Define Company and Divisions


Company and divisions are defined as legal units.

Each division is used as a legal unit with its own general ledger, sales statistics, etc.

A blank division must be defined to be used for central tables such as the item, customer, and supplier tables.

Consolidated divisions can be used for consolidation purposes only, primarily for combined sales statistics and financial reporting.

An MUC environment can affect the system in varying degrees.

Before you start

In an MUC configuration the prerequisites are specified in the topic 'Configuration for Multiple Unit Coordination (MUC)'. The link to this topic is in the Related topics section.

Automatic Generation of System Calendar and System Periods

The field 'Generated calendar years' is used when system calendar and system periods are to be generated automatically through the fix program F16MMSYS01. The field enables the user to set how many years ahead the system calendar and periods are generated. If the number of years is not specified, meaning if the field is left blank or has the value 0, the default value of two years is used. You can use values between 2-99. However, if automatic generation is not required, specify -1 in the field.

When F16MMSYS01 is run, it checks the date of the current day together with 'Generated calendar years' in 'Company. Open' (MNS095) to see if there are enough years in the system calendar and periods for each division and company. When the generation is run, the calendar settings in 'System Calendar. Create Days' (CRS905) are used. By using action F14 in (CRS905), you can set your own, customized calendar settings as the standard settings.

F16MMSYS01 does not generate system period types that do not exist at the time of the generation – it always looks at the current year to see which types exist and therefore which to generate. For example, in year 2021, the period types 1, 2, and 3 exist. When the generation is started in year 2021, only the types 1, 2, and 3 are generated for X years ahead. The types 4, 5, and 9 exist for year 2019 only and are therefore not included. This is to avoid generation of system periods that are not used. If the current year does not have any system periods at all at the time of the generation, the periods are still generated. The types to generate in this case are the ones specified in 'Company. Connect Division' (MNS100) for each company and division.

F16MMSYS01 is run after each patch to check if there are enough years generated. Since the patching is done in the middle of the month, F16MMSYS01 must check based on the following month if there are enough years generated. If there are years already generated, the fix program does nothing. If generation is required, the fix program generates the entire years, see example below.

When the calendar and system periods have been generated, an M3 application message is sent to the system admin person that calendar and system periods were created for division x, year y. If there is an error, and the system calendar or system periods are not generated, an M3 application message is also sent to the system admin person.

For example, years 2022-2023 already exist in 'System Calendar. Open' (CRS900) and 'System Calendar. Open Period' (CRS910), the new setting 'Generated calendar years' in (MNS095) contains the value 2 (meaning system calendar and system periods should exist 2 years into the future), and the generation starts in April 2022. The fix program then checks if May exists 2 years from 2022 – May 2023 exists, but not May 2024. The entire year of 2024, January-December, is then generated. Next month, in May 2022, the fix program checks if June exists 2 years from 2022 – both June 2023 and June 2024 exist. Therefore, the fix program does nothing more, until next month when it checks again.

Follow these steps to define a company

  1. Start 'Company. Open' (MNS095/B).

    The instruction is based on panel sequence E.

  2. Specify a three-position numeric identity for the company and select New.
  3. On the E panel, select alternative 2 = 'Several units' as the company type.
  4. Specify the currency and exchange rate type.

    The currency and exchange rate type are essential for financial reporting and sales statistics.

  5. Define other company-specific information. Press Enter and F3.

Follow these steps to define divisions

Note: You must define three types of divisions: a blank division, a consolidated division and the other, ordinary, divisions.
  1. Start 'Company. Connect Division' (MNS100/B).

    The instruction is based on panel sequence EFG.

  2. Define a division, by specifying the company identity and a three-position, alphanumeric identity for the division. Select New.
  3. On the E panel, specify the company-specific fields, for example the 'Panel line 2' and 'Panel line 3' fields. Press Enter. On the F panel, specify the period types fields. Press Enter. On the G panel, specify the company-specific fields. Press Enter.

    At this stage if you are not aware of the correct basic data, such as currency and facility, dummy values can be specified. You can change these values later.

  4. Return to step 1 to define the other types of divisions until all divisions are defined.

Follow these steps to specify switch division commands (optional)

  1. Start 'Function. Open' (MNS110/B).

    The instruction is based on panel sequence EF.

  2. On the B panel, specify a switch division command function and select New.

    The commands for switching between divisions are named CMPAAABBB, where AAA is the company identity and BBB is the division identity.

  3. On the E panel, specify component group SYS.
  4. Specify function category CMP, since this is a general company function.
  5. Specify the command AAABBB, where AAA is the company identity and BBB is the division identity. Press Enter.
  6. On the F panel, specify the necessary language-dependent information. Press Enter.
  7. Return to step 1 to define more commands. Press F3.

Follow these steps to assign authorization to divisions

  1. Start 'User. Open' (MNS150/B).

    The instruction is based on panel sequence E.

