SLS - M3 BE Sales Management
COP - Customer Order Processing
'Batch Customer Order. File Transferred' (OIS080)
This function archives the records in these tables:
Table Description (TF=Transaction File, WF=Work File) OXLINE TF: Batch order line OXHEAD TF: Batch order header OXCNTR TF: Batch order, control records OXADRE TF: Batch order, addresses OSYTXH TF: Batch order, text header OSYTXL TF: Batch order, text lines OXCOPY WF: Copy parameters for batch orders OXQUOH TF: Batch order, CO quotation OXSREB TF: Manual Supplier Rebate – Batch order line OXCOLI TF: Batch order line TCERRM MF: Batch order, Error log file Note: Only batch orders in status 90 in 'Batch Customer Order. Open' (OIS275) are included in this archive function.The soft selection on customer order number in (OIS080) refers to the temporary customer order number, not the final customer order number.
'Customer Order. File Deleted' (OIS085)
The soft selection criteria in (OIS085) are the customer order number, customer number, order date, payer, and customer order type.
This function archives the records in these tables:
Table Description (TF=Transaction File) OOHEAD TF: Customer order header OOQUOH TF: Quotation order header Note: Only customer orders in status 90 can be archived. These orders were manually deleted in 'Customer Order. Open' (OIS100). -
'Customer Order. File' (OIS090)
This function archives customer orders.
Note: The statistics on orders received cannot be recreated in 'Order Received Stats. Re-create' (OSS990) based on the customer order lines if the customer orders are archived. The detailed information tracking for the customer order from a purchase order number is not available if the customer order line type is 1 or 2. The detailed information tracking between customer order and invoice number is also not available after the archiving.Customer orders in (OIS100) with a lowest status in the order header of 77 or 79 are included in the archiving. Customer orders with a lowest status of 66 can also be included in the archiving if invoicing is disabled for the customer order type.
The soft selection criteria in (OIS090) are the invoice date, accounting date, invoice number, customer order number, customer number, payer, delivery date, currency, and customer order type.
This function archives the records in these tables:
Table Description (TF=Transaction File) OOHEAD TF: Customer order header OOLINE TF: Customer order, detail lines OODOCU TF: Customer order, documents OOCHRG TF: Customer order, charges OOLICH TF: Item charges per order line OOADRE TF: Customer order, address OOPINV TF: Pre-payment invoice OSYTXH TF: Order text, header OSYTXL TF: Order text, lines ODHEAD TF: Delivery customer order, header ODLINE TF: Delivery customer order, detail lines ODDOCU TF: Delivery customer order, documents OORESC TF: Rescheduled customer order lines OKITDI MF: Kit discount amt converted to percentage OCUMOT MF: Cumulative amounts for order total disc - 'CO Invoice. Archive/Delete' (OIS701)
Only invoices that have the lowest status 90 in 'Invoice. Display' (OIS350) are included in this archive function.
The soft selection criteria in (OIS701) are the entry date, invoice number, payer, voucher number, status, and accounting date.
Invoices that have been paid in the cash desk must, however, be archived in 'CO Invoice. File' (OIS095).
This function archives the records in these tables:
Table Description (TF=Transaction File) OINVOH TF: Invoice header OINVOL TF: Invoice line OINACC TF: Invoice accounting CINXRF TF: Invoice number references CTAXLN TF: Tax calculation values OADDTX TF: Invoicing, additional tax description OICORR TF: Invoice correction OINREF TF: Invoice reference OIPRTD TF: Perception and Retention Tax Details -
'CO Invoice. File' (OIS095)
Only invoices that have the lowest status 90 in (OIS350) are included in this archive function.
The soft selection criteria in (OIS095) are the entry date, invoice number, payer, voucher number, status, accounting date, and filing transaction.
This function archives the records in these tables:
Table Description (TF=Transaction File) OINVOH TF: Invoice header OINVOL TF: Invoice line OINACC TF: Invoice accounting OPAYMH TF: Payments OPAYMD TF: Payments details OINREF TF: Invoice reference OIPRTD TF: Perception and Retention Tax Details -
'Bulk Order Batch. Archive' (OIS945)
Note: Only bulk order batch transactions with status 90 and work in progress at 0 are included in this archive function.
The soft selection criteria in (OIS945) are the bulk order batch origin, customer, message no, blanket agreement no, and start date.
This function archives the records in these tables:
Table Description (TF=Transaction File) OXBETR TF: Bulk order - batch entry transactions OXGRLN TF: Customer agreement - lines Batch OXGRPR TF: Customer agreement - price Batch -
'Delivery Schedule. Archive' (RSS190) archives
customer delivery schedules viewed in 'Delivery Schedule. Display History'
Records from these tables are archived:
Table Description (TF=Transaction File) ORAHED TF: Historical delivery schedules, Head ORAITM TF: Historical delivery schedules, Item ORACUM TF: Historical delivery schedules, Cum ORADNR TF: Historical delivery schedules, Del Note ORAADR TF: Historical delivery schedules, Addresses ORAINS TF: Historical delivery schedules, Instr -
'Customer Return. Archive/Delete' (OIS094)
The soft selection criteria in (OIS094) are the return date, warehouse, receiving number, customer, status credit, CO type, and lowest status.
This function archives the records in these tables:
Table Description (TF=Transaction File) OCHEAD TF: Customer returns header OCLINE TF: Customer returns - lines ORINSP MF: Inspection statistics OSYTXH TF: Customer returns, text header OSYTXL TF: Customer returns, text lines
SST - Sales Statistics and Performance
'Sales Statistics. File' (OSS080)
The only possible selection in (OSS080) is 'To invoice date'.
This function archives the records in this table:
Table Description (TF=Transaction File) OSBSTD TF: Sales statistics/details
- 'Sales Statistics Details. Archive/Delete' (OSS085)
This function archives or deletes records of sales statistics details.
Archiving or deletion of records is executed with respect to the archiving policy set for (OSS085) in 'Archiving. Open Toolbox' (AMS100). The archiving policy sets a minimum period that data must remain in the system before it can be archived or deleted. If the 'Archiving Policy 1' field is left blank, the process does not consider any policy.
If the user is logged in with a specific division, that division is used in (OSS085). If the user is logged in with a blank division, the user can specify the division to be used for archiving or deletion in the division field in (OSS085).
Note: Only sales statistics details that have record status equal to or greater than 77 can be archived or deleted with this function.This function archives and deletes the records in this table:
Table Description OSASTD HF: Order sales statistic/Detail
POS - Point of Sales Integration
'Sales Ticket Entry. File Transferred' (OPS080)
The selection criteria in (OPS080) are Facility, Warehouse, Transaction date, and Entry date.
Note: Only sales ticket entries that have Record status equal to 80 are included in this archive function.This function archives the records in these tables:
Table Description (TF=Transaction File) OPSALE TF: Sales ticket input OXSALE TF: Sales ticket stat info OXSCTR TF: Sales ticket batch order OXSERR TF: Sale ticket control OPSTAT TF: Sales ticket control error related -
'Sales Ticket Financial Info. File Transferred'
The soft selection criteria in (OPS090) are Facility, Warehouse, Accounting date, and Entry date.
Note: Only sales ticket entries that have Record status equal to 80 are included in this archive function.This function archives the records in this table:
Table Description (TF=Transaction File) OPWFIN TF: Sales ticket finance input