Review a Search for Information in the Additional Information File

This document explains how you review the log that is created when allocation of customer or supplier invoices to bank statement lines is performed.

Reviewing the performance of the search is very useful in an initial phase, when you have set up the system and want to test its effectiveness. However, the log file functionality can be used anytime, although you should be aware that it slows down the speed of automatic allocation of bank statements.

Note that the log is only created if a scenario applies during allocation that uses the structure defined in 'Additional Information. Structure' (ABS930) to retrieve the information. For simplicity reasons, the information retrieved will be referred to as "invoice numbers" though other information can also be retrieved.


You have:

  • A good view about how effective your settings are in general when it comes to finding invoice numbers in the additional information files
  • The answer to why a special invoice number was not found in the additional information, though you know it exists there.

Based on the information you have received, you may want to change your settings to approve the effectiveness of the search. The additional information structure is maintained in 'Additional Information. Structure' (ABS930).

Before you start

  • You must have an understanding of how invoice numbers are retrieved. For example, refer to the topic entitled Define How to Retrieve Invoice Numbers from the Additional Information File. The link to this topic is in the See Also section.
  • The 'Create log file' check box in 'Bank Account Identifier. Open' (ABS900/E) is activated for the bank account identifier whose bank statement you want to review.
  • The automatic allocation option is used on a bank statement, in order for open invoices to be allocated to the bank statement lines. One or several scenarios that use the additional information structure apply during the automatic allocation.

Follow These Steps

Note: Detailed explanations of the 010 to 100 parameter fields (referenced below) are provided in the topic entitled Define How to Retrieve Invoice Numbers from the Additional Information File. The link to this topic is in the See Also section.
  1. Start 'Additional Information. Scan Log' (ABS104/B).

    This is started either by selecting option 13 in 'Bank Statement. Open' (ABS100/B) for the bank statement or selecting option 13 in 'Bank Statement. Open Line' (ABS101/B) for the bank statement line.

    Select Which Log and Which Text Fields to Review

  2. If more than one automatic allocation has been carried out for the selected bank statement, it means that several log files have been created. Select which log to review by specifying the date the allocation was done and the time suffix.

    The time suffix is an identity that is automatically set during allocation. The suffix is useful if several allocations are carried out on the same date; it then separates the different log files that are created.

  3. Select one of the following alternatives:

    • To review all text fields that were scanned during allocation, sorted on log sequence number and sequence number, select sorting order 1. (If a scenario that searched for invoice numbers in the additional information was used for a statement line, all text fields belonging to that additional information are displayed.)
    • To review all text fields belonging to the additional information of a specific statement line, select sorting order 2. Also, specify the sequence number that identifies the statement line.
    • To review all text fields that were scanned during the allocation, sorted on the text itself, select sorting order 3. (See sorting order 1 for information about which text fields are displayed.)
  4. Make additional selections about which text fields to display using the 'Qualifier' and 'Found in table' fields.

    The Qualifier field indicates whether to display text fields that were interpreted as invoice numbers when they were scanned during the allocation. The valid alternatives are:

    • Blank = All text fields are displayed.
    • 1 = Only text fields that were interpreted as invoice numbers, are displayed.
    • 1 = Only text fields that were interpreted as invoice numbers, are displayed.

    The 'Found in table' field signifies whether to display text field, where a corresponding invoice number was found in the transaction files in M3 during the allocation. The valid alternatives are:

    • Blank = All text fields are displayed.
    • 1 = Only text fields that were interpreted as invoice numbers and where the invoice numbers were found in the transaction files are displayed.
    • 2 = Only text fields that were interpreted as invoice numbers and where the invoice numbers were NOT found in the transaction files are displayed.

    Review the General Information Displayed

  5. On the B panel, review the general information displayed for each of the text fields in the list.

    What to look out for depends on the purpose of the review. Example:

    • You are in a test phase and want to check that invoice numbers in the additional information were found and that corresponding invoices in the transaction files were allocated to the statement lines.
    • You are in a test phase and want to secure that a scenario that searches for invoice numbers in the additional information of a certain statement line was applied and that the additonal information was scanned.

    Review Detailed Information for a Text Field

  6. On the B panel, select Show for the text field that you want to review more closely.

    For example, you may want to review a text field that equals to or is similar to an invoice number that you know that the statement refers to, even though the invoice was NOT allocated to the statement line during automatic allocation.

  7. Select one of the following alternatives:

    • Review Whether the Text Field was Interpreted as an Invoice Number
    • Review Why the Text Field Was NOT Interpreted as an Invoice Number
    • Review Whether a Corresponding Invoice was Found in the Transaction Files
    • Review Whether the Text Field Was Changed Before Compared to the Transaction Files

Review Whether the Text Field was Interpreted as an Invoice Number

  1. Review the Qualified field that is located beside the 'Text field' field at the bottom of the panel.

  2. Return to Review Detailed Information for a Text Field or press Enter to end the program.

Review Why the Text Field Was NOT Interpreted as an Invoice Number

  1. Review the conditions specified in the 010 to 040 parameter fields and the 100 parameter field. Check which of the condition(s) that were not met by reviewing the Qualifier field for the parameters.

    For example, the text field can be '12345T' and according to the 010 parameter the text must consist of only numerical characters to be considered an invoice number.

    Note that no Qualifier field exists for the 100 parameter.

  2. Return to Review Detailed Information for a Text Field or press Enter to end the program.

Review Whether a Corresponding Invoice was Found in the Transaction Files

  1. Review the 'Found in table' field at the bottom of the panel.

    Review the 'Found in table' field at the bottom of the panel.

  2. Return to Review Detailed Information for a Text Field or press Enter to end the program.

Review Whether the Text Field Was Changed Before Compared to the Transaction Files

  1. Compare the 'Text field' and the 'Re-worked text field' fields to find out whether the text has been changed.

  2. If the text has been changed, review the 050 to 090 parameters to check out why.

    For example, a fixed prefix may have been added.

  3. Return to Review Detailed Information for a Text Field or press Enter to end the program.