed on (GLS640/F) when report amount selection has been set to 1 on (GLS640/E).

Exchange rate type (GLS640/F)

Select which exchange rate type to use when accounted amounts are to be converted to the selected currency. This parameter is only displayed on (GLS640/F) when report amount selection has been set to 1 on (GLS640/E).

Rate date (GLS640/F)

Select for which date the exchange rate should be retrieved. This will be defaulted to the last date of the selected period on (GLS640/E), but can be manually changed. The exchange rate will be used in the currency conversion from accounted amounts to the currency selected. This parameter is only displayed on (GLS640/F) when report amount selection has been set to 1 on (GLS640/E).

Stamped print (GLS640/E)

Activate this parameter if a report number should be printed on the report. The report number is retrieved from the number series for (GLS640) set up in (CRS167). The report number is then printed in the header of each page of the report. If this parameter is not activated on (GLS640/E), the report will be considered a draft.

This parameter will only be displayed on (GLS640/E) if the parameter 'Legal reports' has been activated in (CRS750).

Selection parameters used for report layout 1 (GL)

Closing balance zero (GLS640/F)

Activate this parameter to exclude accounts with a closing balance of zero for the selected period from the report. For instance, an account with an opening balance of 1000 and transactions with a total of -1000 will have a closing balance of 0 at the end of the selected period. This account will not be included in the report if this parameter is activated.

Below are a few examples of what the result will be when this parameter is activated on (GLS640/F).

Account 1910 will be included in the report, as the closing balance is not equal to zero (even though the opening balance is equal to zero):

Date Description Debit Credit Running balance
20170101 Opening balance 0
20170105 Transaction 1 100 100
20170115 Transaction 2 50 50
20170125 Transaction 3 25 75
20170131 Closing balance 125 50 75

Account 1920 will be included in the report, as the closing balance is not equal to zero (even though the total of the debit and credit transactions is equal to zero):

Date Description Debit Credit Running balance
20170101 Opening balance 1000
20170105 Transaction 1 100 1100
20170115 Transaction 2 75 1025
20170125 Transaction 3 25 1000
20170131 Closing balance 100 100 1000

Account 1930 will not be included in the report, as the closing balance is equal to zero:

Date Description Debit Credit Running balance
20170101 Opening balance 1000
20170105 Transaction 1 100 1100
20170115 Transaction 2 800 300
20170125 Transaction 3 300 0
20170131 Closing balance 100 1100 0

Reconciled transactions (GLS640/F)

Activate this parameter to exclude fully reconciled transactions from the report. When this parameter is activated, a total will be calculated for each account for transactions with the same reconciliation number, with the internal reconciliation code 9 and with an internal reconciliation date within the selected period. If that total is equal to zero, the transactions will not be included in the report.

Note that if some of the reconciled transactions are posted on an accounting date that is not within the selected period, the total amount might not be zero for the selected period, why the reconciled transactions will be included in the report, even if this parameter has been activated on (GLS640/F).

The internal reconciliation code and internal reconciliation date are retrieved from the general ledger (displayed in 'General Ledger. Display Transactions' (GLS211)) and the reconciliation number is retrieved from either the general ledger (displayed in (GLS211)) or the additional information number 003 for the transaction in the general ledger (displayed in 'General Ledger. Display Additional Info' (GLS212)). This depends on whether the process for internal reconciliation is through (GLS385) or (GLS185) is used.

Transactions with the internal reconciliation code 8 are only partly reconciled and are therefore included in the report, even if this parameter is activated on (GLS640/F).

For transactions without a reconciliation number, no total will be calculated, even if the internal reconciliation code is 9 and the internal reconciliation date is within the selected period. For transactions that do not have such a reconciliation number there is no indication that they are connected. Therefore, even if the total would sum up to zero, they would still be included in the report, even if this parameter is activated on (GLS640/F).

This parameter is only considered when detailed transactions are to be selected for the report. The opening balance for each account is retrieved from the balance table, without considering if some of the transactions posted to the account before the selected period have been fully reconciled or not.

