Define How to Retrieve Information from the Additional Information File - Using Text Identifiers

This document explains how you use the additional information file for a bank statement line, in order to:

  • Identify the payer/payee, that is, the customer/supplier, when creating an on-account payment. (Or when you need to retrieve the customer/supplier in order to find invoices to allocate to statement lines.)
  • Identify what accounting strings to use, when creating a voucher. (Example: When creating vouchers that refer to leasing cars or telephone bills, why the posting should differ depending on who is leasing the car or using the telephone.)


A text identifier is defined. The identifier contains a text string and some other data. During statement allocation (when a scenario applies that uses text identifiers), a search is done in the additional information file to find the text strings that have been defined for the text identifiers. If the string is found, the:

  • Voucher is post according to the identifier or
  • An on-account payment is created with the customer/supplier defined.

Validity dates and validity periods etc. controls when the text identifier is valid.

Specify that a scenario should use text identifiers in 'Scenario Number. Open' (ABS911). You do this in the:

  • 'Retrieval of accounting string' field if the scenario creates vouchers.
  • 'Search path—customer/supplier' field if the scenario creates on-account payments.

The FABTAB file is updated.

Before you start

  • The additional information file contains a text string that identifies the customer/supplier or how the voucher should be posted. The text string is known by you and can be a customer number or a registration number, for example. The additional information file is reviewed in 'Bank Statement. Open Line Details' (ABS102/B).
  • The bank account that the text identifier applies to is defined in 'Bank Account. Open' (CRS692).
  • The business transaction code, that is, the type of bank statement line that the text identifier applies to is defined in 'Business Transaction Code. Open' (ABS020).
  • If the statement line must be in a certain currency, the currency is defined in 'Currency. Open' (CRS055).

Text Identifiers Used to Post Vouchers

  • FAM periods are defined in 'Company. Connect Division' (MNS100/F).
  • If a standard voucher is used, it is defined in 'Standard Voucher. Open' (GLS015).
  • If a fixed accounting string is used, the accounting identities are defined in 'Accounting Identity. Open' (CRS630), for the respective accounting dimension.
  • If VAT is calculated, the VAT code is defined in 'VAT Code. Open' (CRS030).

Text Identifiers Used to Identify Customer/Supplier

  • The customer is defined in 'Customer. Open' (CRS610) or the supplier is defined in 'Supplier. Open' (CRS620).

Parameters to Set

Program ID/Panel Field The field indicates …
(ABS940/B) Text identifier type

… in which type of allocation scenario the text identifier applies.

Valid alternatives

1 = General ledger

2 = Accounts receivable

3 = Accounts payable.

Alternative 1 is used when the text identifier applies to a scenario that creates vouchers. The text identifer is then used to identify how the voucher should be posted.

Alternative 2 and 3 are primarily used when the text identifier applies to a scenario that creates on-account payments in accounts receivable or accounts payable. The text identifier is then used in order to retrieve the customer/supplier that the on-account payment should refer to. Note that the alternative can also be used for a scenario that searches for an invoice to allocate to a statement line. This can be the case for a scenario that uses the exact amount on the statement line detail in order to find the invoice.

(ABS940/B) Text identifier

… the text string that is compared with the text in additional information of a bank statement line.

Example: The text identifier is 'OBV140.' A search will be performed for the text string 'OBV140' in additional information.

(ABS940/B) Bank account identity

… the bank account that the bank statement must refer to in order for the text identifer to apply.

Note that if you leave this field blank, the text identifer will apply for all bank account identities. The more text identifiers that apply during a search, the more time the search takes. To reduce the search time, it is therefore recommended that you always specify a bank account identity whenever possible.

(ABS940/B) Business transaction code

… the business transaction code that the bank statement line must refer to in order for the text identifier to apply.

Note that if you leave this field blank, the text identifer will apply for all business transaction codes. The more text identifiers that apply during a search, the more time the search takes. To reduce the search time it is therefore recommended that you always specify a business transaction code, whenever possible.

(ABS940/E) Used from/to day number

… a start/end day number within the current period.

You use day number intervals to limit the validity for the text identifier within a period. The text identifier will only apply if the value date of the statement line is within the specified interval.

The date intervals are used if you know that the bank transaction (that the text identifier is used to find) only occurs within a fixed date interval each period. Using the interval, you minimize the risk of a voucher being created by mistake, since the text identifier accidentally is found in the additional information of a statement line that refers to a totally different type of bank transaction.

The day numbers are converted to dates according to the valid period type for FAM in (CRS610). What period type applies for FAM is specified in (MNS100).

(ABS940/E) Valid from/to … the from and to date in between which the text identifer will be valid.
(ABS940/E) Used in period

… the period in which the text identifier will apply. Up to six periods can be specified.

The periods are used if you know that the bank transaction (that the text identifier is used to identify) only occurs certain periods during the year. By specifying these periods, you minimize the risk of a voucher being created by mistake, since the text identifier's text string accidentally is found in the additional information of a statement line that refers to a totally different type of bank transaction.

The period type and the number of periods that apply for FAM are specified in (MNS100).

ABS940/E) Check amount

… the exact amount that the statement line must have in order for the text identifier to be used.

You specify an amount if you know that the bank transaction (that the text identifier is used to find) always has the same amount. Thereby you minimize the risk of a voucher being created by mistake. This is because the additional information may contain the text identifier's text string, although the statement line refers to a completely different type of bank transaction.

