Invoice Specification - COS900

The auto start job 'Invoice Specification' (COS900) creates records for invoice specification transactions for Maintenance customer orders, and retrieves sales price and costing for reported operation, material, and subcontracting transactions from a work order.

Programs that create records in the ASJ table

Program Description
COS101 Maint CO. Open Line
COS115 Maint Quotation. Open Information
COS130 Maint CO. Quick Entry
COS170 Maint Invoice. Open Specification
COS171 Fnc: Call for update of invoice specification
MMS905 Fnc: Stock transactions - External functions
MMS915 Fnc: Planning overview - External functions
MOS071 Fnc: Report Maintenance operations - External f.
MOS074 Report Maintenance operations - External f.
MOS105 WO material and operations - detail
PPS322 Handling external repair
PPS324 Handling external purchase

Input parameters - COS900

Field name Description Size
IUCONO Company 3,0
IUTTYP Stock transaction type 2,0
IUATOR To order number 10
IUATPO To order line 3,0
IURORC Reference order category 1,0
IURORN Reference order number 10
IURORL Reference order line 6,0
IUALI1 Transaction number 5,0
IUALNT Line type 1,0
IUAFUN Function type 1
IUGSR1 Job reference 1 15
IUGSR2 Job reference 2 15
IUTXT1 Text line 1 60
IUTXT2 Text line 2 60
IUOPDS Operation description 30
IUFACI Facility 3
IUWHLO Warehouse 3
IUPRCS Service process 3
IUSUFI Service 20
IUITNO Item number 15
IUSTRT Product structure type 3
IUWHSL Location 10
IUBANO Lot number 12
IUCAMU Container 12
IUREPN Receiving number 10,0
IUAUSE Used 1,0
IUAEXH Exchange 1,0
IUTRQT Transaction quantity - basic U/M 15,6
IUUMAT Used labor run time 7,2
IUUPIT Used machine run time 7,2
IUUSET Used machine setup time 7,2
IUUMAS Used labor setup time 7,2
IUMAQT Manufactured quantity 15,6
IUREND Manual completion flag 1,0
IUREMK Remark 30
IUUNIT Unit of measure 3
IUASP1 Sales price 15,2
IUAHPR Handling charge 15,2
IUPLGR Work center 8
IUPCTP Costing type 1
IUOPNO Operation number 4,0
IURIDN Order number 10
IURIDL Order line 6,0
IURIDI Order index 3,0
IUYEA4 Year 4,0
IUVONO Voucher number 8,0
IUVSER Voucher number series 3
IUAMCH Machine time 1,0
IUANDY Number of days 5,0
IUAMTY Miscellaneous cost types 6
IUTRDT Transaction date 8,0
IUTRTM Transaction time 6,0
IUTMSX Time suffix 3,0
IUTRPR Inventory accounting price 17,6
IUAQUO Quotation 1,0
IUMAUP Manually updated 1,0
IURSCD Transaction reason 3
IUCHID Changed by 10
IUPYNO Payer 10
IUPYAG Payer agreement 10
IUASP9 Split code 1,0
IUCFGL Configuration position 15
IUATNR Attribute number 17,0
IUREWK Rework 1,0
IUEMNO Employee number 10
IUACTR Work element 10
IUTSTM Timestamp 26

External parameters - COS900

Parameter Specified in
Detail job ref COS895, panel E
Standard rate type CRS780, panel E
Costing type - ordering cost PCS001, panel E
Costing model - product cost

PCS001, panel E

PCS001, panel E

Subtotal - standard cost
Issue warning message at what percent of max value CRS789, panel F

Updated tables - COS900

Table Description
ACUORH TF: Order Head
ACUORL TF: Order Line
ACUINV TF: Order invoice time & material & subcontracting & misc. & loan
ACUPER TF: Order period costs
ACUOLS MF: Order line summary
CSYTAB MF: System tables

Input parameters - COS900

Name Description
ASJ: None
Functions: CRTVMIT Fnc: Fetch record from table MITWHL
CRTVMOO Fnc: Fetch record from table MMOOPE
CRTMOM Fnc: Fetch record from table MMOMAT
COS913 Fnc: Update ACUORL and MMOHED status
COS914 Fnc: Retreive ordertype parameters
COS916 Fnc: Retrieve workcenter prices
CLCCUR Fnc: Calculate to/from currency amount
CCOMCHK Fnc: Check Components in model
PPS323 Fnc: Change owner when exchange in
PPS298 Fnc: Move purchase calc. - move
PPS106 Fnc: Retreive purchase price and discounts
CORTVPPR Fnc: Retrieve sales price list from customer
CRS428 Fnc: Generate automatic mail