Connect User to User Group

This document explains how you group users depending on their role or responsibility by connecting them to a user group. These groups are then used when defining access to information in M3.

Before you start

  • A user must be defined in 'User. Open' (MNS150).
  • User groups must be defined in 'User Group. Open' (CRS004).

Follow these steps

  1. Start 'User. Open' (MNS150) and the B panel is displayed.

  2. Select a user and select option 11=User ID. The B panel in 'User. Access per Company Division' (MNS151) is then displayed.

  3. On the B panel, select the company/division to which you want the user to be authorized to connect to. Press Enter and the E panel is displayed.

  4. On the E panel, specify the user group in the 'User group – object access' field. Press Enter and you will return to the B panel in (MNS151).

  5. Repeat the procedure from step 3 to connect the user to user groups in other companies/divisions.


You have connected a user to a user group, and by doing so have given the user the authorization to have access to and maintain certain records.

Connecting users to user groups is the final step in the process of activating object access control. This prevents unauthorized users from being able to maintain records in master files.

A list of object access groups can be printed through 'Object Access Group. Print' (SES505).

Note: The same user could be connected to different user groups (for object access) in different companies and/or divisions. If the specific combination of company and division is missing for a certain user, the record containing company and 'blank' division will be used when performing the authority check.