The total debit and total credit amounts for AR accounts and AP accounts in reports printed with report layout 1 (GL) do not consider reconciled transactions, even if this parameter has been activated on (GLS640/F). These totals will include all transactions on the AR accounts and AP accounts, regardless of whether some of the transactions have been fully reconciled or not. (When reports are printed with report layout 2 (AR) or 3 (AP), it is possible to exclude fully reconciled transactions in accounts receivable and accounts payable.)

Below is an example of what the result will be when this parameter is activated on (GLS640/F) and the transactions in the account have been fully reconciled.

At reconciliation in 'Account. Reconcile Internally' (GLS185) or 'Account. Reconcile Internally' (GLS385), the three transactions in the example below are linked to the same reconciliation number (1234), the internal reconciliation code is set to 9, and the internal reconciliation date is set to 20170205 (the latest accounting date for the three transactions):

Date Description Reconciliation Debit Credit Running balance
Code Date Number
20170101 Opening balance 50
20170115 Transaction 1 9 20170205 1234 1000 -950
20170130 Transaction 2 9 20170205 1234 600 -350
20170205 Transaction 3 9 20170205 1234 400 50

If (GLS640) is run for the period 201701, the following information will be included in the report. As the total for the reconciled transactions with reconciliation number 1234 for this account is not equal to zero (-1000 + 600 = -400) for the selected period (201701), the transactions will be included in the report:

Date Description Reconciliation Debit Credit Running balance
Code Date Number
20170101 Opening balance 50
20170115 Transaction 1 9 20170205 1234 1000 -950
20170130 Transaction 2 9 20170205 1234 600 -350
20170131 Closing balance 600 1000 -350

If (GLS640) is run for the period 201702, the following information will be included in the report. As the total for the reconciled transactions with reconciliation number 1234 for this account is not equal to zero (+400) for the selected period (201702), the transaction will be included in the report:

Date Description Reconciliation Debit Credit Running balance
Code Date Number
20170201 Opening balance -350
20170205 Transaction 3 9 20170205 1234 400 50
20170228 Closing balance 400 0 50

However, if (GLS640) is run for both periods 201701 and 201702, the following information will be included in the report. As the total for the reconciled transactions with reconciliation number 1234 for this account is equal to zero (-1000 + 600 + 400 = 0) for the selected periods (201701 and 201702), the transactions will be excluded from the report:

Date Description Reconciliation Debit Credit Running balance
Code Date Number
20170101 Opening balance 50
20170228 Closing balance 0 0 50

GL99 transactions (GLS640/F)

Activate this parameter to exclude transactions created in 'General Ledger. Calculate Profit/Loss' (GLS995). Such transactions are connected to the FAM function ID 'GL99' in the general ledger.

When (GLS995) has been run with calculation method 1, each P/L account is closed to a balance account on the last day of the fiscal year. Each P/L account will then have a closing balance of zero at the end of the year. If this parameter is activated on (GLS640/F), such closing transactions will be excluded from the report, which means that all accounts will be printed in the state they were before (GLS995) was run.

This parameter is only displayed on (GLS640/F) when report layout 1 (GL) has been selected on (GLS640/E).

External/internal transactions (GLS640/F)

Select the transactions to include in the report:

0 – External transactions

1 – Internal transactions

2 – All transactions

The selection is then based on the EICD field in the general ledger, where 0='External' and 1='Internal'.

This parameter is only displayed on (GLS640/F) when report layout 1 (GL) has been selected on (GLS640/E).

Scenario (GLS640/E)

Select the scenario to be used for virtual translation of accounts. For example, when a specific chart of accounts is needed in addition to the one defined in 'Accounting Identity. Open' (CRS630).

Scenarios are created in (GLS030) and are not mandatory. The selected accounting dimension determines the accounting dimension used to retrieve the selected scenario.

Accounting dimension (GLS640/E)

Select the accounting dimension to be used when creating the report. The selected accounting dimension decides the balance key used for retrieving opening balances, and the accounting dimension used to retrieve detailed transactions in the report. Normally, the value is set to 1-'Accounting Dimension', unless a different dimension is used for local reporting purposes. This field is mandatory.