  2. On the B panel, select option 11='User ID' for the user you want to give authorization to.

    'Authorization. Specify for Company' (MNS151) is started.

  3. On (MNS151/B), specify the company and division which the user can access. Select New.
  4. On the E panel, no fields have to be entered. Press Enter.
  5. Return to step 1 to authorize more users. Press F3 to return to (MNS150/B).
  6. On (MNS150/B), update the system with the user changes that you made by selecting option 21='Update user ID' for the user(s). Press F3.

Parameters to set

This table shows the parameters required in defining a company:

Program ID/Panel Field The field indicates …
(MNS095/E) Company type … the legal units that the company consists of.

Valid alternative:

2 = Several legal units - MUC
Note: This alternative is selected even if you are required to use only one division.
(MNS095/E) Central currency … the currency used by the company for sales statistics and financial reporting.

This table shows the parameters required in defining a division:

Program ID/Panel Field The field indicates ...
(MNS100/B) Division … a division, which represents a legal unit within a company.
Three types of divisions must be defined when using MUC:
  1. Blank division

    The blank division is used for defining central users and users with the authorization to update the central files such as the item, customer and supplier files. Central users can also process information in other divisions without having to switch divisions. This is possible by displaying the Division field for central users when in different programs. The central user can then specify the division desired.

  2. Consolidated division

    The consolidated division receives statistical information that indicates the sales value from the charging division(s) and the cost value from the delivery division(s). The connection between other divisions and the consolidated division are defined in 'Settings - Internal Invoicing' (MFS010).

  3. Divisions

    The other divisions defined correspond to the company's legal units. To these divisions you connect facilities, warehouses and locations.

(MNS100/E) Panel line 2

Panel line 3

… the text on the second and the third line on the screen, and in all reports.

The second line usually displays the M3 version and the third line usually displays the name of the company and division for which the database applies.

Tip: If you specify name of division and currency code in the 'Panel line3' field, it will help you in configuring the system. When finished, you can change or delete the text if necessary.

(MNS100/F) Period type … the type of period that is used in each application.

Examples of period types include week, month, quarter, half year and year.

Period types are defined in (CRS910).

(MNS100/F) Number of period type 1, 2 ,3 etc. … the number of periods per year included in a period type.

Example: MPM has period type month with 12 periods per year. FAM has period type quarter with 4 periods per year.

(MNS100/G) Facility … the facility which the user will be connected to when logging on to M3, if it is not defined in 'User. Open' (MNS150).

If the facility is not yet known, a dummy value, which is not controlled by M3, can be specified.

(MNS100/G) Warehouse … the warehouse to which the user will be connected when logging on to M3, if it is not defined in 'User. Open' (MNS150).

If the warehouse is not yet known, a dummy value can be specified.

(MNS100/G) Local currency … the currency used by the division.

If the currency is not yet known, a dummy value can be specified.

This table shows the parameters required in defining commands to switch between divisions:

Program ID/Panel Field The field indicates ...
(MNS110/B) Function … the user-defined name of a function or menu that is managed in the M3 menu system.

In this case, a function is defined as a command to switch between divisions.

  • CMP511 = Switch to company 511, division blank
  • CMP511AAA = Switch to company 511, division AAA
  • CMPCON = Switch to company CON (consolidated).
(MNS110/B) Component group … a three-position identity for the component group to which each function belongs.

When defining a switch company command, specify component group SYS.

(MNS110/E) Function category .. the function type that is used to groups functions into categories.
Valid alternatives:
  • WRK = 'Work with function'
  • DSP = 'Display function'
  • FNC = 'Function'
  • LST = 'Printout'
  • PGM = 'Other function'
  • MNU = 'Menu'
  • CMD = 'Command'
  • TXT = 'Text'
  • LNG = 'Language function'
  • CMP = 'Company function'
  • GRP = 'Function group'
  • VER = 'MRP version'

When defining a switch company command, specify function category CMP.

(MNS110/E) Command … which OS/400 command should be associated with each function.

When defining a switch company command, specify command CMP.

(MNS110/F) Function name … the language depended name of the function.

Example: A menu name where the ordinary function is the English menu name, but where each language may have a separate name on the menu. Other functions may also be given language dependent names.

This table shows the parameters required in assigning authorizations to divisions:

Program ID/Panel Field The field indicates ...
(MNS150/B) User … a unique identity of a user in the system. The user is assigned authorization to division(s).
(MNS151/B) Company


… the company and division previously defined which the user should have authorization to access.

Russia-specific master data

The functionality must be set up for divisions configured with country version RU on 'Company. Connect Division' (MNS100/L).

Once the functionality has been set up, the Russia-specific master data is stored in the corresponding Russia master tables.
  1. Start 'Company. Connect Division' (MNS100) and include panel X (Country specific) in the sequence.
  2. Navigate to 'Division RU. Open' (CRRU01). Specify values in the required fields and click Next.
  3. The options Change, Delete, and Display can be used. The Delete option deletes both the division master and Russia-specific master data for division.