
This functionality enables you to archive and delete records with redacted personal data stored in 'Data Subject Run. Open' (CMS210) and 'Anonymous Data Subject. Open' (CMS220).

Archiving for data subject run

You can use 'Data Subject Run. Archive/Delete' (CMS920) to archive or delete records that are stored and maintained in (CMS210).

The selection criteria used by the archiving job CMS920Sbm are 'Data sbjct run', 'Status', and 'Srch start date'. If you want all records to be considered, regardless of status, specify 'Blank' in the 'Status' field. If you want all records to be considered, regardless of search start date, leave the 'Srch start date' field blank.

You specify if the records should be archived or deleted in the 'Archive/delete' field.

Note: If a record is removed from (CMS210), all its child records (if any) will be removed from other GDPR programs such as (CMS211), (CMS212), (CMS213), and (CMS214). There is a separate archiving function for the anonymous keys stored in (CMS220).

Archiving for anonymous data subject key

You can use 'Anonymous Data Subject. Archive/Delete' (CMS925) to archive or delete records stored in (CMS220).

The selection criteria considered by the archiving job CMS925Sbm are 'Anonymous key' and 'Entry date'. If you want all records to be considered, regardless of anonymous key or of entry date, leave the 'Anonymous key' or 'Entry date' field blank.

You specify if the records should be archived or deleted in the 'Archive/delete' field.

Printout for archived/deleted records

You can generate printer files with lists of archived and deleted records. The printer file CMS923PF is generated in (CMS920) and the printer file CMS928PF is generated in (CMS925).

You can enable the printout functionality by selecting the 'Prt changes' check box on panel (CMS920/E) and (CMS925/E) respectively. You must select the check box before running the archive or deletion job. If the records are permanently deleted, the printer file will only contain the records' primary key values, as all other information has already been removed from the database.

Note: Ensure that user output settings are defined before printing. See Output Management Introduction.