Selection parameters used for report layouts 2 (AR) and 3 (AP)

Payer (report layout 2) and payee (report layout 3) (GLS640/F)

Select a range of payers or payees for selection of transactions from the accounts receivable or accounts payable respectively. It is possible to leave the 'From' and 'To' fields blank. Then all payers/payees will be included in the report.

This parameter is only displayed on (GLS640/F) when report layout 2 (AR) or 3 (AP) has been selected on (GLS640/E).

Balance key (GLS640/F)

Select the user-defined balance key set up for account and payer (for report layout 2, AR) or for account and payee (for report layout 3, AP). This field cannot be left blank and the selected balance key will be validated against the setup in (GLS690). Only a balance key with the required setup will be accepted (see 'Before you start' for further information).

The balance key will be used to retrieve opening balances per account and payer/payee. An example is found below for AR:

AR account 1510 Opening balance
Payer A 100
Payer B 200
Payer C 300
Total AR account 1510 600
AR account 1520 Opening balance
Payer A 40
Payer B 50
Payer C 60
Total AR account 1520 150

If one or more payers/payees have been selected for the report, the opening balance for the AR account or the AP account will be the total of the opening balances for the payers/payees included in the report. This means that the opening balance for the account is based on values for the user-defined balance key in the balance table. However, if no payer/payee has been selected, the opening balance for the AR account or AP account will instead be retrieved from balance key 1 in the balance table.

This parameter is only displayed on (GLS640/F) when report layout 2 (AR) or 3 (AP) has been selected on (GLS640/E).

Closing balance zero (GLS640/F)

Activate this parameter to exclude payers/payees with a closing balance of zero for a specific account for the selected period from the report. For instance, for a certain account, a payer has an opening balance of 100 and transactions with a total of -100. This payer will have a closing balance of 0 for that account at the end of the selected period and will therefore not be included in the report, if this parameter is activated.

Below is an example of what the result will be for the AP report when this parameter is activated on (GLS640/F). In this example, payee B will be excluded from the report for account 2440, but this payee will be included in the report for account 2441:

AP account 2440 Closing balance Included in the report
Payer A 100 Yes
Payer B 0 No, closing balancing is zero
Payer C 300 Yes
Total AP account 2440 400
AP account 2441 Closing balance Included in the report
Payer A 40 Yes
Payer B 50 Yes
Payer C -90 Yes
Total AP account 2441 0

Reconciled transactions (GLS640/F)

Activate this parameter to exclude fully reconciled transactions from the report.

For AR and AP, the reconciliation information in the report is primarily based on reconciliations made in (ARS245) and (APS245) respectively. In these functions, customer invoices and supplier invoices with the same payer/payee and currency can be linked to a reconciliation number. When the outstanding amount for such a reconciliation number is zero, the reconciliation number can be closed, which raises the status from 00 to 99. The reconciliation date is set to the latest accounting date for the transactions involved. The reconciliation number is stored on the invoice transaction as additional information 222 for customer invoices and 410 for supplier invoices.

When this parameter is activated on (GLS640/F), the system checks whether the invoices are linked to a reconciliation number with status 99 in (ARS245) or (APS245). If so, a total is calculated for the transactions that are linked to the same reconciliation number, the same payer/payee and the same AR account or AP account. If the total is equal to zero, all transactions with this reconciliation number will be excluded from the report.

For invoices that are not linked to a reconciliation number in (ARS245) or (APS245), the system checks whether the invoice has been fully paid before the last date of the selected period. To do this, the reconciliation code and reconciliation date in accounts receivable or accounts payable are checked. For fully paid invoices, the reconciliation code is set to 9 for all involved transactions and the reconciliation date is set to the latest accounting date among the involved transactions. If this parameter is activated on (GLS640/F), a total is calculated for fully paid invoices, including invoice and payment transactions during the selected period, and if that total is equal to zero, all transactions for this invoice will be excluded from the report.

