Running auxiliary functions when required

These functions can be run occasionally - at go live dates, for example, or in case some data is corrupt.

To run a batch job with no autojobs, you must shut down the subsystem for auto start jobs and then start CMNGJOB. See Auto Start Jobs and Subsystems.

Auxiliary functions - FOR

  • 'MITAFO, MITMDS and MITFFO. Recreate' (FCS950)

    This function recreates the forecast. The tables MITAFO and MITFFO are recreated from MITDFO and MITMDS from MITDDS. The daily forecast (and MDS) is added to a periodic forecast/demand. The family forecast is also updated (MITFFO). This function should only be used if something went wrong and the forecast data is corrupt, not on a routine basis.

    • No other user in the system.
    • No auto start job activated for the component.
    • Max 1 active job allowed for the job queue.

Auxiliary functions - MAP

  • 'Material Plan. Re-create' (MMS995)
    Skipping this step will create mismatch in the system between material plan and pre-allocation tables.

    This function recreates the material plan (MITPLO). If there are mismatches between MITPLO and the planning files/tables, such as MMOPLP and MPOPLP, this function can be run.

    • No other user in the system.
    • No auto start job activated for the component.
    • Max 1 active job allowed for the job queue.
    • 'Pre-allocation. Re-crt MITPLO via MPREAL' (MWS930) must be run after you have run (MMS995).

      Running (MWS930) without using pre-allocations will not cause any harm.

  • 'Available to Promise. Re-create' (MMS994)

    This function recreates the ATP. This is done in the night run (by function (MMS912)) for all items that need to be calculated (that is, those items that have been part of the MRP run). Therefore, this function should not be run separately. Note that in (MMS994), only items that have ATP calculation 1 in the CTP policy will be included.

Auxiliary functions - MCO

  • 'Maint Agrmnt. Re-Create Totals' (COS985)

    This function starts the 'Maint Agrmnt. Re-Create Totals' (COS985) M3 BE program.

    • No other user in the system.
    • No auto start job activated for the component.
    • Max 1 active job allowed for the job queue.

Auxiliary functions - MOP

  • 'Manufacturing Order. Reset Status' (PMS140)

    This function starts the 'Manufacturing Order. Reset Status' (PMS140) M3 program.

    Status x1 (create MO), x4 (delete MO) means that an autojob should do something to the order. Resetting these orders will delete the orders.

    Status x2 means that someone is locking the MO or that the MO is about to be rescheduled. Resetting these orders will trigger a reschedule of the order.

    Note: No other user in the system working with the TO that will be reset.

    Related option 13-'Recreated order' in 'Manufacturing Order. Reset Status' (PMS140) recreates a manufacturing order which could not be fully created and might get stuck in status 21. The option will start by deleting the selected MO and all lower level, order-initiated orders in its supply chain. Then, a new MO is created according to the current product structure using the same MO number as the deleted MO. Order-initiated orders that supply components will get new order numbers when created.

  • 'Restart Interrupted MO Issues PMS065' (PMS998)

    This function starts the 'Restart Interrupted MO Issues PMS065' (PMS998) M3 BE program.

    The function will activate all pending 'backflush issues'. The same function is part of the night run.

Auxiliary functions - PDA

  • 'Material. Recalculate No. of Options' (PDS970)

    This function starts the 'Material. Recalculate No. of Options' (PDS970) M3 BE program. The function recalculates the number of options that are connected to material lines and operations included in configured product structures.

    Note: No other user in the system working with the structure records.
  • 'Structure Sequence Number. Generate' (PDS975)

    This function starts the 'Structure Sequence Number. Generate' (PDS975) M3 BE program. All structure records (operations and material) must have a structure sequence number. (PDS975) add a sequence number for all records that do not have such a number.

    Note: No other user in the system working with the structure records.

Auxiliary functions - PJM

  • 'Project. Generate Actuals from GLR' (POS990)

    This function recreates project budget actuals, selective by project. There is also an option to run a comparison with the GL and another option to print the detailed postings by project. Actuals from GLR usually update projects in the auto job POS950.

