Service records

This section describes how to configure basic information for service records to be used with quotations.

These service records can be defined:

  • Configuration service

    To configure the equipment with additional options, you can define a configuration service. If the service is linked to the equipment in 'Item. Open' (MMS001/J), a configuration service is automatically added to the quotation. The configuration service that you are linking here is therefore the one that you want to manually apply to the quotation.

    In (MMS001/J), you must link the configuration service to the product or equipment.

  • Commissioning service

    To manage on-site work after the equipment has been delivered to the customer, you can define a commissioning service. For example, you can define commissioning or on-site training as a commissioning service.

You can link only one configuration service to a quotation, but you can link several commissioning services to a quotation.

In 'Service. Open' (MOS300), you can define service information. Use 'Service. enter Prices' (MOS306) to define the sales price and the cost price of a commissioning service. You can use two service price lists:

  • An external list for the sales price
  • An internal list for the cost price

After the quotation has been released, these records are created:

  • For a configuration service, a work request is created in 'Work Request. Open' (MOS170).
  • For a commissioning service, a maintenance customer order is created in 'Maintenance Customer Orders. Open' (COS100) or a maintenance customer order line is created in 'Maintenance Customer Orders. Open Line' (COS101).

In 'Quotation. Add Services' (QUS114), you can define basic information for a quotation service. From the Related menu, you can access this information:

  • Basic information about the service
  • Agreement lines, if an agreement number has been specified against a record