Adjust Supplier Payment Proposal

This document explains how you adjust basic values for the payment proposal as well as for separate invoice records included and then create the final payment documents.

The adjustments can consist of changing the supplier invoices in the accounts payable file and then creating a new proposal. You can also adjust some values directly in the proposal before confirming it.

Before you start

A payment proposal must be created and verified in 'Supplier Payment Proposal. Open' (APS130).

Follow these steps


Decide what to do

  1. Start 'Supplier Payment Proposal. Open' (APS130).

  2. Select another sorting order to identify the proposal, when needed.

    The available sorting orders are: 1 = Proposal number, sequence number; 2 = Status, proposal number, sequence number.

  3. Select one of these alternatives:

    • If an error report was printed, refer to Adjust settings based on error report.
    • To change payee or other values in the accounts payable file, refer to Change payee and other invoice values in the Accounts Payable File.
    • To change basic data for the entire proposal, refer to Change basic data for the proposal.
    • To change separate records in the proposal, refer to Change separate records in the proposal.
    • To manually add new invoice records without having to create a new proposal, refer to Add new invoice record to the proposal.
    • To print and review a simulation of payment documents and account entries to be created when the proposal is confirmed, refer to Create preview of simulated payment documents and account entries before executing payments.
    • View invoice additional information.
    • If the proposal is correct, see Executing Supplier Payments Based on Payment Proposal.

Adjust settings based on error report

  1. Review the error report.

  2. Adjust incorrect invoice records according to the list of error statuses in Using Payment Proposals to Create Supplier Payments.

  3. Create a new payment proposal and start 'Supplier Payment Proposal. Open' (APS130).

Change payee and other invoice values in the Accounts Payable File

To change payee, follow these steps:

  1. Start 'Accounts Payable. Display' (APS200/B).

  2. Select option 9='Change payee' for the invoice.

  3. On the E-panel, specify the new payee. Press Enter to return to the B-panel.

  4. Start 'Supplier Payment Proposal. Open' (APS130) and create a new proposal.

To change other invoice values, follow these steps:

  1. In (APS200/B), select option Open for the invoice.

  2. In 'Accounts Payable. Change Separate Invoice' (APS201/E), change any of these values: due date, authorizer, future rate agreement, payment method, payment stop, stop date, stopped by, bank account, cash discount terms, cash discount base, cash discount percentages, parallel invoice number (for invoices with payment class 3 or 5), trade code, and bank operation. Press Enter.

  3. Start 'Supplier Payment Proposal. Open' (APS130) and create a new proposal.

Change basic data for the proposal

If you change bank or payment method to the whole proposal, the included invoices will automatically disappear and reappear in a new corresponding proposal when returning to (APS130/B). This is because a proposal is created for the combination of bank, payment method, and currency.

Select one of these alternatives:

  • To change the supplier bank account for all records in the proposal:
    1. In (APS130/B), select option 11='Change bank' for the proposal.

    2. In (APS130/E), specify a new bank account and press Enter to return.

      You cannot change the bank account if you selected that bank quotas should be used when creating the proposal.

      Trade code break level will also be considered if used in the proposal. When a payment proposal is changed, other fields such as payee, payment date, cash discount, company bank account, and supplier bank account of the invoice are also considered for grouping the invoices per payment document. For example, when changing the payment method through company bank in APS130 (related options), the trade code break level selected in (APS091) must be considered. If the combination cannot be found in (APS091), then the ordinary grouping is used.

  • To change the payment method for all records:
    1. In (APS130/B), select option 12='Change payment method' for the proposal.

    2. On the E-panel, specify a new payment method and press Enter to return.

      If the previous payment method has Grouped payment code 2, you can only change to a payment method with the same code.

      Parallel invoice number, if used by the invoices included in the proposal, are also considered.

      If the new payment method is with payment class other than 3 or 5, the parallel invoice number is removed.

      Trade code break level will also be considered if used in the proposal. When a payment proposal is changed, other fields such as payee, payment date, cash discount, company bank account, and supplier bank account of the invoice are also considered for grouping the invoices per payment document. For example, when changing the payment method through Company bank in APS130 (related options), the trade code break level selected in (APS091) must be considered. If the combination cannot be found in (APS091), then the ordinary grouping is used.

Change separate records in the proposal

  1. To change proposal record, select option Open for the proposal in (APS130/B).

  2. In 'Supplier Payment Proposal. Update Details' (APS137/B), select an sorting order: 1 = 'Amount due'; 2 = 'Cash discount date' or 3 = 'Total per supplier'.

Select one of these alternatives:

  • To change values for a record and add a comment:
    1. In (APS137/B), select option Open for a payment record.

    2. In (APS137/E), change any of these values when necessary: payment date, payment method, supplier bank account, amount due, gross amount due (see below), cash discount amount, cash discount date, payment block code (see below), parallel invoice number (for invoices with payment class 3 or 5), and trade code. Press Enter.

      The payment date can be changed provided the payment method used has Grouped payment code 0 or 1.

      If the previous payment method has Grouped payment code 2, you can only change to a payment method with the same code. If you change payment method and bank, the invoice is automatically included in a new proposal when returning to (APS130/B).

      Parallel invoice number, if used by the invoices included in the proposal, are also considered.

      The parallel invoice number can be changed or deleted, but if the new payment method is with payment class other than 3 or 5, the parallel invoice number is removed.

