Pay by Draft

This procedure is used to create payment by drafts.

Accounts payable and the general ledger are updated after using this procedure. A draft, an accounting journal, supplier invoice journal and a supplier payment journal are printed.

Before you start

  • A complete, approved payment proposal for payment method Draft is entered in ‘Suppl Payment Proposal. Open’ (APS130).
  • FAM functions and accounting rules are updated for AP33 in ‘FAM Function. Open’ (CRS405) and ‘Accounting Rule. Set’ (CRS395) respectively.
  • Number series 67B (draft number) is entered in ‘Number Series. Open’ (CRS165).
  • In ‘AP Payment Method. Open’ (CRS071/E), you have selected for the payment method used whether the drafts should receive status 10 (To be confirmed) or 20 (Confirmed) automatically when displayed for reconciliation in ‘Draft. Reconcile Confirmations’ (APS175).

Follow these steps

  1. Start ‘Suppl Payment Proposal. Open’ (APS130/B).

  2. Select option 9 = Confirm for the payment proposal.

  3. On the following panel, ‘Draft. Print’ (APS170/E), specify the accounting date and voucher text. If applicable, change the proposed payment currency. Press Enter.