    • Should only be executed when a re-creation of the project follow-up in PJM is requested.
    • Set autojob (POS950) on hold.
    • No reporting on project related activities for selected project is allowed while (POS990) is active. Examples of activities are project invoicing, and transfer of time reports to GLR.
    • Work with budget and forecast is not allowed while (POS990) is active.
  • 'Project. Update Committed' (POS994)

    This function makes it possible to execute the following:

    • Recreation of the committed value for 'In Progress' based on outstanding Customer Orders, Purchase Orders, and Time Reports. Usually, the updates are done in the night job.
      Note: We recommend that you use this update if a project follow up in PJM is requested before the next night job is executed.
    • Generation of project messages and due dates. Usually, the updates are done in the night job. We recommend that you use this if project messages are requested before next night job is executed.
    • Calculation of Earned Value. Usually, the updates are done in the night job. We recommend you to use this if an updated earned value in PJM is requested before next night job is executed.

Auxiliary functions - POP

  • 'Item. Update from Purchase Agreement' (PPS950)

    In this function the lead time is updated in table MITBAL. The value is retrieved from the agreement.

Auxiliary functions - PRM

  • 'Service. Re-create Lowest Levels' (MOS395)

    This function starts the 'Service. Re-create Lowest Levels' (MOS395) program.

    • No other user in the system.
    • No auto start job activated for the component.
    • Max 1 active job allowed for the job queue.

Auxiliary functions - WHM

  • 'Reservation. Remove' (MWS950)

    This function deletes all reservations in (MWS330) that are no longer valid, that is the reservation valid date is in passed time. This program has no selections.

  • 'Balance ID. Reset for MITPCE via MITLOC' (MWS990)

    This function recalculates the number of balance IDs on a location level (MITPCE) and clear the location locks.

    • No other user in the system.
    • No auto start job activated for the component.
    • Max 1 active job allowed for the job queue.
  • 'Lead Time. Mass Update' (MMS987)

    This function should be run if changes in lead time have been made that concerns many items. For example, if the inspection lead time in 'Goods Receiving Method. Open' (PPS345) or transportation lead time in 'Supplier. Connect Transp Lead Times' (PPS010) has been changed.

  • 'Location Replenishment. Re-create' (MMS983)

    This function creates replenishment orders based on on-hand balance and item/location in 'Item. Connect Location' (MMS065). The program has no selections.

    • No other user in the system.
    • No auto start job activated for the component.
    • Max 1 active job allowed for the job queue.
  • 'Location Statistic. Re-create' (MMS997)

    This function recreates the location statistic. This function could be run when something has been changed in how the statistics is measured. The program has no selections.

    • No other user in the system.
    • No auto start job activated for the component.
    • Max 1 active job allowed for the job queue.

    Archived data is not recalculated.

  • 'On-hand. Re-create in MITFAC via MITBAL' (MMS984)

    This function recreates MITFAC through MITBAL. This function should only be run when facing corrupt quantity on-hand data. Facility and item number can be selected in the run.

    • No other user in the system.
    • No auto start job activated for the component.
    • Max 1 active job allowed for the job queue.
  • 'On-hand. Re-create per Function Number' (MMS967)

    This function starts the 'On-hand. Re-create per Function Number' (MMS967) program.

    • No other user in the system.
    • No auto start job activated for the component.
    • Max 1 active job allowed for the job queue.
  • 'Pre-allocation. Re-crt MITPLO via MPREAL' (MWS930)

    This function could be run when facing corrupt pre-allocation data on MITPLO. (MWS930) can safely be run independently. It should usually be run only for a selected item/warehouse where a problem is known to exist.

    • No other user in the system.
    • No auto start job activated for the component.
    • Max 1 active job allowed for the job queue.
  • 'Weight and Volume. Re-create' (MMS996)

    This function recalculates the current volume, weight and fill rate on location level (MITPCE). The program has no selections.

    • No other user in the system.
    • No auto start job activated for the component.
    • Max 1 active job allowed for the job queue.

Auxiliary functions - WOP

  • 'Meter Statistics. Re-create' (MOS276)

    This program recreates the Meter statistics file (MROOPS) that can be viewed in program 'Equipment. Display Meter Stats' (MOS275). The statistics are recreated for one individual or operational unit. The origin number is prompted before the generation is started. The program must be PIN code-protected (MNS110) with PIN code check = 1.

