Customer panel

In the EQM mashup, select Customer in the menu on the left side. In this panel, you can manage customer-based quotations. You can view the list of all customers and, on several tabs, you can view detailed information about customers.

You can use these options:

  • Addresses
  • Create quotation
  • Change
  • Copy
  • Delete
  • Display
  • Text

This table shows the available tabs:

Tab Description
Basic information Information about the customer’s address
Locations List of customer sites with information about the address of sites
Customer details Detailed information about customers, such as the customer group, the currency, and delivery terms
Financial information Financial information about customers, such as payment terms and credit limits
Invoices List of all invoices related to a customer
Text All text information related to a customer
Quotation All open quotations for a customer and most of the options related to a quotation