SCE - M3 BE Supply Chain Execution

DOP - Distribution Order Processing

'Req/Distr Order. File' (MMS185) archives fully processed requisition orders and distribution orders. The orders must be fully processed (low and high status = 99) and all corresponding stock-transactions (records in MITTRA) must be recorded, in other words the accounting number should be greater than zero.

Several selections can be applied in (MMS185/E), for example order number, transaction date, order type, transaction type, facility, and warehouse.

This function archives the records in the following tables:

Table Description
MGHEAD TF: Stock transaction, header
MGLINE TF: Stock transaction, detail
MGDADR TF: Stock transaction, delivery address
MGLLOG TF: Transaction line change log
MDOPLA TF: Planning proposal archived
MSYTXL MF: Text line
MSYTXH MF: Text head

WIS - Inventory Statistics

'Item Statistics. File' (MMS280) archives records from the MITSTA table. Note that the MITSTA table can be rebuilt based on remaining records in the stock transaction history table (MITTRA). Soft selections can be made on warehouses and/or item numbers.

This function archives the records in the following tables:

Table Description
MITSTA HF: Stock transaction statistics

WHM - Warehouse Management

  • 'Delivery. File/Delete' (MWS820) archives or deletes transactions from all transaction files used for outbound deliveries. For details on Supply Chain Execution/Handling Outbound Goods/Handling Dispatch Flows, refer to the following document:


    If shipments are used, the high and low shipment statuses must be 60 or 90, and all deliveries connected to the shipment must have status 90 or 95. For deliveries that are not connected to any shipment, the status must be 90 or 95. Soft selections can be made on for example shipment, delivery number, and warehouse. This function archives the records in the following tables:

    Table Description Remark
    DCONSI TF: Shipments
    MHDISH TF: Deliveries
    MHDOSL TF: Delivery lines
    MPTRNS TF: Packages per delivery
    MFTRNS TF: Packages – details
    MFTRND TF: Package – cross reference
    MHPICH TF: Picking lists
    DDOCUX TF: Document references
    MHPICA TF: Picking list address Can also be deleted (not archived) from (MHS810) with function key F10='Mass delete'.
    MHPICL TF: Picking list header Can also be deleted (not archived) from (MHS810) with function key F10='Mass delete'.
    MHPICD TF: Picking list detail Can also be deleted (not archived) from (MHS810) with function key F10='Mass delete'.
    MHPICT WF: Picking list text Can also be deleted (not archived) from (MHS810) with function key F10='Mass delete'.
    DUDHEA TF: United customs document – header
    DUDLIN TF: United customs document – details
    MSYTXH MF: Text header
    MSYTXL MF: Text lines
  • 'Stock Transaction. File' (MMS195) archives or deletes records in the stock transaction history file.


    • Each record must have an assigned accounting number to be qualified (it is possible to use 9999999 works). Create accounting numbers in (OIS180) and transfer them to (CAS950) (internal accounting).
    • The archiving of stock transactions is not possible if LIFO (last in – first out) is used for inventory evaluation. See parameter 270 in 'Settings - Cost Accounting' (CAS900).
    • The On hand balance in MITBAL must be 0 (MMS002/H).
    • If you have selected an item with several MITTRA transactions in different statuses, for example one MITTRA record in status 1 - inspection and one in status 2 - approved and one of these statuses does not have an assigned accounting number, then this item will not be included in the archiving.
    • 'To Library' (schema for the archive library) must exist in the database. This schema must be enabled for journaling. This must be verified by a system operator.
    • Work file 'MMSTFI' must be cleared after an abnormal end. If, for any reason, the archiving job ends abnormally, this work file must be cleared by the system operator before a new archiving job is started.
      Note: The archiving will take some time to finish.

    Hard Selections

    Each record must have an assigned accounting number to be qualified. The minimum number of transactions saved will always be sufficient to rebuild the current on-hand balance for each combination of item number and warehouse. This means that for some items there will be an earlier date than the entered transaction date when there are not enough transactions after the transaction date entered.

    Soft Selections

    Several soft selections are available, for example warehouse and item number.

    This function archives the records in the following tables:

    Table Description
    MITTRA TF: Stock transaction history
    MTRSUB MF: Sublots transaction history
  • 'Item. Qualify for Filing/Deletion' (MWS810) qualifies, archives, and deletes records from several item related files. For further information on Supply Chain Execution/Handling In house Activities, see .

    Hard selections: There are several criteria that must be met, and all of them are tested automatically. The result of the test is stored in a separate log file.

    Several soft selections are available. In addition, there is a separate settings routine (MWS815) that must be updated.

