Running a batch job with auto start job subsystem stopped

If you want to run a batch job with no autojobs running you have to shut down the subsystem for auto start jobs and then start CMNGJOB.

  1. Shut down the subsystem for auto start jobs

    Enter the Management Pages and shutdown the subsystem.

  2. Start CMNGJOB

    Click on Run. The ''Run job'' window is displayed.

    Enter CMNGJOB (Auto Start Job Driver). Select Auto in the 'Type' field. Click Run.

    To be able to run a batch job, CMNGJOB must run.

  3. Run the batch job

    Run the batch job.

  4. Start the subsystem for auto start jobs

    Enter CSRVASJ. You can select Batch in the 'Type' field. Click Run.

    This starts all auto start jobs that are stopped. All auto start jobs you want the system to run must be defined in 'Subsystem. Job. Open' (MNS051).