Invoices with reconciliation code 8 are only partly paid and therefore included in the report, even if this parameter is activated on (GLS640/F).

If some of the invoices that are linked to a reconciliation number with status 99 in (ARS245) or (APS245) are posted to one account and other invoices to a different account, those transactions will be included in the report even if this parameter has been activated on (GLS640/F). The reason for this is that the total amount for reconciled transactions will not be zero for each separate account.

If a fully paid invoice is linked to a reconciliation number that still has status 00 in (ARS245) or (APS245), the invoice will be included in the report even if it is fully paid as the status of the reconciliation number in (ARS245) or (APS245) will be checked first.

If some of the reconciled transactions are posted on an accounting date that is not within the selected period (for instance if the invoice is posted in one period and the payment in another) the total amount might not be zero for the selected period, why the reconciled transactions will be included in the report.

Below is an example of what the result will be when this parameter is activated on (GLS640/F) and when some customer invoice transactions have been fully reconciled.

Invoice number 1 has been issued on 20170115 and fully paid on 20170215. Therefore, the reconciliation code has been set to 9 and the reconciliation date to 20170215 for this invoice in accounts receivable. This invoice is not linked to any reconciliation number in (ARS245).

Reconciliation number 12345 has been created in (ARS245) and invoice number 2 and invoice number 3 (credit note) have been linked to this reconciliation number. As the total of this reconciliation number is equal to zero, the reconciliation number has been closed with the reconciliation date 20170125 and the status has been raised to 99 in (ARS245).

Invoice number 4 has not yet been paid and it is not linked to any reconciliation number in (ARS245).

Date Description Reconciliation Debit Credit Running balance
Code Date Number
20170101 Opening balance 0
20170115 Invoice number 1 9 20170215 1000 1000
20170120 Invoice number 2 99 20170125 12345 2000 3000
20170125 Invoice number 3 99 20170125 12345 2000 1000
20170130 Invoice number 4 4000 5000
20170215 Invoice number 1 9 20170215 1000 4000

If (GLS640) is run for the period 201701, the following information will be included in the report. As the total for the reconciled transactions with reconciliation number 12345 for this account and payer is equal to zero (2000 - 2000 = 0) for the selected period (201701), the transactions will be excluded from the report. However, for invoice number 1, the total of the reconciled transactions is not equal to zero (1000) for the selected period (201701), why this invoice will be included in the report. Invoice number 4 will also be included in the report, as it has not yet been reconciled:

Date Description Reconciliation Debit Credit Running balance
Code Date Number
20170101 Opening balance 0
20170115 Invoice number 1 9 20170215 1000 1000
20170130 Invoice number 4 4000 5000
20170131 Closing balance 5000 0 5000

If (GLS640) is run for the period 201702, the following information will be included in the report. As the total for the reconciled transactions for invoice 1 is not equal to zero (-1000) for the selected period (201702), the transaction will be included in the report:

Date Description Reconciliation Debit Credit Running balance
Code Date Number
20170201 Opening balance 5000
20170215 Invoice number 1 9 20170215 1000 4000
20170228 Closing balance 0 1000 4000

However, if (GLS640) is run for both periods 201701 and 201702, the following information will be included in the report. As the total for the reconciled transactions with reconciliation number 12345 for this account and payer is equal to zero (2000 - 2000 = 0) for the selected periods (201701 and 201702), the transactions will be excluded from the report. And, as the total for the reconciled transactions for invoice 1 is also equal to zero (1000 – 1000 = 0) for the selected periods (201701 and 201702), those transactions will also be excluded from the report. Only invoice number 4 will be included in this report:

Date Description Reconciliation Debit Credit Running balance
Code Date Number
20170101 Opening balance 0
20170130 Invoice number 4 4000 4000
20170228 Closing balance 4000 0 4000

Extra information (GLS640/F)

Activate this parameter to include additional information on a second line for each detailed transaction in the report. This line will contain the voucher text from the general ledger and additional information (such as check number, drawee reference number, customer order number, and purchase order number) from 'Customer Invoice. Display Add Info' (ARS216) and 'Suppl Invoice. Display Additional Info' (APS216) respectively.

