Product price adjustment

Using the price adjustment feature, you can adjust the sales price of the equipment, that is, the product, at the equipment level or at the individual attribute level. After the quotation has been approved with the status 30 or a subsequent status, you cannot change the sales price.

In 'Quotation. Adjust Price' (QUS102), you can adjust prices. To open (QUS102), in the Equipment Quotation Detail window, right-click a product and select Related > Adjust Price or press Ctrl+22.

In the page header, you can choose to work with the currency of the quotation line or the local currency, that is, the currency connected to the division on the facility associated with the quotation. If you switch between two currencies, then all values are recalculated.

You can view and modify, for example, these values:

Value Description
Discount This value is retrieved from the discount model connected to the quotation header.’
Target margin This value is retrieved from 'Target Margin. Open' (QUS160).
Cost price This value is a sum of the cost of all options. Normally, you cannot modify this value. If the Display cost margin field is set to '2-Cost price is displayed and editable' in 'Settings - Quotation Permissions' (QUS155), then you can modify the cost.
Original sales price This value is the sum of the sales prices of all configuration lines. You cannot modify this value.
Original margin amount This value is calculated as the difference between the total sales price and the total cost.
Original margin percentage This value is a percentage calculated from the original profit compared with the original sales price. If the original sales price is zero, then the margin is zero.
Adjusted sales price This value is the sum of the sales prices of the configuration lines before promotions are considered. You can modify this value.
Adjusted margin amount This value is editable and saved in the database. The default value is calculated as the difference between the total adjusted sales price and the total cost.
Adjusted margin percentage This value is a percentage calculated from the modified profit compared with the modified sales price.
Promotion sales price This value is the sum of the sales prices of all configuration lines, minus the discounts that are given for promotion. You cannot modify this value.
Promotion margin amount This value is calculated as the difference between the promotion sales price and the cost after promotion. The promotion can be claimable and may affect the cost. The cost after promotion is not displayed in this panel, but in the F panel for the quotation line in 'Quotation. Open Lines' (QUS101).
Promotion margin percentage This value is a percentage calculated from the promotion profit compared with the promotion sales price.

The list contains a lock function. If this switch is on 'Other fields on', then the lines are not interchangeable. This line is not recalculated after all the lines are recalculated.

Note: The hierarchy of the change fields is important. For example, if both the sales price and the margin are changed, then only the sales price is taken in account to recalculate a new margin accordingly.

This hierarchy is used:

  1. Adjusted sales price
  2. Adjusted profit
  3. Adjusted margin

If you click Enter or Apply in the header, then the adjusted values are distributed proportionally among the lines that have not been locked. When you reset the values, the adjusted values are replaced with the original values. Locked lines are also replaced with the original values.