    Operating cycles exist in (MOS270)/MROOPC) and Operating Cycle Meters exists in (MOS271)/MROOPM). The old statistics are cleared and the statistics are regenerated from the start from MROOPC and MROOPM.

    • No other user in the system.
    • No auto start job activated for the component.
    • Max 1 active job allowed for the job queue.
  • 'As-Built Structure. Re-create' (MOS248)

    This function starts the 'As-Built Structure. Re-create' (MOS248) M3 BE program. This procedure should be used when the as-build structure or as-build list needs to be rebuilt. The as-build structure is essentially a flat file which is used by the system as an efficient way to read the equipment structure (rather than, for example, using the (MOS446) structure).

    Note that this file can sometimes be out-of-synchronization and must be rebuilt, if:

    • the next higher position is changed in (MOS445)
    • the highest position in the structure is changed
    • the planning position is changed in (MOS440)
    • a position is deleted.

    The effects of rebuild are that the existing as-build structure as seen in (MOS253) is deleted and recreated based on the current structure. This process usually runs quickly although this is dependent on the number of positions and equipment and machine loading.

    This process can be run while users are active, but it may cause performance issues.

    • No other user in the system.
    • No auto start job activated for the component.
    • Max 1 active job allowed for the job queue.
  • 'WO. Restart Interrupted Issues - MOS065' (MOS998)

    This function starts the 'WO. Restart Interrupted Issues - MOS065' (MOS998) program.

    • No other user in the system.
    • No auto start job activated for the component.
    • Max 1 active job allowed for the job queue.
  • 'Master Schedule. Regenerate' (MOS999)

    In net change mode, only equipment or positions, with continuous net change code = 0 that are due for calculation on the current date or earlier, are processed. Nothing is deleted prior to the calculation. If you consequently use continuous net change = 1, then you will never have any reason to manually launch (MOS999) in net change mode. (MOS999) now runs in net change mode every night as part of the night job.

    The Regenerative mode starts with deleting planned work orders, then recalculating all equipments and positions that are in the result set of the selection criteria of (MOS999/E). SRP triggers (table MITPCC) will be re-created wherever missing. This is useful at go-live occasions.

    These exceptions apply for running 'Master Schedule. Regenerate' (MOS999):

    • Forecast planned work orders (generation reference 62) are never deleted.
    • Removal planned work orders (generation reference 63) are never deleted.
    • Pre-M3 planned work orders (generation reference 64) are never deleted.
    • Condition-based maintenance planned work orders (generation reference 67) are never deleted.
    • Manually entered planned work orders (generation reference 68) are never deleted.
    • Inspection planned work orders (generation reference 69) are never deleted.
    • Engineering order planned work orders are never deleted.
    • Complaint planned work orders are never deleted.
    • Concession planned work orders are never deleted.
    • Planned work orders with reference to customer order (reference order category 7) are never deleted.

    In addition, a status field has been added to the (MOS999/E) panel, including what work orders (in status planned) should be deleted. This makes it possible to keep for example planned work orders in status 20 (then enter 10 on the (MOS999/E) status field).

    Note: If planned WOs are in status 15, set the status on (MOS999/E) to value less than 15.
    • No other user in the system.
    • No auto start job activated for the component.
    • Max 1 active job allowed for the job queue.

Auxiliary functions - FIM

  • 'GL Balance File. Start Annual Run' (GLS905)

    By totaling previous transactions to generate opening balances for the next fiscal year from the closing balances of the current year, you increase the system's performance during queries and report generating. This is the only purpose of the annual run in M3. The opening balances are saved in period 00, which you never have to define. Most of the transactions from the previous year should be entered before this is done. However, transactions for the new year can be entered before this activity, and transactions for the previous year can also be entered afterwards. If transactions are entered in a previous year after an opening balance is generated for a new year, that balance is automatically adjusted. If an annual run is not done, the previous opening balance will be added to existing transactions. If no opening balance has been calculated before, all transactions from when the system was configured will instead be totaled to create the opening balance for the new year. You generate the opening balance in 'GL Balance File. Start 'Annual Run' (GLS905) by specifying the year from which the closing balance is retrieved.

