Number of Filters (NFTR)

Number of Filters (NFTR) is a filtering method for listing records where only the exact matches are returned by the API based on the parameters provided. Depending on the set of fields available for selection, NFTR can be used to filter exact matches using multiple fields in specific order.

For example, MMS015MI is an NTFR enabled API and it has these key fields: ITNO, AUTP, and ALUN. The list of records that MMS015MI returns depends on the NFTR value.
  • NFTR = blank returns unfiltered data.
  • NFTR = 1 returns exact matches for ITNO field.
  • NFTR = 2 returns exact matches for ITNO and AUTP fields.
  • NFTR = 3 returns exact matches for ITNO, AUTP, and ALUN fields.

This functionality is a replication of the filtering method used in interactive programs wherein key fields are based on the sorting options configured. This additional capability applied to APIs provides more flexibility and control in both positioning and filtering records. It is recommended to use NFTR for API usage that intends to get exact matches to improve the API performance and provide better results.