This parameter is only displayed on (GLS640/F) when report layout 2 (AR) or 3 (AP) has been selected on (GLS640/E).

Follow these steps

  1. Select accounting period(s) from/to for the report on (GLS640/E).
  2. Select account(s) from/to for the report on (GLS640/E).
  3. Select in which currency the amounts of the report should be printed on (GLS640/E):
    • 0 – In local currency of the division
    • 1 – In selected currency
    • 2 – In third currency of the division.
  4. Select the accounting dimension (only available for the GL report) on (GLS640/E).
  5. If needed, select the scenario to use for the accounts translation (only available for the GL report) on (GLS640/E).
  6. Activate 'Stamped print' on (GLS640/E), if a report number should be printed on the report.
  7. Select a report layout on (GLS640/E):
    • 1 – General Ledger
    • 2 – Accounts Receivable
    • 3 – Accounts Payable
  8. Enter a report text of your choice on (GLS640/E).
  9. Select payer(s) (only available for the AR report) or payee(s) (only available for the AP report) on (GLS640/F).
  10. Select the balance key to be used for opening balances for payers or payees (only available for the AR and AP reports).
  11. Activate 'Closing balance zero' on (GLS640/F) if accounts or payers/payees with a closing balance of zero for the selected period should be excluded from the report.
  12. Activate 'Reconciled transactions' on (GLS640/F) if fully reconciled transactions should be excluded from the report.
  13. Activate 'GL99 transactions' on (GLS640/F) (only available for the GL report) if year-end transactions for profit or loss should be excluded from the report.
  14. Select to only include external or internal transactions' in the report on (GLS640/F) (only available for the GL report):
    • 0 – External
    • 1 – Internal
    • 2 – Both external and internal.
  15. If 'Report amount selection' was set to 1 on (GLS640/E), select in which currency the amounts of the report should be printed, for which currency rate type and for which date the currency rate should be retrieved on (GLS640/F).
  16. Activate 'Extra information' on (GLS640/F) (only available for the AR and AP reports), if voucher text and reference information should be printed as a second line for each detailed transaction in the report.


A printed report will be received, based on the selections made on (GLS640/E) and (GLS640/F). The contents of the different report layouts are described below.

Amounts will be printed either in the debit or the credit column in the report. If the parameter 'Debit/credit code' has been activated in (CRS750), the D/C code for each transaction will determine if it should be printed in the debit or the credit column. If D/C codes are not used, the plus or minus sign for each transaction will determine in which column the amount will be printed (debit column = plus, credit column = minus).

Report layout 1 (GL):

  • The information in this report is sorted by account, accounting date, and journal number.
  • Detailed transactions from the general ledger and opening balances for the balance key used according to the selected accounting dimension in the balance table are included in the report.
  • For each account an opening balance is printed at the top. Then all detailed transactions for the selected period are printed with a running balance after each detailed transaction. Finally, a closing balance is printed for the account. For the opening balance line and the closing balance line, the account number, and description are printed.
  • For balance accounts, the opening balance is the accumulated value for all periods from period 00 until the period before the selected period in the selected year. (If period 00 does not exist for the account in the balance table, transactions in previous years will be included in the calculation of the opening balance.) For P/L accounts, the opening balance is the accumulated value for all periods from period 01 until the period before the selected period in the selected year. If the report is printed for period 01, the opening balance will be zero for all P/L accounts.
  • The closing balance will be equal to the running balance for the last detailed transaction for the account.
  • In case transactions for the account do not fit into one page, the second page will have a line at the top identifying which account the transactions concern and a running balance equal to the running balance for the last transaction for the account on the previous page.
  • A page break is made after each account.
  • All transaction codes will be included in the report, but details will only be printed for transaction codes 01, 11, 21, 41, and 51. For transaction codes 10 and 20 (for accounts defined as AR accounts in 'Accounting Identity. Open' (CRS630)) and for transaction codes 40 and 50 (on accounts defined as AP accounts in (CRS630)), only opening balances, total debit, total credit, and closing balances will be included in the report. (The detailed transactions will instead be included in the reports printed for report layouts 2 (AR) and 3 (AP) respectively.)
  • For each detailed transaction, information about accounting date, journal number, voucher text, voucher number series, voucher number, reconciliation information, debit or credit amount, and running balance is printed.
  • Only the relevant selection parameters for the selected report layout are printed on the front page. For report layout 1 (GL), payer/payee and extra info are therefore not printed on the front page.
  • The reconciliation information in the report is retrieved from the general ledger. The internal reconciliation code and internal reconciliation date are retrieved from the general ledger (displayed in (GLS211)) and the reconciliation number is retrieved from either the general ledger (displayed in (GLS211) or additional information number 003 for the transaction in the general ledger (displayed in (GLS212)). This depends on whether the process for internal reconciliation is through (GLS385) or (GLS185). The reconciliation code is only printed if this is 9 (not 0 or 8).

