Define Output Selection based on User

This document explains how you define the output selection for available printer files based on the user who requests the output. Together with potentially thousands of users, the setup must be flexible enough to suit groups of users or printer files, and be specific enough to suit a single user and printer file combination.


Use 'Output Service Selection. Open' (MNS204) to define the output service connected to a printer file and user.

The following read logic is applied when running an Output function until a record is found in (MNS204):

Sequence Division User Printer file
01 X X X
02 X Blank X
03 X X First 2 positions
04 X Blank First 2 positions
05 X X Blank
06 X Blank Blank
07 Blank X X
08 Blank Blank X
09 Blank X First 2 positions
10 Blank Blank First 2 positions
11 Blank X Blank
12 Blank Blank Blank

Hold output

When testing a new output service, it is useful to hold the output and not distribute it to the output server. This is done by selecting the 'Hold output' field on (MNS204/E). The output is always distributed to 'Output. Manage per Job' (MNS270).

The 'Hold output' field is now activated for Infor Document Management (IDM) service IDs for both single and double interfaces.

Confirm output

Indicates if media settings are confirmed before an Output job is started. The program used for confirmation is either (MNS212) or (MNS215) depending on parameter 'Program for confirmation of output job' in (CMS700).

Select media

In 'Output Media Selection. Open' (MNS205), the media information is connected to a printer file and user. The media information is then included in the output and used by an external Output Management application.

In 'Settings – Output Management' (CMS700), the user can set where the field 'Location' in (MNS205) will pick its value from. If the check box 'Use 'User Location' in output media selection' in (CMS700) is selected, the user’s 'User location' field value in (MNS150) is used as the value of the field 'Location' in (MNS205) during the media output selection. If the check box in (CMS700) is not selected, the field 'Location' in (MNS205) is not considered, and the calling program is used as its value instead.

Multiple media records can be set for the same printer file and user. The following read logic is applied when running an output function until a record is found in (MNS205), and the check box in (CMS700) is not selected:

Sequence Division Printer file User
01 X X X
02 X X Blank
03 X First 2 positions X
04 X First 2 positions Blank
05 X Blank X
06 X Blank Blank
07 Blank X X
08 Blank X Blank
09 Blank First 2 positions X
10 Blank First 2 positions Blank
11 Blank Blank X
12 Blank Blank Blank

If the check box in (CMS700) is selected, the following read logic is applied instead:

Sequence Division Printer file User Location
01 X X X X
02 X X X Blank
03 X X Blank X
04 X X Blank Blank
05 X First 2 positions X X
06 X First 2 positions X Blank
07 X First 2 positions Blank X
08 X First 2 positions Blank Blank
09 X Blank X X
10 X Blank X Blank
11 X Blank Blank X
12 X Blank Blank Blank
13 Blank X X Blank
14 Blank X Blank Blank
15 Blank First 2 positions X Blank
16 Blank First 2 positions Blank Blank
17 Blank Blank X Blank
18 Blank Blank Blank Blank

Depending on the media that you have selected for the printer file, one of the E, F, G, or H panels is displayed.

Connect printer file to printer (E panel)


  • Printer file
  • Default printer names
  • Whether field heading and contents are to be displayed
  • Overlay
  • Printer tray
  • Bin
  • Number of copies
  • Paper size
  • Whether to send the document to the archive.
  • Interface - identify the output to be created, either an XML or a CSV file. 'Field interface' is only applicable once the set value in (CMS005) is 1-'Override is allowed'.

Connect printer file to email (F panel)


  • To email - indicates the recipient's email address.
  • From email - indicates the sender's email address. A validation is done to check if the sender's email address domain is correct. If invalid, from email address is replaced by a default from email address.
  • Copy to email address - indicates the email's cc address.
  • To email group - indicates the unique email group ID.
  • Whether field heading and content are to be displayed
  • Subject
  • Note
  • Mail text
  • Attached file
  • Modification – used to generate multiple documents from the same job, to be output using different Word/Excel templates.
  • Interface - identify the output to be created, either an XML or a CSV file. 'Field interface' is only applicable once the set value in (CMS005) is 1-'Override is allowed'.
  • Filename mtd - indicates how the output filename should be generated using the IDM service ID. It can be set as 00-'Job number', 01-'Filename', or 02-'Filename and job number'.
  • Filename - the output filename set by the user when filename method is either set to 01 or 02. Predefined and user-defined constants can also be used.
  • Group Content – indicates whether all output directed to the recipients for the selected media should be grouped into one output and email. Note that this option is only available for PDF outputs produced by service IDs that uses communication type 3-'IDM Output Management Single Interface' or 6-'IDM Output Management Double Interface'.

Connect printer file to fax (G panel)


  • Receiver's fax number
  • Whether field heading and content are to be displayed
  • Priority of the fax
  • Send time for the document
  • Whether to send the document to the archive.

Connect printer file to file (H panel)


  • Printer file and location
  • Path and destination files
  • File suffix - if not specified, PDF is used
  • Generic name method
    Note: If method '0' is selected, there is a risk that the file name might not be unique. Therefore, a second file may overwrite the first file generated.
  • Whether to send the document to the archive.

Connect printer file to archive (J panel)

  • Interface - identify the output to be created, either an XML or a CSV file. 'Field interface' is only applicable once the set value in (CMS005) is '1' or 'Allowed override'.

Confirm output service and media settings

If the 'Confirm output' field on (MNS204/E) has been selected, either (MNS212) or (MNS215) is displayed when manually running an output function (depending on parameter 01-'Program for confirmation of output job' in (CMS700)).

'Output. Select Media' (MNS212)

  • The listed media is always based on (MNS205) setup for printer file or user
  • Settings from (MNS205) can be overridden in (MNS212) for the job
  • Confirmation is done by using function key F14
  • All media listed are included in the output job if not manually deleted from the list.

'Output. Select Media' (MNS215)

  • The listed media is always based in the (MNS205) setup for printer file or user (exactly the same logic as in (MNS212)).
  • Settings from (MNS205) can be overridden in (MNS215) for the job
  • Confirmation is done using function key F8 (to be able to use keyboard key)
  • The selection keys from (MNS204) and (MNS205) are displayed using function key F7
  • The media to be included is selected by selecting check boxes
  • At confirmation, only the selected media are included for the job
  • The selected media for the job is saved to be used as default for the next job
  • Printer ID can be edited directly from the list
  • The parameter 'Update value' in (MNS205) indicates if the record in (MNS205) should be updated based on any changes done in (MNS215) before submitting the output job. The changes are then saved and used as default for the next job.