Adding the product to the quotation

You can add the product to the quotation in different ways. This section describes how to manually add the product to an existing quotation.

The product is the main equipment being sold as part of this quotation. If the product has not been added during the creation of the quotation, then you must add it. When the quotation is released, a sales line is created on the sales order based on the product. If the product is not in stock, then a configuration work request is also triggered. The type of the quotation line related to the product is zero.

  1. To add the product, click the Dashboard, Search, or Approval tab in the My Quotations panel, or the Search tab in the All Quotations panel. Alternatively, select the Customer panel.
  2. To display the Equipment Quotation Detail window from any of these tabs and panels, select a quotation and double-click it.
  3. In the Equipment Quotation Detail window, click the New product button on the Product tab.
    By default, the responsible person is the current user. You can modify this information, for example, if another user is responsible for the trade-in.
  4. Specify the product number.
    If you specify the product number, then the serial number is optional. The serial number is usually allocated later in the process and often after the order has been placed.
    Reference order details such as the purchase or manufacturing order number are displayed, but cannot be modified.
  5. Optionally, add the industry application and the environment codes.

    This information typically describes the use of the vehicle, such as forestry or mining.

    The default values of the requested and planned delivery dates are retrieved from the requested delivery date on the quotation header. You can modify this information here. This information provides a more accurate indicator of when the equipment is likely to be delivered, which could be earlier or later than requested.

  6. To save the changes and return to the Equipment Quotation Detail window, click Next.