    • No other user in the system.
    • No auto start job activated for the component.
    • Max 1 active job allowed for the job queue.
  • 'GL Balance File. Update with Outcome' (GLS915)

    This can be done when the balance file does not agree with the general ledger transaction file (FGLEDG), or when a new balance key is to apply to historical values also. You do this in 'GL Balance File. Update with Outcome' (GLS915) for selected period(s) and a range of balance keys. You can choose to delete the balance file entries within that range before transfer to the balance file instead of adding the new values to the current ones. By using period ranges, you can limit the number of transactions and perform the update in several runs, if the number of transactions to process is large.

    • No other user in the system.
    • No auto start job activated for the component.
    • Max 1 active job allowed for the job queue.
  • 'GL Balance File. Update with Budget' (GLS920)

    You update the balance file with budget values when:

    • the balance file does not agree with the budget transaction file
    • a new balance key is to apply to historical values, or
    • you want to include a new budget, for which the 'Update balance file' check box was previously not selected in 'Budget. Open' (BUS100). You do this in 'GL Balance File. Update with Budget' (GLS920) for the selected budgets, period(s), and a range of balance keys. You can choose to delete the existing balance file entries for those balance keys before the transfer.
    • No other user in the system.
    • No auto start job activated for the component.
    • Max 1 active job allowed for the job queue.
  • 'GL Balance File. Delete Records' (GLS930)

    This can be done when:

    • an entire balance keys must be deleted
    • the definition of a balance key or accounting structure is changed
    • the transaction file does not agree with the balance file.

    When transactions are deleted due to any changes, new balance transactions should be created immediately before any new transactions are entered in the system. This is especially important when the current period is deleted and re-created. (As mentioned above, previous transactions may also be deleted when transferring new transactions.) You do this in 'GL Balance File. Delete Records' (GLS930). You can select to delete outcome and/or budget values (for selected budgets) for specific period(s) and a range of balance keys.

    • No other user in the system.
    • No auto start job activated for the component.
    • Max 1 active job allowed for the job queue.
  • 'AR Balance File. Start Annual Run' (ARS910)

    Annual run in AR is used to update the balance file for accounts receivable for a new year. For this, the current year's balance is transferred to opening balance for the next year. The only purpose is to total previous transactions to enhance the performance of the system.

    • No other user in the system.
    • No auto start job activated for the component.
    • Max 1 active job allowed for the job queue.
  • 'AR Balance File. Create/Delete' (ARS915)

    The function recreates the balance file for accounts receivable. The function should only be used when facing corrupt data in the balance file for accounts receivable. Payer, customer, currency, and division can be selected in the run.

    • No other user in the system.
    • No auto start job activated for the component.
    • Max 1 active job allowed for the job queue.
  • 'AR Invoice Class. Update' (ARS920)

    The function is used to update existing invoice records in the Account Receivable Ledger (table FSLEDG) with an invoice class from the FAM function that was used to create these records.

    The function is run as the last step of the configuration of the financial system for the invoice class functionality and is only required if the use of Invoice class has been activated on 'Settings - General Ledger' (CRS750/F).

    If required, the invoice class can be changed afterwards for specific invoices in 'Customer Invoice. Change' (ARS201). It is possible to run these auxiliary programs several times, for example, if an invoice class was missing for a FAM function after the invoice class functionality was activated. Settings required when the function is started:

    • Accounting Date

      The field indicates the accounting date from/to which invoice transactions in the sub-ledger should be updated with an invoice class.

    • AR10 FAM function for split invoice

      The field indicates the detail record of FAM function AR10 from which to default an invoice class to customer invoices that were previously split manually in 'Customer Invoice. Split' (ARS202) and recorded based on FAM function AR65.

      Since the FAM function AR65 has no invoice class field, these invoice records in the Accounts Receivable Ledger (table FSLEDG) must be updated in arrears with an invoice class retrieved from FAM function AR10. Otherwise, these records will not be included as is legally required in the fiscal book report created in 'Sales Book. Print' (ARS610).

    • AR10 FAM function for doubtful invoices

      The field indicates the detail record of FAM function AR10 from which to default the invoice class to customer invoices that are classified as doubtful debts and transferred to 'Customer Invoice. Process Doubtful' (ARS360) based on FAM function AR90.