Report layout 2 (AR) and 3 (AP):

  • The information in these reports is sorted by account, payer/payee, accounting date, and journal number.
  • For each account and payer/payee an opening balance is printed at the top. Then all detailed transactions for the selected period are printed with a running balance after each detailed transaction. Finally, a closing balance is printed for the payer/payee and for the account. For the opening balance lines and the closing balance lines, the account number, the payer/payee number, and description are printed.
  • Opening balances for each payer/payee are retrieved from the balance table based on the user-defined balance key selected on (GLS640/F) for the report.
  • Opening balances for each AR account or AP account will either be retrieved from the user-defined balance key selected on (GLS640/F) or from balance key 1. If a payer/payee has been selected on (GLS640/F) for the report, the opening balance for the AR account or the AP account will be the total of the opening balances for the payers/payees included in the report. This means that the opening balance for the account is then based on values for the user-defined balance key in the balance table. However, if no payer/payee has been selected for the report, the opening balance for the AR account or AP account will instead be retrieved from balance key 1 in the balance table.
  • The opening balance is the accumulated value for all periods from period 00 until the period before the selected period in the selected year. (If period 00 does not exist for the account and the payer/payee in the balance table, transactions in previous years will be included in the calculation of the opening balance.)
  • Detailed transactions from accounts receivable or accounts payable are included in the reports. Detailed transactions with transaction codes 10 and 20 will be included in report layout 2 (AR), whereas detailed transactions with transaction codes 40 and 50 will be included in report layout 3 (AP).
  • For each detailed transaction, information about accounting date, journal number, voucher number series, voucher number, reconciliation information, invoice number, invoice date, due date, payment method, debit or credit amount, and running balance is printed. If the parameter for extra information has been activated on (GLS640/F), voucher text and additional information from (ARS216) or (APS216) are printed on a second line for each detailed transaction.
  • The closing balance will be equal to the running balance for the last detailed transaction for the payer/payee.
  • In case transactions for the payer/payee and account do not fit into one page, the second page will have two lines at the top identifying which account and which payer/payee the transactions concern and a running balance for the payer/payee equal to the running balance for the last transaction for the payer/payee on the previous page.
  • A page break is made after each AR account or AP account.
  • Only the relevant selection parameters for the selected report layout are printed on the front page. For report layouts 2 (AR) and 3 (AP), 'GL99' and 'Ext/int trans' are therefore not printed on the front page.
  • The reconciliation information in the report is primarily retrieved from (ARS245) or (APS245). If an invoice is linked to a reconciliation number in (ARS245) or (APS245), the reconciliation code, date, and number are retrieved from there.
  • If an invoice is not linked to a reconciliation number in (ARS245) or (APS245), the reconciliation code and date are instead retrieved from accounts receivable or accounts payable. In that case, no reconciliation number will be printed.
  • The reconciliation code is only printed if this is 99 (not 00) in (ARS245) or (APS245) or 9 (not 0 or 8) in accounts receivable or accounts payable.