    This function archives the records in the following tables:

    Table Description
    MITMAS MF: Items
    MITBAL MF: Item/warehouse
    MITFAC MF: Item/facility
    MITVEN MF: Item/vendor
    MITPOP MF: Alias numbers
    MITAUN MF: Alternative units
    MITALT MF: Related items
    MITLAD MF: Item description per language
    MITMSD MF: MSDS data
    MITMAH MF: Item/style
    MITSMN MF: Item name free search
    MITHAZ MF: Related items
    MITPHR MF: Risk and protection phrases per item
    MTEINF MF: Custom field information value
    MITPCC MF: Planning calculation control
    MITTRA TF: Stock transactions
    MITBSS MF: Inventory build-up
    MWOMAA TF: Alt Material – Manufacturing order
    MPDMAA MF: Product data alt. material
    MRPRAT MF: Production rates
    MSYTXH MF: Text head
    MSYTXL MF: Text line

WHI - Warehouse Management Interfaces

For upload functions, only messages with status 90 (Executed and finished) can be deleted. You must activate the '235 Filing' field in 'Stock Msg Partner. Open' (MMS865). You can select the number of days after a received and executed inventory transaction that a message is archived. This is done in 'Stock Msg Partner. Open' (MMS865).

For download functions, the 'Download' field must be 1, which means that the record is processed by the external system and can be deleted. The 'Days before delete' field indicates that the mass delete function will delete records older than this number of days. This is defined on the P panel for the download programs (MHS800, MHS805, and MHS810).

Note: Transactions for downloading (MHS800, MHS805, and MHS810) are deleted. Transactions for uploading (MMS850, MHS850) are archived in archiving tables. Deletion must be done manually by using SQL (or similar).
  • 'Expected Receipt. Display' (MHS800) (download) deletes transactions from all transaction files used for the download of expected receipts. Expected receipts are purchase order, distribution orders, CO returns, manufacturing orders (material put-away). On the (MHS800/B) panel, press F10='Mass delete'.

    Records from the following tables are archived:

    Table Description
    MHEXRH TF: Expected receipts header
    MHEXRD TF: Expected receipts detail
  • 'Preallocation. Display' (MHS805) (download) deletes transactions from the file used for pre-allocations. On the (MHS805/B) panel, press F10='Mass delete'. Records from the following tables are archived:
    Table Description
    MHPREA TF: Pre-allocations file
  • 'Picking List. Display' (MHS810) (download) deletes transactions from the files used for downloaded picking lists. On the (MHS810/B) panel, press F10='Mass delete'. Records from the following tables are archived:
    Table Table
    MHPICA TF: Picking list address
    MHPICL TF: Picking list header
    MHPICD TF: Picking list detail
    MHPICT WF: Picking list text
  • 'Internal Stock Msg. Manage' (MMS850) (upload) archives transactions from the files used for internal stock messages. On the (MMS850/B) panel, press F10='Filing'. The transactions tables (MMIHED, MMIINS, and MMIIDE) will be stored in archiving tables (MMAHED, MMAINS, and MMAIDE). The only way to delete them from the archiving tables is to do it manually by using SQL (or similar).

    If you want to restore the transactions in the production tables, select option 21='Execute message'.

    Records from the following tables are archived:

    Table Description
    MMIHED TF: Message Interface – received headers
    MMIINS TF: Message Interface – received instructions
    MMIIDE TF: Message Interface – received identities

    Archived transactions are displayed in 'Internal Stock Msg. Display Filed' (MMS890). Option 11='Lines' starts (MMS891), where lines (items) are displayed.

  • 'Order Init Stock Msg. Manage' (MHS850) (upload) archives transactions from the files used for order initiated stock messages. On the (MHS850/B) panel, press F10='Filing'. The transactions tables (MHIHED, MHIPAC, and MHLIN) will be stored in archiving tables (MHAHED, MHAPAC, and MHALIN). The only way to delete them from the archiving tables is to do it manually by using SQL (or similar).

    If you want to restore the transactions in the production tables, select option 21='Execute message'.

    Records from the following tables are archived:

    Table Description
    MHIHED TF: Received header
    MHIPAC TF: Received packages
    MHLIN TF: Received lines

    Archived transactions are displayed in 'Order Init Stock Msg. Display Filed' (MHS890) option 11='Packages' starts (MHS851), where lines (packages) are displayed.

  • 'Pending Put-Away. Archive' (MWS465) archives pending put-away records. Only processed pending put-away records can be archived. This is indicated by record status 90. You can archive a single record or multiple put-away numbers by indicating a range of values from and to in the put-away numbers fields. In addition, a combination of put-away number and warehouse is also allowed. You can archive put-away numbers by warehouse without inputting any specific put-away numbers.

    This function archives the records in the following tables:

    Table Description
    MPTAWY MF: Pending Put-away