If necessary, specify whether the amount is a debit or credit amount.

(ABS940/E) Check amount sign

… whether the sign on the specified amount should be checked.

If you select this field, then the transaction amount and the text identifier amount must have the same sign in order for the text identifier to be used.

(ABS940/E) Currency … the currency that the amount must be in, in order for the text identifier to apply.
(ABS940/E) Allowed frequency

… how many times in each period that the text identifier may be used to create and post a voucher.

Using the field, you minimize the risk of a voucher being created by mistake, since the text identifier's text string is accidentally found in the additional information of a statement line that refers to a totally different type of bank transaction.

(ABS940/E) Actual frequency

… how many times the current period that the text identifier has been used to create and post vouchers.

This field is updated automatically.

(ABS940/E) Last used period

… the last period that the text identifier was used to create and post a voucher.

Note that the text identifier cannot be used for a bank statement that refers to an earlier period than the one displayed here.

(ABS940/E) Last used date

… the last date that the text identifier was used.

Checking this field gives you an idea of how useful the text identifier is. If the text identifier has not been used for a long time, this may indicate that you can delete it or have to redefine it.

(ABS940/E) Retrieval of accounting string

… how the voucher will be posted.

Valid alternatives

1 = Fixed string

2 = Standard voucher.

Alternative 1 means that a fixed accounting string, which will always be used, is defined on the same panel.

Alternative 2 means that a standard voucher is specified on the same panel. The account entry lines defined for the standard voucher will then be used when the voucher is posted. This alternative is useful if you want several accounting transactions to be created, for example VAT.

(ABS940/E) Accounting dimension 1–7 … the accounting identity for the respective accounting dimension. The voucher will be posted according to the accounting string defined here.
(ABS940/E) VAT code … the currency that the statement line must have in order for the text identifier apply.
(ABS940/E) Standard voucher … the standard voucher that will be used when the voucher is posted.
(ABS940/E) Customer/supplier number

… the customer/supplier that should apply for the text identifier.

The customer/supplier is either used for the on-account payment that is created, or in order to find the invoice to allocate to the statement line.

Follow These Steps

  1. Start 'Text Identifier. Open' (ABS940/B).

  2. Select one of the following alternatives:

    • To create a text identifier used to post vouchers correctly, go to step 3.
    • To create a text identifier used to identify customer/supplier, go to step 17.

    Text Identifiers Used to Post Vouchers Correctly

  3. On the B panel, select alternative 1 = 'General ledger' in the 'Text identifier type' field.

  4. Specify the text string that will be searched for in the additional information in the 'Text identifier' field.

  5. Specify the bank account identifier and the business transaction code that the text identifer applies to, if possible. Select New.

    5 Specify the bank account identifier and the business transaction code that the text identifer applies to, if possible. Select New.

  6. On the E panel, specify a name and/or description for the text identifier.

  7. Specify the text identifier's validity time in the 'Valid from date' and 'Valid to date' fields.

  8. Select whether to use a fixed accounting string or a standard voucher when posting, in the 'Retrieval of accounting string' field. Also, select one of the following alternatives:

    • If you selected to use a fixed string, specify the string in the seven accounting dimension fields.
    • If you selected to use a standard voucher, specify the one to use in the 'Standard voucher' field.
  9. If you want VAT to be calculated, specify the VAT code.

  10. Select status 20 = Definite.

  11. If you want to limit the number of situations in which the text identifier is valid, proceed to next step. Otherwise, press Enter.

    Limit the Number of Situations in Which the Text Identifier Is Valid

  12. Specify in which FAM periods that the text identifier is valid in the 'Used in period' fields.

  13. If necessary, specify also a start and end day number within the selected FAM periods, in which the text identifier is valid, in the 'Used from day number' and 'used to day number' fields.

  14. If you know that the type of bank statement line that the text identifier refers to always has the same amount, specify the amount.

  15. If the text identifer only applies when the bank statement line is in a specific currency, specify the currency.

  16. If you want a check to be performed that the sign on the statement line and the sign specified in the text identifier's amount field are the same, activate the 'Check amount' check box. Press Enter.

    Text Identifier Used to Identify Customer/Supplier

  17. On the B panel, select one of the following alternatives:

    • To create a text identifier used to retrieve a customer, select alternative 2 = 'Accounts Receivable' in the 'Text identifier type' field.
    • To create a text identifier used to retrieve a supplier, select alternative 3 = 'Accounts Payable' in the 'Text identifier type' field.
  18. Specify the text string that will be searched for in the additional information in the 'Text identifier' field.

  19. Specify the bank account and the business transaction code that the text identifer applies for. Select New.

  20. On the E panel, enter a name and/or description for the text identifier.

  21. Specify the text identifier's validity time in the 'Valid from date' and 'Valid to date' fields.

  22. Specify the customer/supplier that will apply, if the text identifier is found in the additional information.

  23. Select status 20 = Definite.

  24. If you want to limit the number of situations in which the text identifier is valid, proceed to next step. Otherwise, press Enter.

    Limit the Number of Situations in Which the Text Identifier Is Valid

  25. If you know that the type of bank statement line that the text identifier refers to always has the same amount, enter the amount.

  26. If the text identifer only applies when the bank statement line is in a specific currency, enter the currency.

  27. If the text identifer only applies when the bank statement line is in a specific currency, enter the currency.