      The trade code break level will be considered in the proposal if the combination of payment method and bank account ID of the proposal is defined in (APS091). If not, ordinary grouping of invoices will be used. When a payment proposal is changed, other fields such as payee, payment date, cash discount, company bank account, and supplier bank account of the invoice are also considered for grouping the invoices per payment document. For example, when changing the payment method, payment date, and supplier bank directly in the APS137/E panel (the trade code can also be changed here), the Trade code break level selected in (APS091) must be considered. If the combination cannot be found in (APS091), the ordinary grouping is used.

      If you reduce the amount to pay, that means you only make a partial payment.

      The new cash discount date must be today's date or later. Note that you can add a cash discount even if the original invoice did not have any connected cash discount terms.

    3. In (APS137/H), add up to five lines of work comments when needed. Press Enter.

      Press Enter. This text is only saved in the proposal file and is not printed on the final payment document. If an external text was specified for the invoice in (APS201/T), this text is automatically displayed here.

      This text is only saved in the proposal file and is not printed on the final payment document. If an external text was specified for the invoice in (APS201/T), this text is automatically displayed here.

      If parallel invoice number is used, it can be changed in (APS137/H). If a check digit method is defined for this payment method and payee’s country in ‘Additional Payment Reference for AP. Open’ (CMS091), an input control of the check digit is carried out. If the check digit is invalid, a warning message is displayed.

      The check digit method is used when calculating and controlling the check digit in a parallel invoice number.

      If an alternative check digit method is entered (optional), the input control of parallel invoice numbers uses this alternative check digit method instead, if the check digit is invalid for the first entered check digit method. If the check digit is wrong, a warning message is displayed.

      If the check digit is correct when using the first check digit method, no more controls are done. But if the check digit is wrong and an alternative check digit method is entered, that check digit method is used instead for controlling the check digit.

      If the check digit is wrong for both the check digit methods, the check digit is invalid and a warning message is displayed.

      Numeric values must be used to calculate and control the check digit. If parallel invoice number is blank, no input control is done. If the check digit method is blank in (CMS091), no input control is done

      If no rule can be found in (CMS091) for the payment method and the payee’s country when doing the input control of a parallel invoice number, but there is a rule for this payment method and payee country = blank (catch all), this method is used instead.

      The input control is only done for invoices with AP payment methods that have payment class 3=Bank transfer and 5=Direct debiting.

  • To specify partial payment of invoice record in the proposal:
    1. In (APS137/B), select option Open for an invoice record.

    2. In (APS137/E), specify the amount to pay in the 'Amount due' field and the 'Gross amount due' field. Press Enter and return to the B-panel.

  • To add cash discount to a record in the proposal:
    1. In (APS137/B), select option Open for an invoice record.

    2. In (APS137/E), add the cash discount in one of four ways:

      • Specify a positive or negative cash discount amount manually. You specify a negative amount if you want to pay back some cash discount that was not approved by the supplier.
      • Specify a positive or negative cash discount percentage.
      • Specify a cash discount date that can be past the invoice's due date and/or today's date.
      • Reduce the amount due without adjusting the gross amount due.
    3. Specify cash discount terms. Press Enter.

  • To block a record from being confirmed for payment:
    1. In (APS137/B), select option 3='Hold' for the record.

      The record receives status 3, which is displayed if sorting order 1 is selected.

      The value in the 'Amount due' field is reduced with the corresponding amount.

      You can always unblock a previously blocked record by selecting option 6 = 'Release' for it.

    2. To further specify the type of block, select option Open for the invoice.

    3. On the E-panel, change the standard block code 3 to another block code. Press Enter and then F3 to return to (APS130/B).

    4. When you have made all the changes you can, reprint the proposal to get a last overview before you confirm the payment.

    5. The printout may also be used for authorization of the whole payment. In such a case, the authorized person would sign the list as an authorization of the payment and then it would be saved.

  • To completely delete a record from the proposal, select option Delete for it

Add new invoice record to the proposal

  1. In (APS130/B), select option Open for the proposal.

  2. In (APS137/B), specify the name of the payee. Click New to select new invoices.

    Open invoices that are not included in another payment proposal are displayed for the payee in 'Accounts Payable. Display' (APS200/B). To help identify the invoices you can also use sorting order 5 or 15; then all invoice records are displayed.

  3. In (APS200/B), select the invoice(s) to include with option Select.

    The invoices are included in the proposal. The payment method of the original invoice is automatically changed to the payment method of the proposal. If the proposal payment method is used for bank transfer with transfer method 3, there is an automatic check that the bank information for the selected invoices is valid.

    The trade code break level will be considered in the proposal if the combination of payment method and bank account ID of the proposal is defined in (APS091). If not, ordinary grouping of invoices is used.

  4. Press F3 to return to (APS130/B).

Viewing invoice additional information
  1. On the (APS130/B) panel, select option Change for the proposal.
  2. On the (APS137/B) panel, select the 21='Additional info' related option to display invoice additional info in 'Suppl Invoice. Display Additional Info' (APS216) for supplier invoices and 'Customer Invoice. Display Add Info' (ARS216) for customer invoices.

Create preview of simulated payment documents and account entries before executing payments

  1. In (APS130/B), select option 'Preliminary/copy' for the proposal with status 1.

    With option 6 = Print you print a copy of the payment proposal. Option 9 = Copy is used to print a copy of payment documents already created based on a confirmed proposal (status 9).

  2. Follow the usual steps for creating payment documents depending on the payment method.

    The same documents and accounting journals are printed as if the proposal had been confirmed, but the financial system is not updated.