      Since the FAM function AR90 has no invoice class field, these invoice records in the Accounts Receivable Ledger (table FSLEDG) must be updated in arrears with an invoice class retrieved from FAM function AR10. Otherwise, these records will not be included as is legally required in the fiscal book report created in 'Sales Book. Print' (ARS610).

    Note: We highly recommend that you run this auxiliary program when there are no other users working in M3 Business Engine.
    • No other user in the system.
    • No auto start job activated for the component.
    • Max 1 active job allowed for the job queue.
  • 'AP Balance File. Start Annual Run' (APS910)

    Annual run in AP is used to update the balance file for accounts payable for a new year. For this, the current year's balance is transferred to opening balance for the next year. The only purpose is to total previous transactions to enhance the performance of the system.

    • No other user in the system.
    • No auto start job activated for the component.
    • Max 1 active job allowed for the job queue.
  • 'AP Balance File. Create/Delete' (APS915)

    The function recreates the balance file for accounts payable. The function should only be used when facing corrupt data in the balance file for accounts payable. Payee, supplier, currency, and division can be selected in the run.

    • No other user in the system.
    • No auto start job activated for the component.
    • Max 1 active job allowed for the job queue.
  • 'AP Invoice Class. Update' (APS920)

    The function is used to update existing invoice records in the sub-ledger with an invoice class defaulted from the FAM function that was used to create these records.

    To use the auxiliary functions, the invoice class functionality must be activated in the function 'Settings - General Ledger' (CRS750), invoices classes must be entered in the function 'Invoice Class. Open' (CRS409) and connected to the FAM functions in the functions 'FAM Function. Open Details' (CRS406), 'Order Type. Connect FAM Function' (CRS407) and 'FAM Function Exception. Open' (CRS412).

    The function is run as the last step of the configuration of the financial system for the invoice class functionality and is only required if the use of Invoice class has been activated on 'Settings - General Ledger' (CRS750/F).

    If required, the invoice class can be changed afterwards for specific invoices 'Acc Payable. Change Sep Invoice' (APS201).

    It is possible to run this auxiliary program several times, for example, if an invoice class was missing for a FAM function after the invoice class functionality was activated.

    Settings required when the function is started:

    • Accounting Date

      The field indicates the accounting date from which or to which invoice transactions in the sub-ledger should be updated with an invoice class.

    • AP FAM function for Split Invoice

      The field indicates the detail record of FAM function AP10 from which to default an invoice class to supplier invoices that have been split manually in 'Supplier Invoice. Split' (APS202) and recorded based on FAM function AP65.

      Since the FAM function AP65 has no invoice class field, these invoice records in the Accounts Payable Ledger (table FPLEDG) must be updated in arrears with an invoice class retrieved from FAM function AP10. Otherwise, these records will not be included as is legally required in the fiscal book report created in 'Purchase Book. Print' (APS610).

    Note: We highly recommend that you run this auxiliary program when there are no other users working in M3 Business Engine.
    • No other user in the system.
    • No auto start job activated for the component.
    • Max 1 active job allowed for the job queue.
  • 'Tax Asset Group. Update' (FAS310)

    The function is only used for Industry 'Equipment' for association of an asset to a Tax Asset Group to enable the maintenance of balances for Purchases, Sales, Gains or Losses that can later be used for the Like Kind Exchange process of the US Tax Code 1031.

    Tax Year and Tax Asset Group update may be done when assets are encoded late into the system or when the Tax Start date in 'Settings - Fixed Asset Acquisition' (FAS900) has been changed.

    The fixed asset record should be correctly linked to a Tax Asset Group before running the Tax Year and Tax Asset Group update.

    For specific Tax Asset Group or Tax Period update, 'Tax Asset Group. Display' (FAS300/B) can be used instead.

    • No other user in the system.
    • No auto start job activated for the component.
    • Max 1 active job allowed for the job queue.

    The menu items below must be added to the M3 BE Menu.

    In (MNS110) - Enter menu items.




    Component group

    Function Cat


    Description (F-panel)







    Tax Asset Group. Display







    Tax Asset Group. Update

    In (MNS111) - Connect menu items to menu and menu version.


