Enabling System Maintenance Run

This document describes the required settings to enable System Maintenance Runs.

Before you start

  • The subsystem ASJ - 'Subsystem for M3 data base updating must be defined in 'Subsystem. Open' (MNS050). You can create ASJ by select F14='Create standard'.
  • CSCHJOB 'Scheduled Job Driver' and CMNGJOB 'Batch Job Driver' must be connected to the auto-job subsystem in 'Subsystem Job. Open' (MNS051).
  • 'System Maintenance. Open' (SHS100) has to be set up as a scheduled job.

    If you want to include Engineering Change Order (ECS435) in System Maintenance Run, you must activate the '309 Engineering change order' field on (MNS100/J).

Follow these steps

Proceed with the following steps to enable System Maintenance Run.

If you don't want to schedule the System Maintenance run, start 'System Maintenance. Open' (SHS100) and select option 9='Run'.

  1. Start 'Job Schedule Category. Open' (SHS050) and specify the job category.

    This field indicates a category, which can be attached to a function in order to determine which job queue and at what time of day the function can be run.

  2. Open the E panel and specify this information:

    From time - The field indicates the earliest time a job (belonging to a job schedule category) can be scheduled to run.

    To time - The field indicates the latest time a job (belonging to a job schedule category) can be scheduled to run.

  3. Start 'Job Schedule Function. Open' (SHS030) and specify SHS100 in the 'Function' field.

    Leave the 'User' field blank.

  4. Open the E panel and specify 'JS allowed' field. These options are available.


    This function is not allowed to be scheduled.


    This function can be scheduled or run immediately


    This function must be scheduled.


    This function will be scheduled to run once at the earliest time allowed for function category.

  5. In the 'JS category' field you select your job category defined in 'Job Schedule Category. Open' (SHS050).

    Specify 'SHS998' in the 'Program' field.

    Specify 'SHS999CL' in the 'Job' field.

    Before a batch job is submitted, M3 Business Engine standard programs calls program'Job Attributes. Select' (MNS230) to see if there are job attribute overrides. One of the parameters passed to this program is the job name. This job name is used to find a job schedule function and check if the job allows scheduling. If scheduling is allowed, the job scheduling screen (SHS230/E) is displayed.

    Press Enter.

  6. Start 'Job Schedule Program. Open' (SHS031) or start through option 11='Program' from (SHS050/B).

  7. Specify (SHS998) in the 'Program' field and then open the E panel and specify Description and the display file SHS998DSP.

    For further information on job scheduler, refer to M3 Business Engine Administrator's Guide for Job Scheduler.

  8. Start 'System Maintenance. Open' (SHS100) and specify a job identity.

    This field indicates the user defined identity of the system maintenance run.

  9. On the E panel, specify a description for the job.


    This field indicates...


    … the user to be notified about the results of the run.

    Notify finished

    ... if the defined user should be notified when the system maintenance run has finished successfully.

    Message type 966 must be activated to enable receipt of an application message.

    Notify failed

    ... if the defined user should be notified when the system maintenance run has failed.

    Message type 967 must be activated to enable receipt of an application message.

    Record history

    ... if the system maintenance run should generate history records. The history records are used for monitoring and comparing earlier runs in 'System Maintenance Run. Analyze' (SHS300).

    Time out time

    ... the maximum number of hours that the system maintenance run is allowed to run before it is considered to be abnormal. When this number of hours is passed, the person responsible for the system maintenance run will be notified.

    Message type 969 must be activated to enable receipt of an application message.

  10. Start 'System Maintenance. Open Details' (SHS101), through option 11='Details' on (SHS100/B).

    (SHS101/B) contains an F14 key that generates the std night run set up.

    Here, you can define if a program should be included in the night run or not. This can be done by deleting the program or by ticking the check box 'Run function' on (SHS101/E). It is also possible to filter the content by using the 'from and to date' fields.

    Note: Activating the run function on (SHS101/E) is recommended at least for required programs listed in Programs Included in System Maintenance Runs to ensure a complete system maintenance run.

    You can change the sequence of the included programs but it is not recommended. Changing the sequence is done by adding a new record (new sequence) with the program you want to move and deleting the old sequence.

  11. Open (SHS100/B) and select option 17='Selections'. This starts 'System Maintenance. Open Selections' (SHS105). Here, you can define the company and division (one or several) where the night run should be performed.