    Menu Option











  • 'Bank Account. Mass Update' (CMS692)

    This function enables you to copy values from fields, for example, bank account field 1-5 (BAF1-BAF5), to other fields and/or set fields to a specific value for the field on (CRS692/K), (CRS692/L), and (CRS692/M) used for global electronic messages. Values in fields not needed can also be cleared. The 'Bank Account Mass Update. Lines' (CMS693) is used to define the fields and indicate the action or update method to be performed.

    Note: Only one user at a time should run the migration.

    The purpose of the migration program is to change the bank account setup from the configuration used for payment formats handled through Financial Business Messages (FBM), to the new bank account setup required for the payment formats handled through Global Electronic Messaging Service (GEMS) using BODs. See the Infor M3 Core Integration Guide for Infor Localization Services GEMS for detailed guidelines for the formats.

Auxiliary functions - RTM

  • 'Price List. Convert to Selection Matrix' (STS910)

    The function is used when switching from legacy pricelist retrieval logic to the new logic based on the new Rental Pricelist Selection Matrix.

    It is required to set up a Price List Table in advance of the data migration. This Price List Table is entered on the E panel of (STS910). Running (STS910) will populate the Rental Pricelist Selection Matrix with values from the legacy pricelist priorities:

    • Customer specific pricelist in SOS017 (replaced by STS017)
    • The five Service Order Pricelists on (CRS611/E) that resides in OCUSMA.

    (STS910) also populates Rental Price List Table in Customer Master, OCUSMA, and Rental Agreement Head Master, STAGHE.

    • No other user in the system.
    • (STS910) must not be run before fix program F11100MM45 has been run (F11100MM45 copies SOS017 records to STS017 records).
  • 'Price List. Convert to CO Sel Matrix' (STS913)

    The auxiliary program 'Price List. Convert to CO Sel Matrix' (STS913) creates a sales costing model defined with the price list according to the same search hierarchy as the replaced price logic.

    The replaced price list retrieval routine to the rental agreement line for line types 1, 2, and 6 include these hierarchy levels:

    1. Customer specific pricelist in (SOS017) (replaced by STS017)
    2. The five service order price lists on (CRS611/E) from OCUSMA
    3. Default price list (STS699).

    Before running the auxiliary program, it is required to manually copy the price list IDs from 'Serv Price List. Open' (SOS017) to 'Sales Price List. Open' (OIS017). If the price list ID does not exist in (OIS017), the record is dropped. The price lists can be created through a copy function in 'Serv Price List. Open' (SOS017). Note that the discount percentage, discount amount and net price indicator in (SOS017) are not supported.

  • 'Rental Agreement. Update' (STS915)

    When upgrading from a previous version of M3 BE, an update of already existing rental agreements must be done in order to make the functionality work.

    Already existing rental agreements that are migrated to the new version of M3 BE have no depot defined on the agreement header. The existing agreements should be updated with a rental depot and this is done by using the auxiliary program (STS915).

    The auxiliary program will update existing rental agreements with a rental depot. The selected agreement order type decides which rental agreements to be updated. If a rental depot has not been set on the agreement head, it will be updated with the rental depot selected in this drop-down list. If the depot has already been set on the agreement, no update will take place. If the rental depot field (DPOT) is blank on the agreement order header, then the rental agreement has been migrated from a previous version of M3 and should be updated with a rental depot.

Auxiliary functions - SEC

  • Authority per User. Re-create (SES990)

    A program to be able to correct/update (SES401) table CMNPUS according to the entries in (MNS110)/(MNS112)/(MNS150)/(MNS151)/(MNS405)/(MNS410)/(SES400). This is an easy way to remove scrap data in CMNPUS and to contain only valid and updated data, especially when customers need to install new security fixes.

    • This program should be called with autojob (SES900) running. While running (SES990), users may experience accessibility issues with affected programs. We recommend that you not allow users to access the system while (SES990) is running.
    • No other user in the system.
    • No auto start job activated for the component.
    • Max 1 active job allowed for the job queue.

Auxiliary functions - SRV

Note: Restriction: Whilst the activities described below explain the process by which Service Management data can be migrated for use by the Maintenance Management functionality, it should be noted that data traceability and reporting capability is not currently available to support this functionality, and it is the end user's responsibility to manage and monitor the data migration activities in accordance with their business process requirements.

When upgrading from a previous version of M3 BE using the Service Management (SRV) functionality to a version of M3 BE using the Maintenance Management (MAI/MNT) functionality, a conversion of data must be performed in order to make the functionality work. The auxiliary programs for SRV convert data in (SRV) to data in (MAI/MNT).

There are important dependencies between some of the auxiliary programs that must be considered as they affect the order in which the data should be migrated.

Service expenses should be migrated with 'Service Expense. Convert to MAI' (SAS914) before migrating service kits with 'Service Kit. Convert to Service' (SAS916). This is because the service kit lines can be created from service expenses.

Service agreements should be migrated last using 'Service Agreement. Convert to MAI' (SAS930). Because the service agreement lines contain contract items and individual items, 'Contract Item. Convert to Service' (SAS927) and 'Individual Item. Convert to Equipment' (SAS925) must be migrated before service agreements. If the service agreements have content defined in (SAS128), it is important to migrate service expenses with (SAS916), as agreement content may include service expense lines.

The recommended order of running the auxiliary programs is listed below, however the order can be deviated from as long as the above mentioned dependencies are taken into consideration. If, for example, service kits with lines consisting of service expenses are migrated before running (SAS914) then the service kit expense lines will be dropped during migration. This rule set applies to all the listed SRV-auxiliary functions:

  1. 'Individual Item. Convert to Equipment' (SAS925)

    The auxiliary function 'Individual Item. Convert to Equipment' (SAS925) creates serialized items in 'Equipment/Serialized Item. Open' (MMS240) based on a selected range of individual items from 'Individual Item. Open' (SOS419).

  2. 'Contract Item. Convert to Service' (SAS927)

    The auxiliary function 'Contract Item. Convert to Service' (SAS927) creates service definitions in 'Service. Open' (MOS300), with pricing in 'Service. Enter Prices' (MOS306) from a selected range of contract items in 'Contract Item. Open' (SAS450).

  3. 'Service Expense. Convert to MAI' (SAS914)

    The auxiliary function 'Contract Item. Convert to Service' (SAS927) creates service definitions in 'Service. Open' (MOS300) with pricing in 'Service. Enter Prices' (MOS306) from a selected range of contract items in 'Contract Item. Open' (SAS450).

  4. 'Service Kit. Convert to Service' (SAS916)

    The auxiliary function 'Service kit. Convert to Service' (SAS916) creates service definitions in 'Service. Open' (MOS300) from a selected range of service kits in 'Service Kit. Open' (SOS450).

  5. 'Service Agreement. Convert to MAI' (SAS930)

    The auxiliary function 'SRV Agreement. Convert to MAI' (SAS930) creates maintenance agreements in 'Maint Agrmnt. Open' (COS410) from a selected range of service agreements in 'Service Agrmt. Open' (SAS100).

    Note: For converting price lists (SOS017), the RNT auxiliary function (STS913) should be used.

Recalculate the lowest level code

When the lowest level codes were calculated for products included in a structure loop (a product structure included in itself), the levels ended up with values greater than 97. After fixing the structure loop, the lowest level codes cannot be automatically recalculated. The reason is, it is impossible to determine which structure is the parent and at which level to start the recalculation.

'Product. Recalculate Lowest Level' (PDS914) is a function for recalculating lowest level codes when it is required, normally after correcting a structure loop. This is an alternative to 'Product. Re-create Lowest Levels' (PDS910) where all items get the level code recalculated. In PDS914 a 'Start Level' is between 10 and 80 and it is a level where the recalculation starts. Items with the lowest level equal or greater than the entered 'Start Level' are included in the recalculation.

Before the recalculation starts, all items, included in the selection, get the lowest level updated to the 'Start Level'. After recalculation is performed, the items included in product structures get the level updated to a greater value than the product where it is used.

For example, when specified 'Start Level' = 30, items included in a three-levels product structure, will get the following lowest level codes:

Item A = 30

Item B = 31

Item C = 32

Instead of the following, when recalculated using (PDS910):

Item A = 0

Item B = 1

Item C = 2